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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Alternate History World 1915-1930

The Tories controlled the Cascadian Congress from 1910 to 1920 & had a Tory in the presidential place during the 1910's. The Whigs were a centre-right political party, the Tories a centre-right Tory party, & the Liberals a right-wing reformist party. The Bull Moose Progressive Party was a centre-left to left-wing party that became the main opposition from 1910 to 1918. The Whig & Tory parties merged to form the Unionist Party in 1912 which was centre-right after the major loss of the Whig Party during the 1910 elections. World War II broke out in 1912 when Nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler was causing militant trouble all over Europe. Herber Grant of Utah became Cascadian president from November 15, 1910 to July 11, 1920(when he resigned) as a Tory & Unionist.

The Qing Dynasty in China fell on November 14, 1912 with China falling into a Civil War between the Nationalists & Communists which lasted well until 1942. The Bolsheviks conquered the Russian Empire under the provisional government of the Russian Republic governed by the White Movement(anti-communists) in 1917. China from 1912 to 1927 was under a provisional government due to the dysfunctional nature of the Chinese Civil War. China was divided through the 32nd parallel with the North becoming a Communist State & the South becoming Nationalist China. This did not stop the Chinese Civil War as Maoist revolutionaries began to engage in a violent campaign against the Nationalists in the South with the Communist regime in the North supporting the revolutionaries.

In Russia, the Bolsheviks have taken control & history goes the same way in Russia as it is in the real work back in 1917. Vladimir Lenin rules Soviet Russia & after suffering a stroke in 1922, Josef Stalin takes his place, ruling the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(created December 30, 1922) with an iron fist.

During the 1920 Cascadian Elections, the Liberals gained a 67% majority with Progressives obtaining a 23%. The Unionists lost most of their congressional seats & the presidency as well when the top two in the presidential election was between a Liberal & Bull Moose Progressive Party candidate.

The 1920's became a decade of prosperity for most of the Western World as most highest seats in legislatures were centre-right to right-wing parties. The State of Israel became a protectorate & commonwealth of the United Kingdom from 1920 to 1948, when it was declared a republic.

With the Unionists dissolved in the early 1920's, The two major parties were the Liberal & Bull Moose Progressive Parties. The Liberal Party was a Classical Liberal party which favored free markets & their policies of privatization, low taxation & spending, no federal regulations, low Congress & President salaries, low inflation, & sound money have made the 1920's the most prosperous decade in history with the average economic growth for North America & Europe being around 10.4% each year. The Bull Moose Progressive Party held contrary views to the Liberal with the former favoring socio-economic justice by taxing the rich's income, providing safety nets for the disabled & elderly, increased funding for education & healthcare, etc. The remaining 10% of congressional seats outside the major parties were mainly Prohibition & Socialist parties with a handful of independents.

In the United States, Progressives held parliament from 1910 to 1919 under prime minister Pierre Trudeau of Quebec. Some progressives were uncomfortable with Trudeau's Marxist policies & formed the National Progressive Party that was more centrist than the left-wing nature of Trudeau's Progressive Party. The United States experienced expansion of regulations, introduction of an income tax, World War II. Trudeau's government dissolved in 1919 after Progressives lost most seats in that election to the Conservatives & National Progressives. The Liberal Party in the U.S. was dissolved after the 1910 elections. James Buckley of New York became prime minister in 1919 with a coalition of Conservatives & National Progressives. Buckley was a Classical Liberal & Anti-Communist whose policies made the 1920's in the United States it's most prosperous decade. Buckley became very popular with the Yankee people & was prime minister until 1928 with his coalition government being weakened thanks to gains from Progressives resulting in his government being dissolved & him being replaced by Conservative George H.W. Bush of Maine after the 1929 parliament elections, just months before the stock market crash of 1929, effecting the economies of the world.

Liberals in Cascadia held a majority in Congress until the 1930 elections, months after the Stock Market Crash on October 29, 1929 in which voters favored relief packages promised by the Bull Moose Progressives. A new political party called the Progressive Conservatives was formed in the late 1920's as an alternative to the Liberals. Despite strong support for the Bull Moose Progressives, the Progressive Conservative party won both Congress & Presidency with Bob Dole elected as president. The president of the 1920's was Barry Goldwater Jr.(Liberal).

World War II would last from 1912 to April 15, 1921. Hitler's German Empire would be dissolved in 1919 along with the Ottoman, Austran-Hungarian, & Russian Empires. Korea on the other hand would become an ambitious imperial republic from the late 1910's until World War III.

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