I know my positions on favoring acts of terror against government facilities sound extreme but the truth is I'm right & you will see after I'm done writing this blog.
Elections are often inaccurate, timid, & uncompetitive with the government's use of force:
I've read comments on an article writing about the 2010 suicide plane crash in Austin, Texas on an IRS building about it being unjustified & that people need to stick to elections & the courts but the anti-patriotic comments are wrong & misguided. The electoral system is ruled by elites & party bosses which have had it their way with little to no direct resistance. For things in society to change their must be direct action either through civil disobedience to guerrilla warfare. Every action of government is done by direct action through force such as law enforcement. There are some states which allow initiatives without any consideration of votes in legislatures but it doesn't work that way in Congress. How can you possibly fight partisanship, professionalism, & corruption in an unaccountable government just by voting for politicians when there's no clear direct way of holding them accountable from the outside? It can never be done & that's why we need an effective last resort like terrorism style attacks against tyrannical government agencies whose actions bring more negative effects than positive ones. The courts also are ineffective since the only ones who have direct influence over the federal government is those in government themselves without violent outside resistence. Courts haven't been friendly to liberty & the rule of law.
America's Founding Fathers Loathed Primary Democracy & believed in militant self defense
Democracy to the founding fathers was seen as wolves voting along with the sheep to decide lunch. Liberty is the sheep defeating the attacking wolves & protecting life. There have been many times in history where the outcome of elections have been adverse to freedom & prosperity & it does happen a lot in California cause of civically illiterate voters. In between elections, congresses have become tyrannical & unhindered by the will of the people. Congress has been able to evade accountability & lower standards of living along with law enforcement & the courts enforcing & applying the rule of man respectively. The reason for armed insurrection is used for is in case elections fail to reverse the loss of liberty and/or are unavailable to curb government abuses & corruption. If there were armed goons ready to confiscate firearms or intimidate those unwilling to comply with gun control regulations on selling, then the use of terrorism against the evil goons would be justified since the last means of defense against tyranny are in imminent danger.
Free Speech needs to be defended by whatever means necessary
We can't protect any other rights without means of militant defense. What would happen if all militant means of force were monopolized into the hands of law enforcement & military? People may feel better if they assume government can be trusted but nobody with that much power can be trusted. North Korea is a totalitarian state in which only the military & law enforcement can carry weapons while the commoners are completely disarmed & indoctrinated. with this kind of society any thing you say that the regime dislikes gets you incarcerated, often without fair trial. What's the last resort after failed elections that are in desperate need of reform? In North Korea, people are screwed without the might & minds to fight the Kim regime.. But in America, there are many people with the power & minds to fight tyrannical government, even if armed terrorism against government is necessary to secure life, liberty, & property. Most of the World views absolute free speech as an infidelity & not just oppressive regimes but even Western Countries like United Kingdom. When peaceful solutions failed, armed terrorism is the final resort.
The rule of law cannot be protected solely by policy makers & judiciary
The courts have catered to political correctness & rule of man by issuing rulings as if they have infallibility. Governments have indeed relied on the rule of legislatures as if it were the rule of law regardless of if laws violated life, liberty, & property. Courts are often relied on for the protection of the rule of law but do the opposite. Thomas Jefferson warned that leaving the law in the hands of judges breeds despotism & tyranny. Relying on an impartial arbitrator is hard & when you know the same judges who've made controversial & unaccountable rulings then you know they can't be trusted with the rule of law. It shouldn't be the end of the line when appeals fail, especially when justice is denied. When injustice becomes law, it is a patriotic duty to rebel at all costs. Courts can also erode the will of the people such as prohibiting important initiatives on self-determination. Allowing the judiciary to defeat you will bring liberty & the rule of law to it's grave & make Congress king.
Fraudulent elections can be hard to prove & serious electoral reform could take years to bring without serious attention
One action of seeking media attention over marijuana prohibition was a young man named Luke Helder who in 2002 mailed several pipebombs across America. He is being detained but is incompetent to stand trial. Have you ever seen a voting machine? What you don't know is the programming to manipulate results. Who can you trust to protect your liberty? Freedom should not lose because of adverse elections possibly due to fraud.
Mainstream media & public education share responsibility for disinigrating the truth & steering people onto politically correct ideologies
If you ever grew up in a totalitarian or authoritarian country then you know what it is like to be indoctrinated & having thought the state could do no wrong. As you see a freer world you realize you've been deceived & you wish to defeat the political correctness that you once thought was right. Only two major candidates per election have been receiving decent media attention & the mainstream media engages in propaganda that propels people into thinking that there are no other choices & that certain bad policies are great. Ed Schultz & Chris Matthews promote socialized healthcare as a friend to the poor, the financial regulation bill as a protector of consumers, & trying to sell gun control as a policy of public safety. Public education introduces students to an authoritarian experience of prison like routine & bullying by authority figures. Children don't elect their authority figures but are subject to their will through force. Plus, school seems to be more like labor than education as being a teacher with two dozen students brings less efficiency & more work than homeschooling, private schooling, online class, & unschooling. Compulsory education laws only ruin the family & that's happening more rapidly in Sweden. Without alternatives to public education, our children will grow up to be communists. Even private schools in some places find themselves under the long arm of bureaucracy with licensing schemes making them seem as if they're owned by the state. A centralized cirriculum seeks to destroy the individual & ignore reality. How far will this problem last until the last resort can be used?
