Social Contract demands consent of the governed done without coercion. Clearly, those under seige fell they must justify being free because of coercion if they try to assert themselves.
Here would be some great initiatives:
"No person shall be penalized for laws failing to meet criterias of justification for protection of natural law & rights of life & property""The state shall prove in a court of law through appropriate means of due process(Criminal or Civil) that such a law is justified according to Strict Scrutiny"
This ensures laws must be in least restrictive virtues such as hardline enforcement & crackdown on common law criminal activities such as using firearms to rob banks or pulling property damaging pranks or using graffiti to tag buildings. Yet plenty of laws fail to address these problems as inner city youth are plagued with corrupt officials, low sense of family & morality, & high crime & drug abuse rates due to Socialist & Authoritarian policies(mostly initiated by the Fasco-Socialist government in Washington DC). Usually laws are made for the protection of people from crime. However, there have been laws passed to benefit a small elite such as big pharma & banking cartels. The Federal Reserve was proposed by bankers. Congress is controls by secret elites & lobbyists & current laws fail to address this & even encourage corruption & favor politicians. Authority is even delegrated illegally to others & public officials have even given themselves powers that no human can ever possess.
"Nature is superior to all other laws & shall be considered first before any law shall be considered law."
This means natural rights are superior to all other laws, even consitutional. Laws cannot be made to pervert the natural definitions meaning the definition of child must be by nature, not chronological age. This means that any attempt to legalize abortion or homosexuality are illegal. However, both men & women have civil rights equal to each other including marriage between a man & woman.
"No body shall have exclusive powers on force"
Consent of the governed can only be protected if people have their own defenses unhindered. This includes the right to keep & bear arms which people keep in case of violent attack against them by anyone. Only exceptions here are in legitimate civic facilities used for purposes of law, enforcement, & legislation. Examples would include prisons, military bases, courthouses, & police stations since it only makes sense that their fortresses are protected. However, banning the carry of firearms on military bases by non-military personel visiting on authorization by officials is appropriate.
"The right of civilizations to decide their boundaries shall not be infringed"
Forced occupations of sovereign territories shall hereby be illegal. This means the Confederate States of America is a leigitmate nation & any state/territory is hereby automatically sovereign & any laws placed by the USA in these state/territories are null & void. This means that Texas & other Confederate States & territories are not truly part of the United States since they were annexed through force, which is illegal under the US Constitution. Nowhere does the US Constitution authorize wars of aggression nor allow the occupation of other sovereign boundaries. This means the invasions of Iraq & Afghanistan are unconstitutional since they were about oil & imperialism. WMD were not found & even after 2004, the US was STILL involved in the Middle East. States DO have the absolute right to secede so long as it serves in the best interests of the people. Not only does it include states but it also includes counties & towns as well though it's less likely that cities will secede on their own than states. An example of a contender for seperation from a state includes counties in Southern California from it's Northern adversary.
"The form of government shall be a republic without exception"
The founders created a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Although representatives are elected democratically & though in some states people may use petittions from registered voters to change laws, it does not call for a democracy. It calls for a republic. The DC establishment is anything but a republic & many states do not have republican forms of government. California has a mass of ignorant voters & unions who influence public policy while others have no voice. This is an unacceptable threat of force considering the will of the majority was considered over the will of the people. It has to serve the main interests of the people as a whole, not just the majority who voted in elections. That's why democracy was loathed by the founders. We cannot have a constitutional republic without boundries imposed on government operations & a civic based meritocracy.
"Representatives in the house of representatives shall be based on equal ratio population with senators being one-two per state/county. Election of representatives shall be elected by majority(>50%) with senators being voted by either state/county legislature, popular vote(>50%), or electoral college. Districts shall not be based on race, political orientation, creed, age, and/or gender"
Today's system of representation is unfair with the average congressmen having approx. 750,000 constituents. Some districts have less fair representation than others. A cap on the number of representation is irresponsible & unconstitutional. A constitutional amendment would easily solve population issues for representation by increasing the ration to reflect the population increase. Example would be raising the 1:30,000 to 1:150,000. California for example has a disgusting system of representation. Senators there are also based on population. Until representation is fair, there is good reason for armed insurrection in California.
"All law except for common law crimes & budget issues shall have a sunset clause of 15 years. Common law crimes shall be made permanent."
Laws are passed too easily & that's why a sunset clause is needed. Legislators often fail to read the bills they vote on.
"2% of the voters signatures are required for initiative to change statures while 5% are required to amend constitution."
This is based off Swiss democracy. Laws under this system can override legislatures which is one check against them. For multi level states or federations, it should be done through a certain percentage/number of states/counties before such action is to take place.
"All criminal & civil trials shall be tried by jury without exception & shall be informed of the right to judge the law as well as the facts. All criminal verdicts shall be by unanimous vote wheres only 3/4 vote is required for civil verdicts."
Jury nullification is a check on a despotic judiciary. This makes it very difficult for people to be put at the mercy of the judiciary & the state as a whole. Here defense teams can argue why the jury should acquit based on the fairness being questioned, forcing the state to justify their laws they prosecute. If someone is prosecuted for a violation of firearms regulations or drug laws, they can freely expose these laws for their treachery. Prosecutors would think twice about prosecuting more cases like these.
"No person shall be compelled to education of any cirriculum."
This ensures indoctrination will not make it's way into people's minds. This also prevents the state from making education compulsory. Public schools are shit & the best way to defeat unions is to close & privatize all public schools. Schools that fare well shall remain on the boards & eventually be privatized while failing schools will be closed & possibly privatized for either educational or other reasons. Education is a service, not a job for students. School now adays has become labor for students as they struggle more to reach a certain quota rather than learning at an appropriate individual pace. Ending compulsory education would individualize education & improve it's quality based on austrian market solutions while helping students actually learn what they are interesting in. This way students will be better educated since shit isn't forced upon them through the threat of force.
"Roads used for traffic transportation shall be free to motorists using it peacefully & no approval shall be required for responsible driving & transport."
Hate long lines at DMV's? Abolish drivers licenses. Thousands are arrested for unlicensed driving & traffic courts find themselves swamped with matters like these. It also ensures that the only criteria for routine traffic stops is if the officer or anyone else has probable cause to believe that the motorist's driving poses a clear imminent & unpredictable danger to others on the road.
"The judiciary shall be confined to designated jurisdiction & shall not assert itself as the ultimate arbitrator of all legal & constitutional matters which shall also apply to other branches."
The judiciary has made rulings that contradict the constitution & even statutes. Abortion, ban on school prayer, homosexuality, & even broad eminent domain have been legalized as well as deciding the federal government had more powers than anticipated by the drafters of the constitution. This clause will stop abuse of power by asserting ultimate arbitration lies with the people, but not the majority. As humans, we make mistakes & this clause ensure nobody is treated with infallibility. Let's put an end to judicial activism by reinforcing the state will not arbitrate it's own powers. Jurisdiction is outlined by law & people have a right to enforce restrictions placed on government, including against activist judges.
"Power of government rests with consent of governed. The principles outlined by the American Declaration of Independence signed on July 4, 1776 shall be law."
Government has awarded itself with too much power & often with corrupt elections. This clause ensures if government exercises powers outside it's boundaries, people have the right to enforce restrictions placed on government. The Declaration of independence is the key document to liberation from tyrannical government & never should society abandon the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence. Declaration of Independence of 1776 reinforces the guarenteed absolute right to self determination, even if there must be a world war style war.
"All tax revenues shall be done through indirect means not conditioning right to property & fruits of labor plus be used for disclosed leigitimate & designated government purposes."
This would abolish income & property taxes while introducing a fiar system of taxation based on government necessity, need for funding designated & disclosed services. Despite such massive revenue collection, deficits have become sky high & spending highly irresponsible. This way government cannot irresponsibly spend since it will have to lay out services & then set revenue.
"All immigrants wishing to become full citizens must be in full assimilation with the primary culture of homeland. No welfare services with the exception of public infrastructure shall at any government level be conferred to immigrants."
Illegal immigration has nearly destroyed California & most crime & bankruptcies come from officials assisting illegal immigrants. I'm in favor of a pragmatic & fair immigration policy that preserves homeland culture & assures assimilation of immigrants. I don't wanna be speakin Spanish, French, German, Japanese, or Chinese because of immigrants & neither should Western Civilization be forced into adapting to Third World Culture. After all, America was founded on liberty & our governments wants more democratic support for communism.
