I've spent time on Total Drama wiki looking at the character articles & what contestants I'd like to see in the next season. What would be a cool Total Drama season is where 24 contestants(15 from previous seasons, 9 new characters) compete in challenges across North America, traveling in a mega bus on North American highways competing in challenges set into the catagories of Highway, Landmark, Nature, & Cultural challenges & sometimes there would be a hybrid of each one.
The season would be called Total Drama Cross America. The first episode would be a race to the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada which would be in seperate races with one race featuring all 1st & 2nd generation contestants competing for the top 15 & another race featuring numerous new potential competitors competing for the top 9.
The places the challenges will take place will be based on Highway paths starting from Toronto, Canada. There would be three teams with eight contestants per team at the start. Teams are Liberty, Justice, & Prosperity
I'd like to rate from worst to best the competitors from the Total Drama series based on character, regardless of good or bad traits.
Katie & Sadie
I don't feel they have any interesting traits to them & I view these two as stock. I'd say leave them out.
I never viewed her as a pleasant character from the start. She constantly yik-yaks about how her relatives invented rain, swimming, & logs. What? Those come from nature & were never invented by human. She seems to be a very annoying & bland character & thank god she was the first to be eliminated in TDRI. Bag her out!
She is one tough mama & a major tomboy. She has a nasty temper & has no redeeming qualities besides being a muscular tomboy bully. She was voted off for her temper in TDI & was reintroduced episodes later on a boat with flames behind her, implying she is the devil of Total Drama. It would be nice to see her try but there are plenty of other characters that are better in character, even the antagonists.
She seems to be the least recognized of all the competitors considering she is the oldest of all competitors, debuted during the merger in TDWT, & was never really considered a true competitor. She is a hot blonde with beautiful eyes but is very mean. It would be fun to see her in the competition only to be eliminated early.
He was an antagonist in TDA. His trait is being a super handsome hunk of Hawaiian ethnicity. His best talent is modeling & his charm. Other than that, he doesn't interest me. I say pass on him.
He's not a bad guy but I don't see interest in him. His best talent is music. I got nothing.
He is the main rival of Blainely & he is also along with his girlfriend Bridgette of Total Drama Aftermath. I like him better as the host rather than a competitor.
She doesn't have any real skills other than girl scouts & I'm starting to regret ranking her higher than Geoff, Trent, & Justin. I say she should just stay out of this.
She may be a tough tomboy but she is not really interesting since she's not much outside of being a jockette. There are better characters & I say sack her.
This manipulative snake has caused eliminations of other contestants through deception such as the eliminations of Leshawna & Noah. While he was a great villian in TDWT, I don't feel he should be a contestant in the future.
Anne Maria
Her fave is spraying her hair with hairspray that makes her hair as hard as a rock. She's based on Snooki from Jersey Shore but more attractive. If Ezekiel is cured in part of his feralness & both compete, it will be interesting to see if Ezekiel tries to make love to Anne Maria.
She's got spunk & that's it. I don't dislike her but I'm pretty much neutral on her.
I like his sense of humor but he's just a typical jock. He gets kinda stock aside from his sense of humor.
He had a sense of humor in the third season when he thought he was cursed after smashing a mummified dog by accident in Egypt. He loves his mama more than anything.
She's cute, beautiful, yet dumb. It would be nice to see her again
This guy is silly & a mediocre athlete. He's the Donald Duck of althetes. Bring him back just so we can watch him make an ass of himself
She was sexy at the beginning but mutated later in the series. But the relationship with Sam hasn't changed. She's easily distracted by fame.
She's obsessive compulsive over Cody, making her a hilarious character. Noah imitated her shortly before his elimination. Sierra should come back along with Cody.
He's the nicest of the 2nd generation competitors & also very smart, but not as good as Noah. Cameron's a great person though.
She became "commando" later on which made her both sweet & tough & she hats Scott more than anyone. She looks hot wearing the tracking collar & wearing a headband with army makeup.
The big guy likes to eat everything! Food is his pashion. I'd like to see him back in the game.
A cute surfer girl with kind personality.
She's cute & even occasionally hilarious. She once had a relationship with Duncan until the latter cheated on her for Gwen & Tyler let that cat out of the bag. She was whiney in the beginning & had it not have been for Ezekiel's sexist comments, Courtney would have been the first to be eliminated.
A video game nerd, he sure is cool. He reminds me of Harold.
He's now a feral mess but he had a funny accent before & looked fine. I liked him better when he didn't look hideous, starting with the TDWT episode in Africa when Ezekiel officially becomes an animal. I still liked him when he still had his knit cap & hair. He could never get over his elimination & became a stowaway on the plane after elimination. Hopefully he could come back as a clone of his old self.
She's hot & a typical goth. She's pleasant but there's not much left to say.
He is funny & a pleasant person. He has multiple personality disorder, which was discovered by Cameron.
He's the silent genius & one cool dude. He's an awesome player who was sabotaged by Scott, causing his elimination in episode 3 of TDRI
The most notable of the antagonists, Heather has changed since the beginning. She was a witch in TDI, bald in TDA, & somewhat family friendly towards her team. She had a relationship with that snake Alejandro. Cody & Harold helped her defeat Alejandro.
He's known as the Codemister & Geek. He is good looking & I resemble him the most. He is loved the most by Sierra & by the end Cody starts to love Sierra back. He made it to the top 3.
I must have forgot to include her. She is a nature lover, making her great with mother nature. The nature challenges should be a walk in the park for her.
This punk is the best punk I've ever known. He is awesome as a competitor & character even though he is a low life criminal & punk. He's so bad-ass & so bad he's awesome!
He was my favorite character when TDI was in secession back in 2008 on Cartoon Network. I favored his Napoleon Dynamite character & he also looks good!
The only cadet in the TD series, there's something I like about this guy, such as his sense of humor & personality, implying he's super sensitive for a military personality.
She's crazy & sexy. She's also cute & has a great personality, failing to be angry the most.
I like this no-nonsense IQ master who is more fearless than Taylor Swift. He's got the moves when facing lasers! He's not without bad luck however. He never made it to the merger, which sucks. I hope to see him make it to the top two & even win.
I'll write in my next blog more
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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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