Prosperity could be long gone by the time elections are finished
Jobs shipped overseas, businesses closing for good, inflation on the rise, property rights diminished, finanacial lives ruined by tax laws enforced by the IRS, & massive debt & spending are nothing to just wait for until the next election, especially if the election turns out to be broken promises. It has happened. Regulations that are overbearing have no good reason to be there & I recommend ad first that people make a stern warning to regulatory agencies that there will be no compliance here & if that fails, then people have a right to fight back if they feel the threat of an armed invasion from bureaucratic thugs is imminent. How many elections will we have to wait for in order for prisperity to be like it was in the before time? Prosperity can only be brought back through both non-violent & violent resistance against violent bureaucratic thugs using deadly force to solicit complience. When the economy is in peril & threatened by big government, time is of the essence so prepare to fight & resort to armed fighting against armed law enforcing thugs such as the IRS.
I may have been harsh calling the IRS "terrorist" but the word I wish to use now is "organized crime syndicate". Much of IRS activities include harassment & intimidation of free market minded people. The IRS insists on destroying prosperity by cracking down on tax protestors who dare challenge the legitimacy & constitutionality of tax laws, making the IRS an enemy of freedom & the constitution. The IRS has no respect for the rule of law & must be resisted through armed force.
Nobody has the right to violate your inalienable rights or forcibly breach contract
If someone steals your car & you steal it back & that thief resists, then you have the right to fight back using self-defense. If your life is in imminent peril, legal modes cannot stop the situation before the harm is already done. In order to save your life from violent criminals, you must defense yourself even if the criminal gets killed. This would be justified since your right to life was threatened. People can be prosecuted under the tyrant's law for resisting the most violent & unlawful actions of a law enforcement officer & this is happening because the courts have turned ignorant & despotic in the face of this tyranny, giving officers a de facto license to kill indiscriminately despite the potential for legal action against the officer which will not happen until after the harm has been done. Protections of life, liberty, & property should not be monopolized into a centralized state, especially when the guardian is tyrannical & has no respect for your rights. As an individual, you have the right to secure your natural rights, even if that means waging an attack on that whom threaten you. Contracts can only be enforced if there are impartial arbitrators not affiliated with any of the involved parties.
If society goes wrong, the only way to reverse tyranny is militant action
It takes most of the population for change to occur merely through elections but only a small percentage can defeat evil with militant action such as shooting enemies & bombing enemy compunds. America is headed to a bleak society where multiculturalism, corruption, hypocracy, & lies are tolerated. If third world immigration is not addressed, whites will become a minority & even their culture might become minority too & the fastest & best way to prevent that is to take militant action, even if the streets must run red with the blood of tyrants & parasites! California is becoming that kind of society where elected officials are left wing tyrants & the only hope for California is a violent revolution filled with first person shooter video game style action plus overthrow of the left wing banana regime.
Defense of the West may require armed conflict
Do you think the West could have prevailed over Nazism had the former not have engaged in armed conflict with Nazi Germany? What if the resistance was unarmed? The Nazis would have prevailed & Western civilization would be Nazified. Oppressive governments will never be stopped by non-violent action because these governments could just bring out armed law enforcement. There's still hope if we act soon & pick up weapons. It would be great to obtain chemical & biological weapons so the enemies of Freedom & Prosperity understand that there is harsh resistance & that it will stop at nothing to destroy tyranny.
The reason paramilitary organizations fighting tyrannical governments in the West fail is because they're not being stronger than Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Hamas, & Hezbollah combined. There needs to be a paramilitary organization that is competitive with the strength of governments but actually protect & serve. If there is a strong resistence willing to engage in armed conflict with the mightiest of military industrial complexes then liberty & justice will prevail. This has happened during the American Revolution of 1775-83 under the Patriot leadership of General George Washington.
Citing the American Revolution & tyrannical government, armed conflict against government & restoration of social contract is ideal even though it may sound frightning.
If liberty is your right, then who has the right to deprive you of it without due process?