"Voting shall be open to those with proof of citizenship in state/nation & those who have adequate civic literacy & become age of majority as designated by clause two. Only full citizens shall hold voting power."
The left wants more immigrants from the Third World for a voting base. This voting base will bring about a constitutional republic's demise & open the gates towards multiculturalism.
Ones in quotations here align ballot initiatives which shall be done in part package & seperate style which shall be in form of yes-no.
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About Me
- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
Blog Archive
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
What To Know About Hybrid Consoles
Valve will soon unveil the World's first Hybrid console dubbed Steam Box powered like Linux. It's as functional as a PC but as convienent as a home console. That's the console PC gamers will be talking about should it be as practical as it should. No need to worry about installation codes & long waiting times when you can have a mouse, keyboard & gamepad for one system.
Swapping between mouse/keyboard & gamepads will be as easy as 1,2,3. This system will have the hardware & technology of Windows but will feel like you're playing Playstation 3/Xbox 360. That's what gamers need. A console that feels like a home console but functions like a PC. The feature of modding could be big considering that I have modded The Sims 2 for awesome third party downloadable content, stuff you can't do for traditional home consoles.
Modding will be as easy as on PC/Mac computers. I've seen DLC not found on Playstation Store & Xbox Marketplace where you can include a free roam mode in Mafia II. For the PC version, you can download a free roam mod which allows you to play as Vito Scaletta but have the pleasures of complete free roam like in Grand Theft Auto. However, there won't be much to do though but you can enjoy driving in 1940's & 50's environment/city & enjoy driving 1930's-50's cars.
Advanced hardware. PC & Mac computers have usually been ahead of their time for hardware in gaming than traditional home consoles. Depending on what computer you have, you can see the different between Windows & Xbox 360. Could Steam Box be the most advanced console? Or will Sony's Playstation 4 outmatch Valve's Steam Box?
Windows & Mac are not considered consoles so they do not fit into the same classifications in terms of generation of gaming & specific platform. For example, Bioshock Infinite is clearly identified as a PC, Xbox 360, & Playstation 3 game yet a specific type of Windows platform is not specifically stated so you'd have to figure that out for yourself by reading the Windows requirement/recommendation. Most PC games use XP or 7. With Steambox however, you can use Steam & play your games without the worry of how your PC will perform.
Hybrid consoles are going to be those of the future & just like the 5th generation saw the end of cartridge based consoles(Nintendo 64) the 8th or 9th or even 10th could see the last of traditional consoles in favor of steam & android based consoles.
Swapping between mouse/keyboard & gamepads will be as easy as 1,2,3. This system will have the hardware & technology of Windows but will feel like you're playing Playstation 3/Xbox 360. That's what gamers need. A console that feels like a home console but functions like a PC. The feature of modding could be big considering that I have modded The Sims 2 for awesome third party downloadable content, stuff you can't do for traditional home consoles.
Modding will be as easy as on PC/Mac computers. I've seen DLC not found on Playstation Store & Xbox Marketplace where you can include a free roam mode in Mafia II. For the PC version, you can download a free roam mod which allows you to play as Vito Scaletta but have the pleasures of complete free roam like in Grand Theft Auto. However, there won't be much to do though but you can enjoy driving in 1940's & 50's environment/city & enjoy driving 1930's-50's cars.
Advanced hardware. PC & Mac computers have usually been ahead of their time for hardware in gaming than traditional home consoles. Depending on what computer you have, you can see the different between Windows & Xbox 360. Could Steam Box be the most advanced console? Or will Sony's Playstation 4 outmatch Valve's Steam Box?
Windows & Mac are not considered consoles so they do not fit into the same classifications in terms of generation of gaming & specific platform. For example, Bioshock Infinite is clearly identified as a PC, Xbox 360, & Playstation 3 game yet a specific type of Windows platform is not specifically stated so you'd have to figure that out for yourself by reading the Windows requirement/recommendation. Most PC games use XP or 7. With Steambox however, you can use Steam & play your games without the worry of how your PC will perform.
Hybrid consoles are going to be those of the future & just like the 5th generation saw the end of cartridge based consoles(Nintendo 64) the 8th or 9th or even 10th could see the last of traditional consoles in favor of steam & android based consoles.
Something's Not Right Here!
The Sandy Hook Shooting last month & it's root causes were of a rare occurence due to the background of killer Adam Lanza. The root causes of the tragedy may never be addressed completely but there are demogoges planning on destrying gun rights & due process as we know it.
Gun Grabbers are saying guns are terrorists when in fact no gun has ever been named the perpetrator of any violent crime since it was a person who ABUSED weapons to commit violent crimes. What gun grabbers ignore is there are millions of good law abiding people disenfranchised from purchasing & even owning firearms when a black market for illicit goods exists in gun free zones criminals never obey. In reality, they ignore millions of deaths overseas due to a violent foreign policy. Now video games & violent movies have been shot at for this.
Never will these souls be put at ease with political correctness & I must point out what the media does not want revealed.
Why is it just guns that need attention? Many objects such as automobiles, planes, chemicals, fire, & melee weapons like hammers & knives can be used for mass murder. Lanza was such a sick fuck that he could have stolen a plane from a nearby airport & struck the targeted school, not only claiming more lives but causing massive destruction to the school building itself due to impact.
The media also ignores that many people arrested & imprisoned for illicit firearms offenses have not been proven to engage in any risky behavior. Other words, the media ignores that thousands have been jailed for misunderstandings such as the cases with Brian Aitkin victimized by New Jersey prosecutors & David Olofson jailed for 3 years by the federal regime in the Midwest. Aitkin was illegally searched for firearms & police charged him with firearms violations which landed him in prison until Governor Christie intervened & commuted Aitkin's sentence to time served. Olofson was said to have posessed an unregistered automatic weapon which was a semi automatic rifle jammed. This misunderstanding was treated like a common law crime & Olofson should be vindicated by vigilante justice carried out against the tyrannical BATFE!
The Media also ignores that youth like 18 year old mother Sarah McKinely of Oklahoma used a shotgun for self defense. What about the restrictions based on age? They almost disarm people like McKinely who would have been barred from purchasing handguns cause she was under 21. However, this is simply pre-emptive in nature & cannot be considered constitutional because of violation of due process since someone under the legal age could still be charged in an adult manner which should void arguements of one's maturity. This means if someone is held responsible as an adult, it should be presumed responsible for adult rights.
The 2nd amendment was not granted by government but reinforced people had a right to own arsenals of weapons for defense purposes against enemies foreign & domestic. Forced dependence on government is a breeding ground for tyranny. The 2nd amendment was placed to block monopolization of force.
Questions here include what can be upheld as constitutional? What about felons & mentally ill? First of all, most felons imprisoned for firearm possession have not been found to be dangerous enough by a court of law to be considered too dangerous to own a firearm. Lanza was in fact mentally ill & could have been adjudicated mentally dangerous which could justify involuntary committment had that been the case. The US Supreme Court has ruled that someone cannot be involuntarily committted without due process of law.
In Louisiana, gun laws are required to meet strict scrutiny criteria. Strict Scrutiny has been applied to free speech & due process cases. What regulations would be struck down under strict scrutiny.
Background Checks: Back ground checks would be unconstitutional since they constitute a prior restraint. For decades, requiring of government permission to publish something is unconstitutional & requiring buyers to pass background check or fill out forms plus mandatory record keeping would also be unconstitutional. How frustrating can background check process be?
Prohibited Persons: Prohibited persons have generally included felons, mentally ill, domestic violence offenders, minors, aliens, & non-residents. Prohibited persons wasn't even heard of until the 1930's so why should there be prohibited persons? Most convicted on firearm charges haven't been adjudicated too dangerous for firearm ownership by a court of law. How about these being applied retroactively? I wonder if someone presumed dangerous could be imprisoned retroactively for status that was applied before the law was passed. There will always be a black market for illicit goods. Even non-prohibited persons intending to committ crimes will still choose a black market if they don't want to be traced. All criminal defendents are treated equally depending on what crime was committed. Age restrictions would fail to meet strict scrutiny cause if they did, then younger offenders could be constitutionally be treated less fairly than older ones in adult courts. For a fact under strict scrutiny someone would have to be adjudicated unfit by a court of law through fair due process.
