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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What An Outrage! Obama Adds Injury to Insult in the recent Attack against Diplomats in Libya

The 11th anniversary of September 11th saw a deadly attack in Libya that killed U.S. Diplomat Christopher Stevens. The terrorists responsible for this horrific act of terror we're furious over an anti-Islam video on Youtube that is protected under Western Culture by free speech. This attack was not an isolated incident & one of thousands of deadly terror attacks motivated by Radical Islamic Jihad that existed since the 7th century.

That One Big Ass Mistake America president of ours has waited 15 hours to respond & first said that people should refrain from insulting other cultures under the guise of "tolerance" while just paying lip service to the victims of the terror attack against a US embassy in Libya. Many world leaders have condemned the attack but many in the Muslim World advocate making blasphemy against Islam a crime like under Sharia law.

This isn't the only reaction to the Anti-Islam film. Numerous Western Countries have dealt with violent Muslims protesting the Anti-Islam video & in Sydney, Australia, police were violently attacked by protestors demanding for the beheading of anyone who insults Islam. These protests remind me of the Mohammed cartoon controversey back in 2006 when radical muslims were threatening Danish cartoonists over Mohammed cartoons. Radical Muslims threatened South Park creators Trey Parker & Matt Stone over the episode with Mohammed in a bear suit.

Freedom of speech protects unpopular speech. This attack should not allow blasphemy laws to be passed since it would bring a terrible message to the radicals that their motives are sympathized. This is what Obama is trying to do. It's not enough merely to verbally condemn the attack since the Radicals have declared war on Western Civilization & it is jihad that must be destroyed!

The embassy requested more security measures to protect them from the violent muslims but the administration rejected that request. Had that request been granted, the attack could have been minimized or detered althogether.

A reminder here is that Jihad in Islam means holy war, not just self struggle. Make no mistake, the violent protests are a part of radical jihad, seeking to make Islam supreme & terrorize the ignorant into submitting to Sharia law. Islamic law is notorious for it's hostility to freedom & human rights considering women, children, homosexuals, & non-muslims are targets of violence & second class citizenship & slavery. Severe punishments for homosexuality, apostatism, insulting Islam, gambling, drinking alcohol, not fasting on Ramadan, & adultary are common & a way of life.

In visiting the Middle East, the only places I would set foot on are Israel & Dubai/Abu Dhabi with the latter being hot for tourism.

These protests are a Sharia insurrgency to bring socialism & social totalitarianism to the world. Many Islamic clerics in the Middle East preach hatred of Jews & Occidentials.

The radical muslims will use violence against anybody they are offended by.

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