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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

The New World Order Horror Movement in America & Europe

The European Union & United Nations are powerhouses for the road towards a new world order. The pro-euro elitists are using the economic crisis to try gaining more power. These pro-euro elitists include German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the European Commission Jose Barraso as leading examples. Greece, France, & the United Kingdom are experiencing rises in euroscepticism & nationalism which are a threat to the new world order.

Bilderberg elitist Angela Merkel stated “To Have A Real WORLD ORDER You Must Surrender Sovereignty & Rights” This is a very scary situation to be in since world government is actually slavery. A world government would be the most powerful nation state on earth that seeks to enslave the non-ruling class. Merkel is the most dangerous & most powerful person in Western Europe who seeks a fourth reich bringing a new world order & making the European Union the United States of Europe.

The 2012 Presidential election in France is now between Socialist Party nominee Francois Hollande & Union for Popular Movement incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy. Both candidates represent the establishment with Sarkozy trying to gain support of France's far-right on the issue of immigration. Sarkozy is just as much a friend of the new world order as Merkel. The EU summit concluded Thursday with European leaders vowing to work with other nations “toward a reform of the international financial system
Sarkozy has said around October 17, 2008. Sarkozy is the Richard Nixon/George W. Bush of France & I highly doubt he will abandon the European Union under any circumstances. Luckily, National Front nominee Marine Le Pen won 17.9% (6,421,426) of the vote in the first round which is just 9.28% (3,332,203) behind Sarkozy. Hollande won the most plurality of the votes. The National Front advocates divorce from the European Union & the euro, zero tolerance approach on law & order issues, strict limits on immigration, & isolationism.

Francois Hollande is no more promising than Sarkozy. The former still favors the European Union but is not as extreme as Sarkozy on this issue. Another candidate in the 2012 French Presidential election who was the Left Front's nominee Jean-Luc Melenchon placed in fourth receiving 11.1% of the vote. He too along with the Left Front advocates divorce from the European Union & the euro by abandoning the treaty of Lisbon. The Left Front is a far-left communist party.

As the European economic crisis worsens, France will have a huge nationalist sentiment rising & I predict that if the crisis gets really bad, Marine Le Pen will be elected president of France in 2017 where the only way to liberate France from the Eurocrisis is to abandon the Euro & the Eurozone, & reintroduce the French Franc as France's currency. A vote for Le Pen is a vote for rejecting the New World Order & the European Union.

What's really scary about the New World Order is militarized peacekeeping & UN's Agenda 21.

Agenda 21 is a trojan horse plan to deprive people of private property & right to travel freely as well as raise a family in lovely neighborhoods. Agenda 21 is a plot for world government. Although it starts at the local level, it will make its way to the world, creating a weapon for new world order.

What even scarier is that Agenda 21 creates forced relocations & the genocide of millions, around 80% of the population.

The three evil points of Agenda 21 are:

1. Abolition of private property, which was what Karl Marx advocated in his Communist Manifesto
2. Global Citizenship education program, another plank in Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto(the complete control over education.)
3. Control over & massive reduction of the population. Humans would be relocated from wildlife areas to smart growth communities, which will be like dystopian cities like in the former Soviet Union.

World Government is the Democrat & Republican's plans. George Bush Sr. made a speech about how wonderful the new world order would be where law is concentrated into the hands of elites.

The fiat money system makes people poorer. I suggest taking the following steps to transition away from fiat money:

1. Use alternative currency such as bartering & using gold & silver if possible. Trade all those greenbacks for gold & silver
2. Have access to  food & water. The revolution's coming to America & it won't be pretty.
3. Be debt-free. Being in debt subjigates you to new world order.
4. Renounce all government identification documents & go underground.
5. Seek & support the black market for outlawed necessities such as in certain cases firearms.

There's also a rising far-right political party in Greece called the Golden Dawn which could make it's way towards parliment by the endo f the decade. It has a flag similar to the nazi-swastika. The Golden Dawn is also opposed to the European Union & euro. The Golden Dawn is a Greek Ultra-Nationalist movement. Both the National Front(France) & the Golden Dawn(Greece) are political parties opposed to the new world order & are credible allies to those opposing the new world order & world government.

Another movement that seeks to secede from New Fascist Italy is Veneto State, which seeks to recreate the former Republic of Venice from the province of Veneto & Northeast Italy. This movement is mostly libertarian & represents a block to new world order including the defiance of Rome's fascist fiscal policies. It's unknown if Veneto state is pro-european union or eurosceptic but what is for sure is that Veneto State represents Venetian Seperatism & Libertarianism.

It's also speculated that Spain & Portugal seek to abandon the euro but that is not yet confirmed. What I do know is that National Front France & Golden Dawn Greece will resist the European Union & be hotbeds for ultra-nationalism.

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