Kind of Weapon: Question here is what weapons should be regulated or banned? Talk about limiting magazine rounds & what weapons people can own is like limiting what kind of speech they can make. Hate speech in America is protected speech conditioned it's not a real threat towards any person's life. Are machine guns protected by 2nd amendment? Since having government decide what weapons we own is as despotic as having them decide what speech is appropriate. Just because someone doesn't need an AR-15 doesn't mean it can be banned since the 2nd amendment is supposed to reinforce a barrier between people & tyrannical government. People cannot adequately resist tyrannical government if they cannot have the same kind of weaponry as their own government. I'm not talking about weapons like biological, chemical, nuclear, & radiological. What I'm saying is it would be unconstitutional to jail someone for possessing fully automatic weapons, sawed off shotguns, grenades, explosives, & even anti-tank/anti-aircraft weaponry.
Government vs. People: The 2nd amendment was meant to reinforce people had the right to keep arsenals & form their own militias to check government militaries. Do people seriously think our own armed forces will turn against the American people. The gun grabbers believe that only government agencies & certain security forces should be armed. This makes people vulnerable to tyranny. Do not allow these wretched snakes force you to become dependent on others for security. Take initiative & stomp them out. Criminals in gun free zones have guns from black markets since they want their crimes to be kept without trace. Fast & Furious should ring a bell to gun grabbers but the Obomba regime refuses to acknowledge their horrific crimes against humanity. What makes government more trustworthy than people in everyway? America was founded on the notion of distrust for government & that people held original power. This means that government is to be restricted in terms of what weapons it will have since all of it's powers are granted by people. Government acts strictly by contract & constitutional law. There is no clause in the U.S. Constitution which allows the federal government to restrict people's interstate commerce nor regulate firearms.
Crime Control: Is gun control part of crime control? Gun grabbers will have you believe you're helping mass murderers easily access firearms by insisting on exercising your rights & wanting to have easy access to them. When gun shops are regulated in an authoritarian manner, it affects law abiding citizens more than criminals since criminals have dependend on the black market to not only make their living but hide any trace of their crimes. Crime control involves adressing crime directly such as enforcement against common law crimes. When the Gun Control Act of 1968 was passed, it created new criminals who did not engage in criminal activity. Gun dealers found themselves under the tyrannical watch of the BATFE with one act of Congress. Prohibited persons created were not done through due process but by one act of Congress. Some of these on the list shouldn't even be there such as banning expatriates, youth, misdemeanents in domestic violence, non-dangerous mentally ill, & non-violent felons. I feel much of these are political & have more to do with an agenda than public safety. Criminals have always been dealt with the criminal justice system before it was corrupted & there were no problems with the absolute right to keep & bear arms. It does not extend to the reckless use of such arms since such abuse clearly endangers public safety in an unpredictable manner. The Wild West was actually the safest place in the World at the time where people were independent & freely carried firearms. Hollywood movies depicted it as violent & anarchic but the fact of the matter is that bank robbers were caught before they could do much more harm since people owned guns. The best crime control policy would be a reactionary one in which gun ownership was very permissive & therec was almost no regulation of firearm ownership as long as it is in appropriate usage.
Gun Dealership regulations: It has always been a crime for someone to offer aid & housing to fugitives yet Hotels are not regulated in the same manner as gun dealers. Many gun shop employees/owners have been jailed for paperwork misunderstandings & it would actually be safer to do so illegally than be registered. BATFE has an abusive history dating back to it's incorporation as a law enforcement agency in '68. The BATFE is a deadly threat to the 2nd amendment. Not every act of Congress is constitutional & judges do not have the soul power over legal matters. The argument proponents of the Gun Control Act will make is that if gun dealers went unregulated, violent criminals would have easy access to firearms. That problme has been shifted to black markets & now law abiding citizens find it more difficult to exercise their rights than criminals.
Registration: Felons don't have to register any firearms since it would violate their right to freedom from self incrimination. Non-prohibited persons however must register any fully automatic firearms. Registration is ineffective since criminals want no trace of their crimes & registering their firearms would leave trace. Most or almost all firearms used in crimes are illicit. Gun grabbers deny that reality & want more law abiding citizens arrested for illicit firearm ownership.
Other weapons: Melee weapons & police firearms are not mentioned but statistically worldwide Knives are the most commonly used weapon for violent crime. Scotland has a high number of stabbings despite U.K.'s gun ban. Other weapons used in melee attacks are everyday items like kitchen knives & chainsaws. Most sexual assaults are done at knife point. Semi-automatic rifles are rarely used for crimes & while handguns are the most commonly used firearm for crimes, knives are the #1 weapon. Anything with impact could be used as a weapon, enough said.
What would be the definition of strict scrutiny under the right to keep & bear arms? The government would have to prove such restrictions on the right to keep & bear arms are of necessary importance to keep the public safe from specifically identified threats. Adam Lanza could be adjudicated mentally ill in a court of law & prohibited from owning & carrying firearms but only if the court deemed it necessary for public safety. Sarah McKinely was 18 in December of 2010 & I assume she's 20 today & still barred from purchasing a handgun from a FFL dealer even though she has saved her infant son's life & has not been in anyway proven to be irresponsible as the courts upholding such arbitrary bans say.
Bottom line on this here is in Louisiana & strict scrutiny I would expect the only restrictions on firearm ownership would be against those adjudicated too dangerous for firearm ownership beyond a reasonable doubt just like defendants have due process rights in court of law. This doesn't mean crime will be more acceptable but reinforces firearms & our rights will not be singled out while providing aid to fugitives & criminals preparing to commit crimes will still be a crime called"aiding & abetting" which has been a crime for centuries.
Gun Grabbers are saying guns are terrorists when in fact no gun has ever been named the perpetrator of any violent crime since it was a person who ABUSED weapons to commit violent crimes. What gun grabbers ignore is there are millions of good law abiding people disenfranchised from purchasing & even owning firearms when a black market for illicit goods exists in gun free zones criminals never obey. In reality, they ignore millions of deaths overseas due to a violent foreign policy. Now video games & violent movies have been shot at for this.
Never will these souls be put at ease with political correctness & I must point out what the media does not want revealed.
Why is it just guns that need attention? Many objects such as automobiles, planes, chemicals, fire, & melee weapons like hammers & knives can be used for mass murder. Lanza was such a sick fuck that he could have stolen a plane from a nearby airport & struck the targeted school, not only claiming more lives but causing massive destruction to the school building itself due to impact.
The media also ignores that many people arrested & imprisoned for illicit firearms offenses have not been proven to engage in any risky behavior. Other words, the media ignores that thousands have been jailed for misunderstandings such as the cases with Brian Aitkin victimized by New Jersey prosecutors & David Olofson jailed for 3 years by the federal regime in the Midwest. Aitkin was illegally searched for firearms & police charged him with firearms violations which landed him in prison until Governor Christie intervened & commuted Aitkin's sentence to time served. Olofson was said to have posessed an unregistered automatic weapon which was a semi automatic rifle jammed. This misunderstanding was treated like a common law crime & Olofson should be vindicated by vigilante justice carried out against the tyrannical BATFE!
The Media also ignores that youth like 18 year old mother Sarah McKinely of Oklahoma used a shotgun for self defense. What about the restrictions based on age? They almost disarm people like McKinely who would have been barred from purchasing handguns cause she was under 21. However, this is simply pre-emptive in nature & cannot be considered constitutional because of violation of due process since someone under the legal age could still be charged in an adult manner which should void arguements of one's maturity. This means if someone is held responsible as an adult, it should be presumed responsible for adult rights.
The 2nd amendment was not granted by government but reinforced people had a right to own arsenals of weapons for defense purposes against enemies foreign & domestic. Forced dependence on government is a breeding ground for tyranny. The 2nd amendment was placed to block monopolization of force.
Questions here include what can be upheld as constitutional? What about felons & mentally ill? First of all, most felons imprisoned for firearm possession have not been found to be dangerous enough by a court of law to be considered too dangerous to own a firearm. Lanza was in fact mentally ill & could have been adjudicated mentally dangerous which could justify involuntary committment had that been the case. The US Supreme Court has ruled that someone cannot be involuntarily committted without due process of law.
In Louisiana, gun laws are required to meet strict scrutiny criteria. Strict Scrutiny has been applied to free speech & due process cases. What regulations would be struck down under strict scrutiny.
Background Checks: Back ground checks would be unconstitutional since they constitute a prior restraint. For decades, requiring of government permission to publish something is unconstitutional & requiring buyers to pass background check or fill out forms plus mandatory record keeping would also be unconstitutional. How frustrating can background check process be?
