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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Why elections MUST be non-partisan

The awful GOP establishment wants to expel Ron Paul & his supporters. This is alarming since election laws establish partisan two-party elections. The founding fathers never intended for political parties to be given legal status over disadvantaged independents. The Democrats & GOP have failed to bring government reform. What's even worse is the establishment GOP would prefer an establishment Democrat over a Conservative Republican.

Democracy in America is dead & replaced with a dual one-party system. What I mean by dual one-party system is that although it appears there's a choice in elections, it's really a fusion between establishments most of the damn time. Under the Bush regime, GOP establishment was dangerously high & very few were actual conservatives like Ron Paul. America will NEVER gain real democracy back if we continue to have partisan elections favoring political parties & for people who still have faith in the undemocratic elections that take place are misguided & ignorant of what electoral reforms must take place!

Ballot access needs to respect INDIVIDUAL candidates, NOT political parties meaning that each candidate having the right & equal # of signatures 120 days before the general election will obtain ballot access regardless of political party meaning NO legal party primaries. Of course, political parties could choose freely who to endorse but cannot force other candidates out of the election. This will make it easier for independents & third parties to get a fair shot.

Democracy needs majority elections & every voter in primary election should have two votes & in the runoff election every voter will have just one. My proposition will make elections more democratic & give candidates regardless of affiliation a fair shot.

If there were non-partisan elections, not only would I be voting for Libertarian & Constitution Party candidates, I would be able to be a member of as many political parties as I want. If elections were non-partisan, the GOP would be weak due to membership declining with conservatives & libertarians like Ron Paul joining the Libertarian, Constitution, Reform & other right-wing parties that actually keep promises.

We cannot continue to have this dual one-party system & a lack of direct democracy. We must have Swiss Style Direct Democracy or else we will be battered by politicians unless we take up arms.

When democracy fails, the right to take up arms against tyrannical government becomes more important than ever.

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