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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Saturday, June 30, 2012

What Will Happen After "Major Party" status is destroyed?

Without the Democrat & GOP's Major Party status laws protecting them from competition, they will most likely fall within a few years tops. Dislike for both parties is getting higher & the only major life support they can get are "major party" laws. There are other oppressive laws such as campaign finance restrictions, non-majority elections, inadequete representation, voter fraud, & bans on fusion candidacies. but without major party status laws, the major parties can't be god-like powerful in politics.

The first objective is to get major party status laws struck down without comprmise. Then it will be the duty of citizens to enforce such a ban on major party status & protect our elections from fraud.

When that happens, the first election to occur after that will see HUGE losses for both Democrats & Republicans & major gains for Libertarian, Constitution, Green & other politicial parties/independents due not only to many Dems & GOPs losing their seats in elections but numerous Paleoconservatives, libertarians, social liberals, & other disgruntled voters will defect from the democratic & republican parties as soon as major party status laws fall like the Berlin Wall. There will even be some gains just before the first election such as Libertarian & Conservative Senators/Representatives such as Mike Lee of Utah, Justin Amash of Michigan, Tom McClintock of California, Jim Demint of South Carolina, Ron Paul of Texas, Rand Paul of Kentucky, & Dennis Kucinich of Ohio would switch to either the Libertarian, Constitution, or Green parties as examples.

Jake Towne of Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania ran as an independent in the district represented by neoconservative republican Charlie Dent but sadly lost as expected because people feel battered into sticking with either Dems or GOPs. If major party status laws were demolished, Jake Towne would have had an even stronger chance against the Dems & GOPs & the more handicapps demolished & the more electoral reforms are passed, the higher chance Towne like other non-major party candidates will have towards winning election. Towne would have easily beat Dent by a landslide had people known more about the former. Same would go for many other independents & other anti-establishment candidates as they would not have to run in the rigged Dem/GOP primaries that have for many years ended up producing establishment candidates.

The Tea Party movement is credited for slowing down establishment progress & electing more anti-establishment candidates. People will have a real choice once all parties/independents are required to play by the same rules without exceptions.

An example of this would be a congressional race for Nancy Pelosi's seat in San Francisco. The race would be between Rosanne Barr(Green), John Dennis(Libertarian), & Nancy Pelosi(Democrat). If San Francisco voters are wise enough to see Pelosi's evil, Barr & Dennis would unseat Pelosi & go for a runoff election. San Francisco 9s supposed to be a green-libertarian city but is instead socialist.

I can name other semi-major parties such as the Reform, Independence, Modern Whig, Peace & Freedom, & American Independent Party(California version of Constitution Party)

If my dream for fair elections come true, the Constitution Party would win the most positions in Federal Congress with the Green & Libertarian parties having a narrow edge betwwen 2nd & 3rd place.

Many states will have different parties such as Alaska having the Alaskan Independence Party as having the most positions in legislatures, Florida Whig-Constitution parties being majority coalition in Florida, Greens, Libertarians, & American Independents having the most seats in California, Aloha Aina Party in Hawaii, Oregon having legislature composed mostly of Constitution, Independent, Progressive, & Working Family Parties in which the first would have most seats & the last would have least seats, New York State would have several parties in legislature in which the Conservative party would be the state version of the Constitution Party, New Hampshire would be highly Libertarian with the Libertarian Party having a supermajority in legislature, Massachusetts would gain reputation as having the most independents & Greens in legislature, Vermont Pregressive Party, Liberty Union & Working Families parties will form majority in Vermont legislature, plus a supermajority of seats in the legislatures of Idaho, Montana, & Wyoming will be occupied by either Constitution or Libertarian candidates.

Every state will have different kinds of political parties that do not run at the federal level. Political parties & independent candidate are engaging in a sport/game when they run for office & must all play by uniform rules & qualifications.

If a political party is to be considered a political party rather than an independent, it must have more registered voters than the number of signatures required to get a candidate on the ballot. Otherwise, the candidate they select will be considered an independent. Political parties shall be free to choose the mode of nominating candidates & what other parties it shall associate with. Fusion candidacies with the consent of all participating parties shall not be infringed but if a candidate is to run for both as an independent & one or more political parties, he/she shall be required to collect double the amount of signatures.

All candidates regardless of party shall abide by the electoral rules & any candidate in violation of these rules shall be barred from running in the election.

Here's how someone would qualify for the ballot. A political party that has a certain number of supporters will be registered as a party on the electoral roster & an independent who has gathered enough signatures(supporters) shall be admitted on the roster as an independent. If a political party does not have enough supporters to be considered a roster political party, then all of it's candidates will be considered independents.

A unique political party American's Elect is a force fighting for fair elections & could be the plaintiff in a class action lawsuit against the electoral boards across America, dooming the Dems & GOPs in the courtroom. The Supreme Court is supposed to be impartial but has not been for decades. By applying pressure to the courts, we can achieve victory. If we have to take direct action against the rogue electoral commisions, we will pursue such an action in order to force compliance with our demands.

The court system is so dysfunctional & corrupt that the fiar election movement may have to bribe judges to rule in the former's favor. I want fair game elections to take place before the 2014 elections so the deadline I hope to achieve up at the supreme court should be by August 2013-January 2014. I hope the brave Americans Elect movement's lawyers will humiliate & degrade the Dem/GOP lawyers into embarrasement, leaving the Dem/GOP arguments nothing more than nervous mumbling & stammering like you can't understand what the hell they're trying to argue.

Winston Churchill once said
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."

We will NEVER surrender, even if the courts destroy us in the legal system. We shall declare war on the Dem/GOP duopoly in order to liberate minor parties & independents from two-party tyranny!

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