Prohibited Persons: Prohibited persons have generally included felons, mentally ill, domestic violence offenders, minors, aliens, & non-residents. Prohibited persons wasn't even heard of until the 1930's so why should there be prohibited persons? Most convicted on firearm charges haven't been adjudicated too dangerous for firearm ownership by a court of law. How about these being applied retroactively? I wonder if someone presumed dangerous could be imprisoned retroactively for status that was applied before the law was passed. There will always be a black market for illicit goods. Even non-prohibited persons intending to committ crimes will still choose a black market if they don't want to be traced. All criminal defendents are treated equally depending on what crime was committed. Age restrictions would fail to meet strict scrutiny cause if they did, then younger offenders could be constitutionally be treated less fairly than older ones in adult courts. For a fact under strict scrutiny someone would have to be adjudicated unfit by a court of law through fair due process.
Kind of Weapon: Question here is what weapons should be regulated or banned? Talk about limiting magazine rounds & what weapons people can own is like limiting what kind of speech they can make. Hate speech in America is protected speech conditioned it's not a real threat towards any person's life. Are machine guns protected by 2nd amendment? Since having government decide what weapons we own is as despotic as having them decide what speech is appropriate. Just because someone doesn't need an AR-15 doesn't mean it can be banned since the 2nd amendment is supposed to reinforce a barrier between people & tyrannical government. People cannot adequately resist tyrannical government if they cannot have the same kind of weaponry as their own government. I'm not talking about weapons like biological, chemical, nuclear, & radiological. What I'm saying is it would be unconstitutional to jail someone for possessing fully automatic weapons, sawed off shotguns, grenades, explosives, & even anti-tank/anti-aircraft weaponry.
Government vs. People: The 2nd amendment was meant to reinforce people had the right to keep arsenals & form their own militias to check government militaries. Do people seriously think our own armed forces will turn against the American people. The gun grabbers believe that only government agencies & certain security forces should be armed. This makes people vulnerable to tyranny. Do not allow these wretched snakes force you to become dependent on others for security. Take initiative & stomp them out. Criminals in gun free zones have guns from black markets since they want their crimes to be kept without trace. Fast & Furious should ring a bell to gun grabbers but the Obomba regime refuses to acknowledge their horrific crimes against humanity. What makes government more trustworthy than people in everyway? America was founded on the notion of distrust for government & that people held original power. This means that government is to be restricted in terms of what weapons it will have since all of it's powers are granted by people. Government acts strictly by contract & constitutional law. There is no clause in the U.S. Constitution which allows the federal government to restrict people's interstate commerce nor regulate firearms.
Crime Control: Is gun control part of crime control? Gun grabbers will have you believe you're helping mass murderers easily access firearms by insisting on exercising your rights & wanting to have easy access to them. When gun shops are regulated in an authoritarian manner, it affects law abiding citizens more than criminals since criminals have dependend on the black market to not only make their living but hide any trace of their crimes. Crime control involves adressing crime directly such as enforcement against common law crimes. When the Gun Control Act of 1968 was passed, it created new criminals who did not engage in criminal activity. Gun dealers found themselves under the tyrannical watch of the BATFE with one act of Congress. Prohibited persons created were not done through due process but by one act of Congress. Some of these on the list shouldn't even be there such as banning expatriates, youth, misdemeanents in domestic violence, non-dangerous mentally ill, & non-violent felons. I feel much of these are political & have more to do with an agenda than public safety. Criminals have always been dealt with the criminal justice system before it was corrupted & there were no problems with the absolute right to keep & bear arms. It does not extend to the reckless use of such arms since such abuse clearly endangers public safety in an unpredictable manner. The Wild West was actually the safest place in the World at the time where people were independent & freely carried firearms. Hollywood movies depicted it as violent & anarchic but the fact of the matter is that bank robbers were caught before they could do much more harm since people owned guns. The best crime control policy would be a reactionary one in which gun ownership was very permissive & therec was almost no regulation of firearm ownership as long as it is in appropriate usage.
Gun Dealership regulations: It has always been a crime for someone to offer aid & housing to fugitives yet Hotels are not regulated in the same manner as gun dealers. Many gun shop employees/owners have been jailed for paperwork misunderstandings & it would actually be safer to do so illegally than be registered. BATFE has an abusive history dating back to it's incorporation as a law enforcement agency in '68. The BATFE is a deadly threat to the 2nd amendment. Not every act of Congress is constitutional & judges do not have the soul power over legal matters. The argument proponents of the Gun Control Act will make is that if gun dealers went unregulated, violent criminals would have easy access to firearms. That problme has been shifted to black markets & now law abiding citizens find it more difficult to exercise their rights than criminals.
Registration: Felons don't have to register any firearms since it would violate their right to freedom from self incrimination. Non-prohibited persons however must register any fully automatic firearms. Registration is ineffective since criminals want no trace of their crimes & registering their firearms would leave trace. Most or almost all firearms used in crimes are illicit. Gun grabbers deny that reality & want more law abiding citizens arrested for illicit firearm ownership.
Other weapons: Melee weapons & police firearms are not mentioned but statistically worldwide Knives are the most commonly used weapon for violent crime. Scotland has a high number of stabbings despite U.K.'s gun ban. Other weapons used in melee attacks are everyday items like kitchen knives & chainsaws. Most sexual assaults are done at knife point. Semi-automatic rifles are rarely used for crimes & while handguns are the most commonly used firearm for crimes, knives are the #1 weapon. Anything with impact could be used as a weapon, enough said.
What would be the definition of strict scrutiny under the right to keep & bear arms? The government would have to prove such restrictions on the right to keep & bear arms are of necessary importance to keep the public safe from specifically identified threats. Adam Lanza could be adjudicated mentally ill in a court of law & prohibited from owning & carrying firearms but only if the court deemed it necessary for public safety. Sarah McKinely was 18 in December of 2010 & I assume she's 20 today & still barred from purchasing a handgun from a FFL dealer even though she has saved her infant son's life & has not been in anyway proven to be irresponsible as the courts upholding such arbitrary bans say.
Bottom line on this here is in Louisiana & strict scrutiny I would expect the only restrictions on firearm ownership would be against those adjudicated too dangerous for firearm ownership beyond a reasonable doubt just like defendants have due process rights in court of law. This doesn't mean crime will be more acceptable but reinforces firearms & our rights will not be singled out while providing aid to fugitives & criminals preparing to commit crimes will still be a crime called"aiding & abetting" which has been a crime for centuries.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Personal secession
Why wait for referendums? Being a sovereign citizen has numerous benefits including freedom from debt, invasive searches, bureaucracy, gun control, lack of property rights, taxation, restrictions on travel, inflation, fiat currency, forced unionism, censorship, & other shit.
Sovereign citizen movements have been suppressed due to massive government force with unchallenged weaponry. When some say you don't "need" semi automatic rifles, right to keep & bear arms is not about sports & hunting. It is about resisting & defending against government tyranny the same way a country has a military to defend itself against foreign enemies. When someone secedes, they face foreign enemies & must be armed in order to protect oneself, without exception. This includes fully automatic weapons like Uzis, miniguns, turrets, automatic rifles, & even anti-tank/anti-aircraft weaponry.
I would like to call my secession gradual secession, which involves more & more groups of people declaring their independence by renouncing subjecthood & choosing a new set of code to be governed by "consent of the governed". Examples would include assembly of armed militias ready to defend their independence from tyrannical government. Who better supplies these weapons. Gun dealers of course supply weapons but are bound by the tyrannical BATFE which seeks disarment. Gun dealers could face a war of aggression against them from the BATFE & DC empire should secession take place. Aggression against self-determination violates the Geneva Convention & thus is an act of war, making the DC empire a major war criminal.
What I'm saying here is for there to be a peaceful solution to the problem of the tyrannical DC empire & the best option is gradual secession. Get groups of masses to personally secede & eventually enough will help you with your quest for absolute secession. The use of firearms & explosives for for defense purposes only, following the Swiss model of defense. Switzerland has not faced heavy violence or conflicts since the early 19th century yet still has a strong military & armed civilians. That's why Switzerland is an unappealing target to pilage & wage war against. Any place armed will be safeguarded against violent attacks & if a foreign force has threatened thy homeland, then it is customary for there to be armed resistence against thy foreign invader.
What foreign invaders will sovereign citizens & seperatists face? The DC empire most of all & other foreign tyrannical regimes like China, Iran, Saudi Arabia. Of course it's likely there will be few battles involved & once other people/states start seceding, the DC empire will lose base & fall.
Why wait for referendums when gradual secession is more effective yet non-violent.
