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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Self-Determination & Objectivist Movement

I must explain what my plans are for true reform if there is going to be any real progress towards freedom & independence. I hope to create a domestic & international coalition of independent Conservative & Libertarian parties in joining the movement to alter or abolish our governments without red tape or flawed fraudulant democracy. Being sovereign doesn't just mean electing politicians every two to six years but also means having direct means of controlling government such as jury nullification & direct democracy(initiative). Nearly all Western democracies have major political parties that are mainstream establishments expanding government. However, I have real reforms that will help collapse the establishment non-violently.

1.Abandon legal tender & adopt free market solutions to currency & means of exchange(gold, silver, barter, etc.)
2.Eliminate bureaucracy from the marketplace & adopt anarcho-capitalism as a state
3.Privatize nearly all government services gradually such as police, firefighters, hospitals, roads, schools, civil courts, justice, armed services, state & national parks, etc.
4.Make most government revenue non-taxes with immigration tariffs used for revenue for non-discretionary spending such as paying off debts.
5.Increase protections for civil liberties & adopt a zero-tolerace for infringement on civil liberties(meaning that infringements are unjustified).
6.Simplify the judicial system by seperating the functions of each type of court such as Civil Courts being private, Criminal Courts being state-owned but with Grand Juries acting as pre-trial magistrates & petit juries acting as tribunals with the jury foreman presiding requiring a unanimous ruling to convict in criminal court & sentencing being by majority vote from jurors & unanimous vote for the death penalty. Appeal courts for defendants appealing lower criminal court decisions such as the outcome of the trial & conviction will be handled by private jurors who will be reviewing the case. The types of courts will be catagorized by Civil, Criminal, Consitutional, & ethics courts & their appeal courts.
7.Elimination of laws requiring licenses & certification for any activity or occupation including but not limited to practicing medicine & law, driving on roads, owning property, operating a business, building a house.
8.Use revenue collected from passports for government expenditures.
9.Adopt a civic nationalist immigration policy charging immigrants a fee to obtain permanent residence & freemanship after meeting other requirements.
10.Eject terrorists, biologically dangerous persons, parasites, illiterates, & habitual criminals from the homeland.
11.Require paper ballots for elections, majority elections regardless of political parties, direct democracy, & referendum approval before bills can become law.
12.No special privilages to any civil servant, individual, corperation, organization as the law will apply to everyone, including those who passed it.
13.End Social & Corperate welfare & privatize entitlement programs gradually while paying obligations made to seniors.
14.Auction off all government property under the management of the Treasury Department.
15.Guarentee that no individual has an obligation to serve the state.

I describe this movement as Paleoconservative, libertarian, nationalist, populist, anti-corperatist, anti-communist, capitalist, & liberally democratic.

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