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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How The American Civil War Could Have Ended Differently

1862 was a notable year for America. It was the second year in the South's war for independence. Two major war crimes perpetrated by Union generals during this year included General Sherman's rape & plunder of Atlanta plus General Butler's blood bath of New Orleans.

Robert E. Lee was one of the greatest military geniuses in history who bravely led the Confederacy during the American Civil War. One of the major assets the Confederacy had was slaves, which could have been used as troops for the Confederacy & then granted freedom once the war was won. Union General Winfield Scott crafted his anaconda plan which created a blockade against the Confederate States.

The Battle of Gettysburg was a very notable battle in which the Confederacy advanced into Union territory in the third year of the Civil War. This is important because it represented a breach against the blockade imposed by the Union. Plus, had the Confederacy prevailed at Gettysburg, that would have been a turning point in the South's favor, inspiring resistence movements in the North as well. South California below the 35th-36th parallel would have seceded & joined the Confederacy in order to help the South win independence from the Union.

A Southern victory at Gettysburg would have increased Confederate moral & decrease Union moral as the Union would be tainted by war crimes of aggression. The false emancipation proclaimation would have never been in effect because the Confederate government bought many of the slaves during the first & second years for use in the civil war.

The Union found out about the material support granted to the Confederacy by the British & French & Lincoln orders an attack on British & French ships. During the 1864-65 term of the Civil War, the British & French call in their navies to aid the Confederacy by breaking up the blockade. Important supplies such as weapons are able to reach the coasts of the Confederacy.

The Confederate armies start to liberate occupied territory. Generals Grant & Sherman are killed in attempts to secure their holds on major Confederate territories. Union General Thomas Darlington becomes the major Union general in charge after Grant & Sherman's deaths.

In 1864, many northern states including New Jersey, Vermont, Maine, New York, Oregon, North California, Ohio, Delaware, & Massachusetts form a provisional secessionist movement protesting the Union aggression & become aligned with the Confederacy. Unlike the South, these state don't plan on creating a union of their own but merely to stop Lincoln's war to prevent independence. Former President Franklin Pierce is elected Governor of New Hampshire & urges the state to join the resistance movement. He is shortly ousted & exiled to Massachusetts where is elected president of the provisional resistance movement.

The British establish a provisional dominion amongst those protesting states in an effort to stop the disrupt of Atlantic trade caused by Union forces. The British use their navy to destroy the Union blockade in order to stop the disruption of trade, which mostly relies on the Confederate States.

By 1866, the Lincoln Union states left were Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, West Virginia, & Nevada. Lincoln's Union was outnumbered thanks to the resistance. While Confederate moral was rising, Union moral was plummeting. Congress feared the collapse of the Union & moved to impeach Lincoln. In response, Lincoln had numerous members of congress arrested but were soon freed after protest movement troops led by Rutherford B. Hayes & George McClellan raided Fort Lafayettes, where prisoners of war were held.

On March 14, 1867, the Invasion of Washington D.C. by Confederate, Protest, French, & British troops commenced on a mission to arrest the Lincoln regime. What they didn't know is that Lincoln fled to Canada after the rest of Union was occupied by Protest troops & all Confederate territory was completely free from occupation. William Seward was the interim president while Lincoln was taking refuge in Canada. Joseph Johnston led the resistance into battle wheres Thomas Darlington led the Pro-Lincoln Union. The battle of Washington D.C. lasted until May 30 of the same year when General Darlington surrendered to General Johnston. Lincoln had been impeached during the March 14-May 30, 1867 battle. Seward is arrested shortley before the pro-Lincoln Union surrender & Franklin Pierce succeeds Lincoln as President of the United States on May 30, 1867. That same day, the provisional resistance movement states are readmitted into the United States of America. Robert E. Lee became president of the Confederate States on February 22, 1867, three months before the conclusion of the American Civil War & saw the defeat of Lincoln & his Union, securing the independence of the Confederate States of America.

The Breckenridge-Hayes peace treaty ended the Civil War outlining both the territories & states of the Union & Confederacy. The Union consisted of non-Confederate States & nearly all American territory above the 35th-36th parallel. The Confederacy consisted of all Confederate States plus Maryland, Arizona & New Mexico territory, Indian territory(today Oklahoma), Missouri, Kentucky & California below the 35th-36th parallel. What is today Clark County was ceded to Nevada, USA, so all of Nevada's present day territory would have still existed.

Abraham Lincoln committed suiced by gunshot on July 16, 1867 when royal police came with an arrest warrant at the request of the Confederate States & provisional resistance movement states. Numerous Lincoln Administration officials & military officers are tried for treason & other war crimes seeing many convictions & death sentences, most of them being life imprisonment.

The Provisional Resistance Movement was the leading coalition party in the United States from 1867 until 1877 when Rutherford B. Hayes(Republican) established full diplomatic relations with the Confederate States of America after limited diplomatic relations were established following the May 30, 1867 surrender. The PRM ended their political occupation of the Union on April 21, 1877 & the PRM split into the pre-war Democratic Party & re-established GOP Republican Party.

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