Sovereign citizen movements have been suppressed due to massive government force with unchallenged weaponry. When some say you don't "need" semi automatic rifles, right to keep & bear arms is not about sports & hunting. It is about resisting & defending against government tyranny the same way a country has a military to defend itself against foreign enemies. When someone secedes, they face foreign enemies & must be armed in order to protect oneself, without exception. This includes fully automatic weapons like Uzis, miniguns, turrets, automatic rifles, & even anti-tank/anti-aircraft weaponry.
I would like to call my secession gradual secession, which involves more & more groups of people declaring their independence by renouncing subjecthood & choosing a new set of code to be governed by "consent of the governed". Examples would include assembly of armed militias ready to defend their independence from tyrannical government. Who better supplies these weapons. Gun dealers of course supply weapons but are bound by the tyrannical BATFE which seeks disarment. Gun dealers could face a war of aggression against them from the BATFE & DC empire should secession take place. Aggression against self-determination violates the Geneva Convention & thus is an act of war, making the DC empire a major war criminal.
What I'm saying here is for there to be a peaceful solution to the problem of the tyrannical DC empire & the best option is gradual secession. Get groups of masses to personally secede & eventually enough will help you with your quest for absolute secession. The use of firearms & explosives for for defense purposes only, following the Swiss model of defense. Switzerland has not faced heavy violence or conflicts since the early 19th century yet still has a strong military & armed civilians. That's why Switzerland is an unappealing target to pilage & wage war against. Any place armed will be safeguarded against violent attacks & if a foreign force has threatened thy homeland, then it is customary for there to be armed resistence against thy foreign invader.
What foreign invaders will sovereign citizens & seperatists face? The DC empire most of all & other foreign tyrannical regimes like China, Iran, Saudi Arabia. Of course it's likely there will be few battles involved & once other people/states start seceding, the DC empire will lose base & fall.
Why wait for referendums when gradual secession is more effective yet non-violent.
Reveal of 8th Generation Consoles & Decline of 7th Generation Consoles
Sony, Microsoft, & Valve are set to reveal their next Generation consoles as early as Feb. 25-28 & as late as June 11-13. Nintendo has already released the Wii U as of November 2012 while Sony & Microsoft's current gen consoles are aging. Proof includes price cuts such as Xbox 360 being only $99-$199 now, Sony is caving into PS4, & Valve has shown disgust over the "flawed" Windows 8.
Sony Playstation 4 Orbis
Sony is set to have a special event in Scottsdale, Arizona open by invitation February 25-28. It's titled "Destination Playstation" & Playstation 4 Orbis could be revealed at that time. Should Sony reveal PS4, it would get a lot of attention & Sony needs more attention given Playstation doesn't get as much attention as Xbox & Nintendo consoles. Should it not be reveal at Destination Playstation, either PAX Boston 2013 or GDC in March could see reveal & even if that not the case, it will most certainly see reveal at E3 in June.
Microsoft Xbox 720
Xbox 720 has gotten even more attention than PS4 & it hasn't seen a reveal yet. Earliest it could see reveal is in March at either PAX Boston or GDC in March & at very latest E3 in June. The 720 might be the best selling console of this generation but this console wasn't overall as familiar to me as Sony's Playstation 4. I predict Microsoft will outsell it's competition here with Xbox 720 & due to the situation with the aging Xbox 360, the 720 is more than ready to be released by the end of the year. The 360 looks much older than PS3 & Wii. The Wii U is only making Xbox 360 look older in everyway. 360 is over 7 years old & my 360 is almost ready for classic archive status. Even when Xbox 720 is released, the Xbox 360 will still keep living until 2016 & the same could be true for the Nintendo Wii while Sony Playstation 3 could see retirement a year earlier in 2015. Anyway, the Xbox 720 could blow away the competition the same way Playstation One blew the sales record of 102 million, exceeding Nintendo 64, Sega Saturn, Atari Jaguar, & 3DO combined? Only time will tell, especially after the last 7th gen. console retires.
Valve Steambox
A new contender in this race includes Valve, creator of Steam. Steam is a gaming program online which is a cousin of Linux technically & founder of Valve Gabe Newell has hinted the Steam Box will be the first hybrid(PC/Home Console) console to hit markets by the end of this year! He also shown disgust over the "catastrophic" Windows 8 which I presume must be unfit for gaming. PC gamers have no need to panic when they have a computer that functions like a PC but is convienent as the competing home consoles. It's like merging technology from Windows & Xbox systems. It's like being able to use a personal computer & also at times a home consoles packaged into one. Earliest reveal could be March but if not, must be E3 in June. Valve could hold an event of it's own sometime thus giving itself more attention to it's introduction. Sony's having their own event. Valve could really use some attention with it's introduction to home consoles considering Steambox will be it's first home console on the market. Not only will Valve enter home console markets for the very first time but it will also be the first to release a hybrid console. CD-I was the first console to be CD based that was not just add-on while Playstation was the first successful CD based console. Valve says the Steam Box will be Linux based but hopefully it will be able to function like both a PC & Home Console combined. For Grand Theft Auto 5 fans dying to have Rockstar make a PC version of the game, Valve has an even better idea where Rockstar could make a Steam Box version instead. Forget about Windows for gaming when you could have something more advnaced & convienent. Hope Steambox can be better than both a PC & Home Console combined & hope you can be able to play games like Grand Theft Auto 5 & Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012.
The current consoles on the market here are Playstation 2, Xbox 360, Wii, Playstation 3, & Wii U. The first one here is 6th gen, the middle three are 7th gen, & the last one is 8th gen. The PS2 was discontinued on December 28 in Japan & I assume 2012 was the year the last 6th generation console retired. However, PS2 still sells in other parts of the World & I'm seeing it's final game was released in late October. What about the 7th gen? Xbox 360 & PS3 do not have successors yet but Wii is now as of November 2012 a predecessor console. But when will these consoles cease to be in production? It's likely the 7th generation will be officially retired by 2016 while it feels like 6th gen has already retired in 2012. I assume Sony Playstation 3 will be retired by 2015 & Microsoft Xbox 360 & Nintendo Wii retired by 2016. However, these consoles could still be produced afterwards but only on a smaller scale. PS2 is not producing any more games after Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 & I expect the last games to be released for PS3 will be in 2015 & last Xbox 360 & Wii games will be released in 2016. What it really comes down to is if games are still being produced. For new games, October 25, 2012 was the date the last Playstation 2 game was released.
What does the future hold for video gaming? Shall there be other competition from Apple, Google, Amazon, or Dell? It would be nice to see even more competition come up to the plate. If Apple, Google, & Amazon were to make home consoles, they would be android based though Apple in my view would be the only one to make a Tribrid(android, PC, home console) that would be part Ouya, Mac, part home console. Imagine if we had a combination of an Android based, Mac Computer, & home console in one. A great name for that would be iGamac & Apple has computer games for it's line of Mac computers. Why did I mention Dell? Dell also manufactures Alienware which is like a gaming PC but is disqualified from being considered a home console like the ones made by Nintendo, Sony, & Microsoft. With Alienware, Dell could also compete with Valve in making their own hybrid console. If only Alienware could be a home console yet be as functional as a PC.
Anyway, it would be great to see TRIPLE the amount of consoles in just the leap of one generation. Example of what I mean would be there being only 3 in 7th generation to 8-9 in 8th.
Release dates for Microsoft Xbox 720, Valve Steambox, & Sony Playstation 4 will be in 2013
Release dates should Apple, Google, Amazon, & Dell enter would be 2015 at the most but probably no earlier than 2014. Think this isn't possible for same gen consoles to be released three years after the first? Sega Dreamcast was released in 1998(JP) with Microsoft Xbox & Nintendo Gamecube joining competition alongside Sony Playstation 2. Dreamcast & Xbox/Gamecube have a 3 year gap in release dates & despite Microsoft's hesitation in 6th generation, the Xbox became a reality in 2001.
Anyway, the 8th Generation of Gaming will be a game changer & set the most amount of milestones than any other generation before it.
Sony Playstation 4 Orbis
Sony is set to have a special event in Scottsdale, Arizona open by invitation February 25-28. It's titled "Destination Playstation" & Playstation 4 Orbis could be revealed at that time. Should Sony reveal PS4, it would get a lot of attention & Sony needs more attention given Playstation doesn't get as much attention as Xbox & Nintendo consoles. Should it not be reveal at Destination Playstation, either PAX Boston 2013 or GDC in March could see reveal & even if that not the case, it will most certainly see reveal at E3 in June.
