Cascadia has attracted immigrants from Europe, United States, Confederate States & Asia. Merchants have settled in Hawaii during the early 1890's which escalated conflict between the Japanese & Cascadians in 1892 until 1898 when Cascadia gained Hawaii as a territory. The Spanish American War was fought between the United States, Confederate States, Cascadia against Spain in the West Indies & the Pacific. The Yankees & Dixies fought on the West Indies front & Cascadia on the Pacific. By 1902, the Confederate States acquired Cuba, the United States acquired Puerto Rico, & Cascadia acquired the Phillippines.
Yukon territory was fromed from Northwest territories in 1898 & Alberta & Saskatchewan became Cascadian states in 1905. By 1905, Cascadia has 17 states & 6 territories. The capital of Cascadia was moved from Omaha, Nebraska to the newly created city of Columbia, State of Cascadia just little over 300 miles North of Vancouver. Columbia was starting to be built in 1908 & ended on July 26, 1915. California would be split along the 35.5 parallel in 1911.
The main industries of each of the three main American federations were:
United States: Automobiles, manufacturing, railroads, banking, etc.
Confederate States: Agriculture, oil
Cascadia: Lumberjack, oil
The mid 19th century to the early 20th century saw a major industrial revolution & the rise of Marxism despite the first communist state not existing until 1917(Soviet Russia). The progressive movement grew in the Western World as communist intellectuals were preaching socialism. Many socialist from Europe including Germany & England immigrated to North America, mostly the United States in New England which expanded the progressive movement.
Grover Cleveland became Prime Minister of the United States in 1887 & his term lasted from 1887-1890, 1893-1896 when the Liberal Party held majority. John A. MacDonald served as prime minister once again when Conservatives held parliament again from 1890-93 but MacDonald died in 1891 & Senator William McKinely of Ohio was appointed to fulfill the rest of MacDonald's term. Liberals won the majority in the 1893 election & was the first election to have the Progressive Party created by Theodore Roosevelt gain seats in parliament. Liberals lost the 1896 elections to the Conservative & Progressive Parties ending Cleveland's premiership due to the free silver issue. McKinely was elected president in 1898 & appointed Joseph Cannon as prime minister. Roosevelt won a senate seat in the 1899 elections which say the Progressives break the Conservative-Liberal coalition formed under Cannon. Parliament has to be dissolved months later by McKinely due to the inability of Roosevelt to form a parliament government. New parliament elections were held in May of 1900 with Progressives gaining more seats & Teddy Roosevelt becoming prime minister due to a thin coalition of a handful of indeoendents who agreed to join the Progressive government. McKinely was assassinated in September of 1901 & Roosevelt became the first prime minister to become president. This presidency brought a new crisis as the office of prime minister would not be easily decided since McKinely was a Conservative & Roosevelt a Progressive. Cannon agreed to form a Conservative-Progressive coalition to solve the problem which worked & Joseph Cannon would be prime minister once again from 1901-1910. The Progressive & Conservative parties remained the top two political parties during the turn of the 20th century with Liberals having just 10% of parliament. The Socialist Party led by Eugene Debs gained seats in the house & the only senator to be Socialist Party was Eugene Debs himself of Indiana in the 1903 elections. The Conservatives & Progressives would remain the two main political parties with Conservatives having the majority until the 1910 elections after parliament dissolved following the collapse of the Conservative-Progressive coalition under Cannon. The 1910 presidential election was going to take place & parliament elections took place the same time. Progressives won by a landslide & winning a majority for the first time when more than two parties had parliamentary representation. Progressives held 62% of seats & Conservatives 30%. The Liberals failed to retain more than 2% of parliamentary seats & collapsed due to disagreements between Liberals & Progressives which led to both ideologies going to the Conservative & Progressive Parties. Pierre Trudeau of Quebec, formerly a Liberal, formed a majority Progressive government continuing the numerous progressive policies enacted the decade before.
The Whigs in Cascadia dominated Cascadian Congress from 1885 to 1910 when the Tories won congress. The presidential term was set at 5 years with it being renewable once & Congress was set at 2 years 6 months. The 1910 elections were the first time a president of Cascadia was not part of the Whig Party. A new party called the Bull Moose Progressive party emerged & took numerous Whig seats by storm.
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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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