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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Fascists & National Socialists in New York City Arrest Bruce Willis' Daughter Scout on Underage Drinking/Fake ID Charges(June 5-6)

The NYPD or should I say Gestapo led by Commisioner Raymond Kelly & Mini-Fuhrer Mike Bloomberg arrest many good people like Scout Willis on victimless charges such as in her case underage drinking & fake ID possession which alone have no identifiable victim. Her 21st birthday is in july of this year yet the reason for her arrest other than the New York penal code is that one, her brain wasn't developed enough until her 21st birthday & second she was too imature to responsibly drink beer despite being eligable for adult sentances such as life imprisonment & capital punishment(which is non-existent in New York). Adult responsibilities but youth apartheid truly questions & casts doubt on the constitutionality of the drinking age imposed by force on age of majority youth. Hell there was a young man named Lionel Tate of Florida who became the youngest person sentanced to life without parole for a crime he committed when he was 11. Eleven year olds aren't even adolecents yet an 11-12 year old at the time of the crime could still receive adult consequences.

I'm all for personal responsibility & being held accountable for actions but the arrest of Scout Willis goes too far by breaching due process rights. Ok now how can someone be unaware of the consequences of their actions for drinking, driving, & gun ownership yet be held criminally & civilly responsible for drunk driving, vehicular manslaughter, & firearm crimes? It doesn't make sense. It's like prosecuting a dog for any crime because even though dogs are clearly not humans & don't enjoy the same civil rights as humans. Same goes for children. The reason children do not have adult rights such as signing into contracts is because they are considered too immature for that. If that's the case then children should NOT be punished as adults, plain & simple although they would still have the obligation to pay restitution to their victim(s).

Due process position on this is simple: Children under age of majority cannot be forced to face adult consequences & Adults over age of majority cannot have ANY adult rights infringed on requiring Scout Willis's charges & upcoming convictions overturned just like the legal drinking age & any convicted of violating it.

The fascists, national socialists, progressives, & communists reject due process as a barrier to their power, which is something most government bureaucracies favor. Mike Bloomberg is one of the fascist-national socialists favoring regulations on what people can eat & drink such as the recent large soda ban. They favor gun control because gun ownership is a check on tyranny & thus threatens the power of the regime.

Tyrannical government & corrupt democratic systems are what raise moral for direct violent resistance against government agencies such as the IRS when a patriotic victim of IRS oppression Joe Stack flew his piper dakota plane into the audit section of the IRS building in Austin, Texas on February 18, 2010. I want to apologize for insulting Vernon Hunter because even though he was decent as a person, he still was working for the enemy. It's nothing personal, just resisting government tyranny. Patriots & the government are at war with each other with patriots fighting for restoration of the constitutional republic verses government fighting for the current regime & resisting any attempts by militant patriots to restore American constitutionalism.

There was a 21 year old man named Oscar Ortuega who on November 11, 2011 went to the White House in Washington D.C. on a mission to assassinate Fuhrer Obama which of course failed because Obama was not in the White House at the time. I have to compare Ortuega's attempt to assassinate the American Fuhrer to the 20 July Plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler & overthrow the Nazis in 1944 on grounds that Obama can be easily compared to Adolf Hitler & Joseph Stalin's dictatorships.

I'm not implying that people should assassinate the president but I favor armed resistance against any law enforcement officer or any armed force member trying to indefinitely detain anyone under the NDAA. Gun ownership is the biggest fear of tyrannical government because if people have the ability to resist secret police & regime militaries, then people will no longer fear the government like they do in North Korea.

Bottom line: children should be raise by parents & parents should not be punished for the way they raise their children so long as it is not ACTUAL child abuse or neglect & adults MUST have ALL adult rights without exception.

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