Microsoft Xbox 720
Xbox 720 has gotten even more attention than PS4 & it hasn't seen a reveal yet. Earliest it could see reveal is in March at either PAX Boston or GDC in March & at very latest E3 in June. The 720 might be the best selling console of this generation but this console wasn't overall as familiar to me as Sony's Playstation 4. I predict Microsoft will outsell it's competition here with Xbox 720 & due to the situation with the aging Xbox 360, the 720 is more than ready to be released by the end of the year. The 360 looks much older than PS3 & Wii. The Wii U is only making Xbox 360 look older in everyway. 360 is over 7 years old & my 360 is almost ready for classic archive status. Even when Xbox 720 is released, the Xbox 360 will still keep living until 2016 & the same could be true for the Nintendo Wii while Sony Playstation 3 could see retirement a year earlier in 2015. Anyway, the Xbox 720 could blow away the competition the same way Playstation One blew the sales record of 102 million, exceeding Nintendo 64, Sega Saturn, Atari Jaguar, & 3DO combined? Only time will tell, especially after the last 7th gen. console retires.
Valve Steambox
A new contender in this race includes Valve, creator of Steam. Steam is a gaming program online which is a cousin of Linux technically & founder of Valve Gabe Newell has hinted the Steam Box will be the first hybrid(PC/Home Console) console to hit markets by the end of this year! He also shown disgust over the "catastrophic" Windows 8 which I presume must be unfit for gaming. PC gamers have no need to panic when they have a computer that functions like a PC but is convienent as the competing home consoles. It's like merging technology from Windows & Xbox systems. It's like being able to use a personal computer & also at times a home consoles packaged into one. Earliest reveal could be March but if not, must be E3 in June. Valve could hold an event of it's own sometime thus giving itself more attention to it's introduction. Sony's having their own event. Valve could really use some attention with it's introduction to home consoles considering Steambox will be it's first home console on the market. Not only will Valve enter home console markets for the very first time but it will also be the first to release a hybrid console. CD-I was the first console to be CD based that was not just add-on while Playstation was the first successful CD based console. Valve says the Steam Box will be Linux based but hopefully it will be able to function like both a PC & Home Console combined. For Grand Theft Auto 5 fans dying to have Rockstar make a PC version of the game, Valve has an even better idea where Rockstar could make a Steam Box version instead. Forget about Windows for gaming when you could have something more advnaced & convienent. Hope Steambox can be better than both a PC & Home Console combined & hope you can be able to play games like Grand Theft Auto 5 & Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012.
The current consoles on the market here are Playstation 2, Xbox 360, Wii, Playstation 3, & Wii U. The first one here is 6th gen, the middle three are 7th gen, & the last one is 8th gen. The PS2 was discontinued on December 28 in Japan & I assume 2012 was the year the last 6th generation console retired. However, PS2 still sells in other parts of the World & I'm seeing it's final game was released in late October. What about the 7th gen? Xbox 360 & PS3 do not have successors yet but Wii is now as of November 2012 a predecessor console. But when will these consoles cease to be in production? It's likely the 7th generation will be officially retired by 2016 while it feels like 6th gen has already retired in 2012. I assume Sony Playstation 3 will be retired by 2015 & Microsoft Xbox 360 & Nintendo Wii retired by 2016. However, these consoles could still be produced afterwards but only on a smaller scale. PS2 is not producing any more games after Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 & I expect the last games to be released for PS3 will be in 2015 & last Xbox 360 & Wii games will be released in 2016. What it really comes down to is if games are still being produced. For new games, October 25, 2012 was the date the last Playstation 2 game was released.
What does the future hold for video gaming? Shall there be other competition from Apple, Google, Amazon, or Dell? It would be nice to see even more competition come up to the plate. If Apple, Google, & Amazon were to make home consoles, they would be android based though Apple in my view would be the only one to make a Tribrid(android, PC, home console) that would be part Ouya, Mac, part home console. Imagine if we had a combination of an Android based, Mac Computer, & home console in one. A great name for that would be iGamac & Apple has computer games for it's line of Mac computers. Why did I mention Dell? Dell also manufactures Alienware which is like a gaming PC but is disqualified from being considered a home console like the ones made by Nintendo, Sony, & Microsoft. With Alienware, Dell could also compete with Valve in making their own hybrid console. If only Alienware could be a home console yet be as functional as a PC.
Anyway, it would be great to see TRIPLE the amount of consoles in just the leap of one generation. Example of what I mean would be there being only 3 in 7th generation to 8-9 in 8th.
Release dates for Microsoft Xbox 720, Valve Steambox, & Sony Playstation 4 will be in 2013
Release dates should Apple, Google, Amazon, & Dell enter would be 2015 at the most but probably no earlier than 2014. Think this isn't possible for same gen consoles to be released three years after the first? Sega Dreamcast was released in 1998(JP) with Microsoft Xbox & Nintendo Gamecube joining competition alongside Sony Playstation 2. Dreamcast & Xbox/Gamecube have a 3 year gap in release dates & despite Microsoft's hesitation in 6th generation, the Xbox became a reality in 2001.
Anyway, the 8th Generation of Gaming will be a game changer & set the most amount of milestones than any other generation before it.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Types of Consoles for 8th Generation of Gaming
8th Generation will see not only new advancements in technology here but type of console made. It's not only Nintendo, Sony, & Microsoft that will have home consoles but Valve as well & it plans to release the World's First hybrid console. They call it Steambox. It will be able to function like a PC & Home Console. Though unconfirmed, there's the possibility of other competitors like Apple, Google, Amazon, & Dell. How about Android based consoles? Ouya is one of them.
Traditional consoles include Nintendo Wii U, Sony Playstation 4, & Microsoft Xbox 720.
These are types of consoles that are optical disk based but have the option of having games downloaded to their hard drives. Consoles like these have been around since the 5th generation of gaming & their competitors are going to have newer type consoles such as hybrid & android based ones. Might even be one Tribrid(PC, Home Console, Android). Wii U has already been released & I expect Xbox 720 & Playstation 4 to be announced by the end of March & detailed by E3 2013. 720 is expected to have a built in Kinect sensor, a touchscreen gamepad similar to Wii U Gamepad, Blu Ray, HDMI, & being awesomer in everyway than it's predecessor. PS4 could have a barrage of new features such as bluetooth HDMI input, ability to have mulitple TVs at once with one console for multiplayer, touchscreen on the console, PS Move snappable symetric controller, ability to have own console cover, etc.
Hybrid consoles include Valve Steambox & possibly Dell Alienware Home.
Valve has already confirmed but not revealed it's PC/Home Console Steambox which is intended to be like Playstation, Xbox, & Nintendo consoles only functioning like a PC but playing like a home console. Valve host PC gaming program Steam. A great go for Valve as they unveil a never before seen console of it's kind that can function like a PC in your living room but have as much convienence as a home console. I've thought about making a console like a PC & Home Console combined but Valve is going to reveal the first one. The Steambox will have convience as Wii U but will be functioning like a PC. Dell also produces Alienware PCs but could really follow in Valve's footsteps by releasing one of their own hybrid consoles. It could be one in which you hook it up to your TV & it would function like a PC & Home Console. It would be nice if Dell spiced shit up.
Android consoles include Ouya, possible Google Gamedroid, possibly Amazon Kindle Fire Play, & possibly Apple iPlay.
Ouya set to be released this spring. I've heard it might support OnLive games but Ouya hasn't really been dubbed a console like Wii U. Ouya is $99 & could fit into a hollowed out Nintendo Gamecube. It has only 8GB memory though & if you play alot of games, you may have to buy a second one. What if Apple, Google, & Amazon made home consoles that were android based? I presume Moga would produce controllers for these consoles but there's also possibility of using tablets as controllers. Android consoles don't have optical disk drives but require downloads instead. Games would still be of same quality though with stuff like Need For Speed. Android consoles could do much of what any other consoles could do.
Tribrid consoles include possibly Apple iGamac.
What if Apple produced a console as Functional as a Mac computer, technical as an Android, & convienent as a Home Console? That would be some serious big news here! If Apple could have games be played on their I portable products then what could possibly stop them from adapting the first TRIBRID console that is part PC, part Android, & part home console!