Being elected does not entitle someone to dictatorship & the license to make whatever liberty infringing laws it wants. Pot smokers young & old are deprived of due process rights when it comes to their own bodies & the fact is drug prohibition is not a crime under common law & has been accepted as a right throughout much of America's early history. But should younger people have less civil rights than older people? If a 37 year old shoots an armed officer trying to illegally arrest him for consumption of alcohol, would the drinker be prosecuted if police can be legally resisted physically? Of course not. But what about a 16 year old or 20 year old if they shoot a police officer trying to arrest them for alcohol consumption? If someone under 21 drinks alcohol, police will arrest at will & if the underage resist arrest, they can be prosecuted as an adult for the serious crime of aggravated assault or murder. Arguements made defending such injustice is brain developement & responsibility despite the ability to stand trial as an adult which not only requires more responsibility but is a forced responsibility on the offender.
Is it fair to put liberty in the hands of government? That only makes things worse as no effective check can be established. The courts have been relied upon to fix injustice but to no victory. Our government should not be viewed with infallibility, especially the judiciary which has limited roles in government. What if laws were made to deprive you of your property. The next election isn't gonna automatically fix that.
When someone is accused of harming another, they are brought before a jury of their peers & made to stand trial. The jury hears the case & makes a verdict on guilt or innocence. What if the legislature denied justice? Could they be tried by jury? What if criminal justice worked the same way as bills in congress?
If liberty is to be protected, it must be done with the last resort in mind.
Special interests have hijacked democracy
I believe in peaceful solutions to unsolved problems but special interest groups like MADD & Brady Campaign keep threatening our freedoms. How undemocratic is that? Special interests cause public officials to be unaccountable to their constituents.
Legislation & votes passed often do not reflect the general welfare
If you have a representative like Ron Paul, you know you're represented by limited government. But what about the many other mobs that champion big government & vote for bills that while benefiting their constituents harm others in the process? Is that part of liberal democracy? Most legislation doesn't benefit the general welfare as a whole & is often selective in favorites such as spending bills for welfare like the Bank & Auto bailouts.
While the truth is denied by political correctness, political process cannot fix that
Party machines control elections & the best way to fix that is through revolutionary means. The question here is what's 2+2. The red team says it's 5 while the blue team says it's 6. Both teams fight over that in elections & people vote on whether to have 2+2 equal either 5 or 6 when the real answer is 4. People who vote for 4 are often overpowered by the 5-6 voters & many statists will argue that you're not always going to get what you want but in some places the majority always DOES get what it wants through mob elections. Taking for example California where the left always gets what it wants because of malrepresentation & corrupt elections. People's freedoms in California are often put in the hands of mobs in elections. However, the only way California can be truly free again is for there to be an armed revolution & overthrow of such a horrible system.
Cultural & National prides of our homelands could be diminished through unrestricted third world immigration
While many whites flee, many minorities come. Turning West into third world is something that only direct action can stop. What if third world immigrants make up a majority of voters? What if Europe became Islamic? There are political parties outside the major ones fighting for the West but political correctness, mainstream media, & protectionist election laws challenge such. However, if any immigrant wishes to become a citizen, he or she must assimilate into the culture of the homeland. Immigration laws in the late 19th century & early 20th century were fair, just, & preserved American culture while providing fair opportunities for immigrants mostly from Europe to work & make a better living in the land of opportunity. Politically correct leadership disagrees & seeks to ignore the true Yankee immigration policy of the turn of the 20th century ideolized by Theodore Roosevelt. The reason people decendent of immigrants are like Americans is because their immigrant ancestors assimilated into American society & did so very well. Assimilation works & the best immigration policy in Western History is based on the Turn of the 20th century Americanism. If the last resort is nationalist armed conflict against a multicultural government, then our founding fathers would favor such actions & don't forget that.
When time is of the essence & threats are looming, we can't wait for elections
When a terrorist makes a threat or there is a plan to carry out a major terror attack against the good people, it takes immediate action to stop the would-be terrorists. Numerous jihad terror attacks have been stopped after 9/11 thanks to vigilant missions to catch these threats while protecting & respecting the rights of We The People that would have been victims of terrorism.
Does our government commit acts of violence against good people? I hope you can believe me here. With the president assassinating & detaining people without trial, this is cause for alarm & to take up arms to stop these terror like threats. In the face of danger from thugs to tyrannical government would you wait for inaccurate elections in hopes this will be resolved or would you use force to defend yourself? You must choose the latter if you are to best survive such attacks.
What Do We Do?
We must know when to act, when to attack, & when to defend. We can't wait for elections & court rulings to save us since neither of those are reliable, especially with corruption, partisanship, & fraud. What is needed is a strong alliance of militia movements fighting for the constitutional republic against tyrannical government. We must be stronger than our enemies in order to defeat the evil that lies within them. If we ever want to save Western civilization, revolutionary methods are our only option.
Note: What I mean by Terrorism here is acts of armed rebellion that express my views only & not meant to be an actual terror attack against any good human being.
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About Me
- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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