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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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Monday, January 16, 2012
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy & What Redress Should Occur
MLK was known as a famous civil rights acitivist using non-violence as strategy in the 1950's & 60's. Rosa Parks on December 1, 1955 refused to surrender her seat to a white person on a bus & was arrested. MLK Jr. turned 83 yesterday & I agree that winning heart & minds should be done non-violently. But I also fear oppression by armed police officers who suppress peaceful protests & that's why I believe the right to keep & bear arms is important as it protects all other rights from aggression. Not all freedom movements can be won successfully through non-violence & I will explain the rare exceptions to this rule. Libya had a civil war last year because Gadhafi & his goons could not be controlled non-violently, especially if people did not carry arms. Because the rebels were able to use guns to overthrow the near-totalitarian regime under Gadhafi, Libya is now a more peaceful country unlike Egypt. Egypt's president Mubarak resigned because the military made him. Egyptians were disarmed & the military of Egypt holds all power of force so the subjects of Egypt are at the military's mercy. Tyranny is happening in the United States, Canada, Australia & New Zealand, which are supposed to be the greatest countries on Earth. Although Canada, Australia & New Zealand are stable countries, the United States is on the brink of civil unrest. Protesters are often finding themselves face to face with militarized police & most protesters are unarmed. Governments that infringe on the right to keep & bear arms are mostly cowardly & want to keep power by suppressing peaceful protestors who want government to change & cease infringing on their liberty. During the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950's & 60's police suppressed protestors wanting their civil rights protested from aggression. The Deacons of 64' were armed & fought back police who were trying to suppress civil rights protestors. I'm not suggesting people take up arms against the federal government because that would be disastrous. However, if enough states secede from the United States, the federal government can be controlled & imperialism can perish. It's a great idea to use non-violence with carrying arms as strategy for opposing tyrannical government unless it is too tyrannical & unaccountable to be controlled without insurrection. There are still thousands of gun control laws on the books which all violate the right to keep and bear arms with the exception of ones in which an actual victim is involved. Carrying a gun of any kind alone does not constitute a violation of anyone's rights nor does using it in a responsible manner such as hunting, self defense & opposing tyranny without harm done to non-aggressors. Governments also suppress suspect classes by infringing on their right to keep & bear arms such as teenagers who have nearly no tools to control oppressive government. Gun control laws make it nearly impossible for 20 years old and under to obtain handguns & semi-automatic weapons & can't even carry concealed firearms. This makes them vulnerable to police aggression. Government rarely is reformed or stops infringing on liberty because people rarely rise up & use firearms to protect themselves against tyrants. If students under 21 are aggressively protesting non-violently for their civil rights unarmed, it's unlikely that government will give in. Armed & militarized police will come & attack the protestors. This creates pro-riot sentiment as many of the oppressed class will riot & when the government feels the heat, the dictator in Washington DC will sent militarized troops to aide the tyrants & suppress the freedom fighters. This gives the US Military a bad name in the eyes of the founding fathers. Tyranny can only be effectively opposed if the right to keep & bear arms is absolute & not in violation of one's rights. There is no right to harm a non-aggressive person & this must apply to the government as well. If government is to be the sole arbitrator of it's own power even with seperation of powers, then government will cease to be limited. Make wise decisions on opposing tyrannical government because I hope innocent people don't get deliberately or maliciously harmed or killed.
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