Here's a list of types of consoles:
Traditional: Nintendo Wii U, Microsoft Xbox 720, & Sony Playstation 4
Hybrid: Valve Steam Box & Dell Alienware Home
Android: Google Gamedroid, Amazon Kindle Fire Play, & Apple iPlay
Tribrid: Apple iGamac
If all these were to be a reality, then there would be NINE different consoles for the eighth generation of gaming, which is three times more than the previous generation. Some android consoles like Google & Amazon may have portable versions like Nintendo & Sony have 3DS & Vita respectively. Apple would have TWO consoles on the market simultaniously with Andriod iPlay & Tribrid iGamac though iPlay could be a hybrid between handheld & home console.
Traditional consoles include Nintendo Wii U, Sony Playstation 4, & Microsoft Xbox 720.
These are types of consoles that are optical disk based but have the option of having games downloaded to their hard drives. Consoles like these have been around since the 5th generation of gaming & their competitors are going to have newer type consoles such as hybrid & android based ones. Might even be one Tribrid(PC, Home Console, Android). Wii U has already been released & I expect Xbox 720 & Playstation 4 to be announced by the end of March & detailed by E3 2013. 720 is expected to have a built in Kinect sensor, a touchscreen gamepad similar to Wii U Gamepad, Blu Ray, HDMI, & being awesomer in everyway than it's predecessor. PS4 could have a barrage of new features such as bluetooth HDMI input, ability to have mulitple TVs at once with one console for multiplayer, touchscreen on the console, PS Move snappable symetric controller, ability to have own console cover, etc.
Hybrid consoles include Valve Steambox & possibly Dell Alienware Home.
Valve has already confirmed but not revealed it's PC/Home Console Steambox which is intended to be like Playstation, Xbox, & Nintendo consoles only functioning like a PC but playing like a home console. Valve host PC gaming program Steam. A great go for Valve as they unveil a never before seen console of it's kind that can function like a PC in your living room but have as much convienence as a home console. I've thought about making a console like a PC & Home Console combined but Valve is going to reveal the first one. The Steambox will have convience as Wii U but will be functioning like a PC. Dell also produces Alienware PCs but could really follow in Valve's footsteps by releasing one of their own hybrid consoles. It could be one in which you hook it up to your TV & it would function like a PC & Home Console. It would be nice if Dell spiced shit up.
Android consoles include Ouya, possible Google Gamedroid, possibly Amazon Kindle Fire Play, & possibly Apple iPlay.
Ouya set to be released this spring. I've heard it might support OnLive games but Ouya hasn't really been dubbed a console like Wii U. Ouya is $99 & could fit into a hollowed out Nintendo Gamecube. It has only 8GB memory though & if you play alot of games, you may have to buy a second one. What if Apple, Google, & Amazon made home consoles that were android based? I presume Moga would produce controllers for these consoles but there's also possibility of using tablets as controllers. Android consoles don't have optical disk drives but require downloads instead. Games would still be of same quality though with stuff like Need For Speed. Android consoles could do much of what any other consoles could do.
Tribrid consoles include possibly Apple iGamac.
What if Apple produced a console as Functional as a Mac computer, technical as an Android, & convienent as a Home Console? That would be some serious big news here! If Apple could have games be played on their I portable products then what could possibly stop them from adapting the first TRIBRID console that is part PC, part Android, & part home console!
Here's a list of types of consoles:
Traditional: Nintendo Wii U, Microsoft Xbox 720, & Sony Playstation 4
Hybrid: Valve Steam Box & Dell Alienware Home
Android: Google Gamedroid, Amazon Kindle Fire Play, & Apple iPlay
Tribrid: Apple iGamac
If all these were to be a reality, then there would be NINE different consoles for the eighth generation of gaming, which is three times more than the previous generation. Some android consoles like Google & Amazon may have portable versions like Nintendo & Sony have 3DS & Vita respectively. Apple would have TWO consoles on the market simultaniously with Andriod iPlay & Tribrid iGamac though iPlay could be a hybrid between handheld & home console.
Eigth Generation of Gaming
We already know Wii U is already on the market & is made by Nintendo. Nintendo got ahead start on HDMI era(8th generation video gaming) the same way Sega got ahead start in Sixth Generation with the Dreamcast. What about Nintendo Wii U's competitors? No competitors have been officially revealed yet despite news of next gen consoles competing with Nintendo such as Sony Playstation 4, Microsoft Xbox 720, & Valve Steambox. I will list manufacturers that have already revealed their consoles, have yet to reveal, & have yet to even jump in.
Already revealed/released
Wii U
Released in November 2012, the Wii U became the first gaming console to require HDMI input. The Wii U also came with it's Gamepad which could be used for many different functions which tops out Xbox 360 & Playstation 3 on that. There's a good reason why Wii U is HDMI because it's graphics are as crisp as they can be at this present time. You can see the difference between Wii U & Xbox 360/PS3/Wii. The Wii U for some games may require the Wii remote but Wii remotes are compatable with Wii U as the console is also backwards compatable with all Wii games once Wii U first update is installed. Patience is a virtue here so just wait a couple hours for download. To play Wii games, go to Wii menu where you must use Wii controllers/peripherals. Notable Wii U hits include New Super Mario Bros U, Nintendo Land, & Sonic All Star Racing. Wii U is the most advanced console at the present time but will be outmatched by competitors within a year or two. For now, Wii U has the best graphics to date.
An android based console set for $99, the Ouya will be able to play android games at home. It also utilizes the OnLive games which are around 300 in amount but I don't know how much punishment the Ouya will take. It could fit into a hollowed out Nintendo Gamecube. Sadly, it has only 1 GB ram memory. It does require HDMI input & there are some free to play stuff here. I presume you could play many of the games you could normally play on PS3/Xbox 360 on Ouya. It doesn't get released until March-April 2013. If Driver San Francisco, Saints Row The Third, Sleeping Dogs, & LA Noire can be played on Ouya, I guess I could consider. This console is alien from other consoles but after reading more about it Ouya will play similar to home consoles but just in Android style.
Semi-Confirmed but not revealed
Playstation 4/Orbis
Sony has always been one step ahead of the game most of the time in terms of technology considering their controller & disc capacity. Blu-Ray was the drive for Playstation 3 & yet alongside Xbox 360 & Wii is getting old now but PS3 is looking younger than 360. If you think DualShock Controller was cutting edge at the time it first came for Playstation One, then Sony has a suprise for you. It's alleged new controller will include two Playstation Move balls on top of it & can be detached in half like something you would snap on & off. It would also work as a PS Move remote when it is only half. I wounder if the controller will have symetric controls like the Virtual Boy. Hopefully, PS4 controller will have symetrical control functions like when snapped together the left side would function like a d pad but will have the same button textures as regular buttons placed to it's right. Or maybe place D-Pad seperately with one for each side while the same button functionalities as PS3 are intact. What makes PS3 better is it's controller doesn't require AAA batteries & it can be charged by plugging it to the console. Back to PS4/Orbis, the input will obvious require HDMI since it is HDMI like Wii U. But, PS4 will possibly have bluetooth wireless input like the ones with wireless computer mouses as well as wireless controllers. However, you will still need to plug the console into an electrical outlet for power. It could even have it's own touch screen @ motion control sensors on front as well as the first console to have good virtual reality gaming, unlike the crappy Virtual Boy which gave ya headaches. You maybe able to hook up to 4 different screens & could even support 4K resolution which Sony seems to be pioneering for home theatres. You maybe able to create your own console covers. PS4 could be outmatched by Xbox 720 & that is a high possibility.
Xbox 720
The grandchild console of the very first Xbox(2001-8) will swamp PS4 & Wii U on a large scale in terms of sales though the Playstation 4 might be the least successful in sales. The 720 will most likely support blu-ray(like Sony consoles), have a built in Kinect 2.0 sensor, have 1.6 GHZ, possibility of a touchscreen controller, & like PS4 may even support terrabyte data. The 720 maybe downloadable only but PS4 will not. The 720 is predicted to definitely outsell Playstation 4 & Wii U but the question of Valve's Steambox remains a mystery. While the Xbox 720 may not be able to everything the PS4 can do, both will certainly be able to do almost everything Wii U can do. For a controller, Microsoft should have their own gamepad with a touchscreen which will make it's controller identical or even better than Wii U Gamepad. Microsoft should save Smart Glass for it's next generation system & make a touchscreen controller.
