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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Alternate History World 1860-1890

I wish to share with you what alternate history would be like.

History before 1860 would be the same only it would be 92 years ago from now making this chronological year 1952. The Southern U.S. States secede to form the Confederate States of America which narrowly succeeds at repelling Yankee invaders on March 14, 1867 with the Treaty of London forcing the United States to recognize the Confederate States as a sovereign nation, refrain from using any non-defensive military force against them, & surrender Arizona & New Mexico territories to the Confederate States as well with what is today Clark County, Nevada going to the United States.

The GOP collapses in 1870 due to it's unpopularity after the Civil War & is replaced with the Liberal Republican Party which was identical ideologically but included opposition to the same corruption that occured under President Abraham Lincoln, who became the only U.S. head of government & state to be tried & executed for treason. The Liberal Republican party would dissolve in 1877 to become the Conservative & Liberal parties in which the Conservatives were more like the Republicans & Liberals like the Democrats. The United States became a semi-parlimentary republic in 1878 with the president being strictly elected by electors while being head of state & having some executive powers while the office of Vice-President is dissolved & replaced by office of Prime Minister which would have much of the executive powers as head of government. Prime minister would be selected based on support from Congressional Parliment like in parlimentary systems like the United Kingdom. The President would have the power to sign treaties, grant pardons & clemencies, sign bills into law, & primarily command the armed forces. The prime minister shares the commander in chief title as secondary Commander in Chief. The prime minister would have all other executive power the president does not have.

The Civil War scarred the United States emotionally as the country was shocked by what has happen for the past several years as they watched their constitutional republic become an authoritarian fascist regime without freedom of speech, the press, & due process. During the Civil War, the Dixies obtained state of the art weapons that were used to clear out entire fields of invading Union soldiers while the British join the Dixies side by breaking up the Yankee blockade in 1866.

The Canadian colonies of what is today Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, & Prince Edward Island became U.S. states as Ontario & Quebec on July 1, 1867 while Atlantic Canada remained autonomous regions of the United States & Newfoundland & Labrador remained a British colony.

On April 21, 1877, the constitution was successfully ratified to make the United States a parlimentary republic. During the early to mid 1870's, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, & Prince Edward Island became U.S. states. The parliment constitutional amendment also increased the presidential term to one six year term which would start after the 1880 election while the new parliment would be extended to three years after the 1878 elections. The president had the power to appoint the prime minister so long as the latter can form a government within parliment. The president could also dissolve parliment by calling for a vote of no confidence by electoral college referendum.

Western North America would make up mostly the new federal republic of Cascadia which future states/territories were occupied the the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Mexico, & Russia. The states of California, Oregon, Nebraska, Nevada, Kansas, Colorado/territories of Washington Territory, Dakota Territory, Wyoming Territory, Idaho Territory, Montana Territory, Utah Territory were part of the United States; Northwest Territories(today Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon Territory, & Northwest Territories) & British Columbia(today State of Cascadia) were United Kingdom colonies, Alaska Territory being part of Russia, Baja California being part of Mexico, Hawaii being a colony of Japan by 1877.

The Democratic party in the Confederate States dominated politics from 1861 until the 1951 elections when Confederalists won the presidency & the congress. There were numerous parties that had congressional representation like the Populist Party(1880's-1930), Prohibition Party(1869-), People's Union(1932-), Social Credit(1930-1941), & Southern Nationalist Party(future 1960's-).

Rutherford B. Hayes became the first U.S. president in history to select a prime minister with the first one being John A. Macdonald in 1879 as a Conservative Senator from Ontario.

In 1880, tensions grew in the Western United States when numerous rebellions were sparked with Cascadian nationalist sentiment. By 1882, calvaries under president Chester Arthur & prime minist John A. Macdonald were trying to help retain their territories from the Cascadian seperatists. World War I broke out on November 4, 1883 which intensified the Cascadian conflict against the United States, United Kingdom, Mexico, & Russia. On April 23, 1885, Cascadia was declared an independent nation with California, Oregon, Nevada, Colorado, British Columbia, & Kansas as Cascadian state & the Northwest Territories, Alaska, & Rocky Mountain territories along with any west of Minnesota & Iowa territories of Cascadia. The federal republic of Cascadia was recognized as an independent nation on April 25, 1889, just four months before the end of World War I.

From 1889 to 1896, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington, Manitoba, & Utah became Cascadian states.

The second Mexican-American war broke out in 1886 resulting in Rio Grande, Chihuahua, & Sonora becoming Confederate territories & Baja California becoming a Cascadian territory.

The first president of Cascadia was Leland Stanford of California who served from November 15, 1885 to November 15, 1890. Stanford was elected on the Whig Party ticket with John H. Kyle as his vice president.

The main political parties in Cascadia during it's early years were the Whig, Liberal, & Tory parties.

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