Valve owns Steam which is responsible for PC gaming accounts & downloading for PC games & I must say it has to be the most reliable & the best game download accounting program to date. Now Valve shall release it's PC/Home Console within a year from now. Will it be just another PC or a home console as well. Valve says it's for the living room but it functions a lot like a PC & home console. That's better than a PS4 & Xbox 720. Shall Steambox outsell the Xbox 720? A home console that's also a home computer will be great for doing mods.
unconfirms but potential for entry:
Apple is renouned for it's line of Mac computers. Wonder how well they would do if competing with Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, & Valve? Their failure with the Pippin console in the mid 1990's decided that Apple will never see another console in their line of products. Games have been released for Mac computers & Mac computers have been praised for better technology than Microsoft. Could Apple outmatch Microsoft's Xbox consoles? Today, games for Mac computers are becoming more competitive with Microsoft Windows but not by a whole lot given that many games come later than their Windows counterparts. Apple has released games on their IOS ipads & what would be a great idea is for them to make their own home console & even have a touchscreen like controller like their ipad but with buttons as well like the Wii U Gamepad & make it so controls could also be like the Wii Remote. Apple would also be identical to what valve is doing. It could have a Mac computer hardware & home console capabilities combined the same as what Valve is doing with Steambox. An Apple console would spice the console wars in the 8th generation. If Apple is porting games on their computers, then how about doing what Valve & Microsoft are doing? I figure the console would be called iPlay. What about Apple making the first Tribrid console which could be a PC(Mac), home console, & android combined?
Android is an operating system & competitor to Apple in terms of tablets & smartphones. Other than Ouya, what if there was another android console for home that weighed as much as a Wii U? There have already been games released for android devices & IOS but have not been much in quantity as home consoles. What if Google made an Android home console to be more competitive? The console could be called Android Homeplay. Ouya might be too limited & Google has the opportunity to enhance their gaming market by releasing a home android console that also uses an android based controller but has as many button functionalities as Wii U Gamepad. Some motion controls should be like the Wii Remote.
Alienware Home
Alienware currently is a PC product. However, Dell could really compete with Valve by releasing it's own hybrid console. It could be huge & could also function like a PC. The Steambox & Alienware Home consoles could be the first hybrid consoles to hit the video gaming market the same way Sony's Playstation in 1994-95 was the first CD console not to be an add-on nor a commercial failure. Alienware is a gaming style computer that could really be more of a success if they took their computer technology & made a hybrid out of it.
Kindle Fire
If Apple & Google get into the console business, Amazon could have the same potential. However, Amazon is the least likely on this list to come out with their own console. It might follow in Ouya's footsteps & create an android based home console that can do more or as much as the Wii U. I'm not sure Amazon will jump into making a home console since Kindle is mostly for e-books.
The eight generation of gaming will be the most revolutionary generation of gaming since the Fifth Generation saw the rise of CD-ROM based gaming consoles, drifting away from cartridge based consoles. The Eighth Generation will see the rise of Hybrid & Android consoles like the Valve Steambox & the decline of regular consoles like Wii U, Playstation 4 Orbis, & Xbox 720.
Nintendo has been behind it's competitors in terms of hardware & technology & I presume the successor to the Wii U will be android based since Nintendo's top priority is not hardware but software.
The Sixth Generation was the last one to see CD-ROM based consoles(Sega Dreamcast, Microsoft Xbox) while Nintendo has had their own optical disks foriegn to that of most competitors. Nintendo 64 was the last home console to utilize cartridges. The Seventh Generation's Xbox 360 will likely be the last console to utilize DVD's. The Seventh Generation WILL be the last generation to have VHS style inputs.
Wii U is the first HDMI home console to hit markets & all other consoles will follow suit. Xbox 720 will have Blu-Ray discs just like the PS3 had though PS4 will have Blu-Ray DEUCE, which holds 3x more than regular Blu-Ray discs. HVD technology is a possibility in the future & this generation of gaming will see Terabyte(TB) hardware, processing, storage, & memory. Traditional consoles will probably last one or two more generations as Android & Hybrid consoles will soon dominate the console market the same way the CD based consoles dominated the market during the Fifth Generation. Could Xbox 720, Playstation 4, & Wii U be the Nintendo 64s of the Eighth Generation?
Consoles will also be integrated with Smart TV as it will soon replace the old fashioned TV's that use VHS input. Playstation 4 Orbis might have a wireless, bluetooth like HDMI input & could even have multiplayer mode where you can have several TV screens at once. How cool is that? Expensive though & may require more space but it sure is awesome for multiplayer & co-op.
You'll know the difference between VHS & HDMI inputs in terms of more crisp graphics. Compare the Wii U vs. Xbox 360/Playstation 3 versions Call of Duty Black Ops II & if you really are into HDMI, then the Wii U is the best version due to crisp graphics compared to Xbox 360 & PS3 versions which still need more polish on graphics in order to reach HDMI levels.
Discs could be in decline thanks to cloud computing & android gaming. Steam is pioneering download games & even has a system where if your computer is gone, you still have your downloaded games due to an account being there.
Main controllers will also be a big leap with touchscreen gamepads, symetric splitable controllers, & swappable part controllers.
8-9 home console available on market would be a big leap from only 3 from the previous generation.
What will make the 8th generation the most revolutionary is the advanced controllers unseen in previous generations, first hybrid consoles from(Valve, Dell, Apple) as well as Android based consoles & cloud computing.
Game Consoles & the internet have been made since Sega Dreamcast of the 6th generation & updates have been applicable since the Xbox 360 of the 7th generation. The 6th generation starting with Sega Dreamcast & moving onto Sony Playstation 2, Microsoft Xbox, & Nintendo Gamecube saw the birth of online gaming & the 7th generation starting with Microsoft Xbox 360 & moving onto Sony Playstation 3 & Nintendo Wii had the ability to receive updates on both their hardware & software including certain games. This came in handy as Microsoft has most frequently more than Sony & Nintendo updated it's console while also redecorating it's menus which is something unheard of even after menu screens for consoles were even introduced, starting with Philips CD-I & Playstation One.
From Pong of the 1970's to Grand Theft Auto IV of 2008, video games have gone a long way & the 8th generation will bring more advancements to video games more than 7th generation consoles could.
I'd like to see Playstation 4 Orbis, Xbox 720, & Steambox join the market by Christmas 2013 as well as have Apple, Google, Dell, & Amazon make either hybrid and/or android based consoles by 2015.
Already revealed/released
Wii U
Released in November 2012, the Wii U became the first gaming console to require HDMI input. The Wii U also came with it's Gamepad which could be used for many different functions which tops out Xbox 360 & Playstation 3 on that. There's a good reason why Wii U is HDMI because it's graphics are as crisp as they can be at this present time. You can see the difference between Wii U & Xbox 360/PS3/Wii. The Wii U for some games may require the Wii remote but Wii remotes are compatable with Wii U as the console is also backwards compatable with all Wii games once Wii U first update is installed. Patience is a virtue here so just wait a couple hours for download. To play Wii games, go to Wii menu where you must use Wii controllers/peripherals. Notable Wii U hits include New Super Mario Bros U, Nintendo Land, & Sonic All Star Racing. Wii U is the most advanced console at the present time but will be outmatched by competitors within a year or two. For now, Wii U has the best graphics to date.
An android based console set for $99, the Ouya will be able to play android games at home. It also utilizes the OnLive games which are around 300 in amount but I don't know how much punishment the Ouya will take. It could fit into a hollowed out Nintendo Gamecube. Sadly, it has only 1 GB ram memory. It does require HDMI input & there are some free to play stuff here. I presume you could play many of the games you could normally play on PS3/Xbox 360 on Ouya. It doesn't get released until March-April 2013. If Driver San Francisco, Saints Row The Third, Sleeping Dogs, & LA Noire can be played on Ouya, I guess I could consider. This console is alien from other consoles but after reading more about it Ouya will play similar to home consoles but just in Android style.
Semi-Confirmed but not revealed
Playstation 4/Orbis
Sony has always been one step ahead of the game most of the time in terms of technology considering their controller & disc capacity. Blu-Ray was the drive for Playstation 3 & yet alongside Xbox 360 & Wii is getting old now but PS3 is looking younger than 360. If you think DualShock Controller was cutting edge at the time it first came for Playstation One, then Sony has a suprise for you. It's alleged new controller will include two Playstation Move balls on top of it & can be detached in half like something you would snap on & off. It would also work as a PS Move remote when it is only half. I wounder if the controller will have symetric controls like the Virtual Boy. Hopefully, PS4 controller will have symetrical control functions like when snapped together the left side would function like a d pad but will have the same button textures as regular buttons placed to it's right. Or maybe place D-Pad seperately with one for each side while the same button functionalities as PS3 are intact. What makes PS3 better is it's controller doesn't require AAA batteries & it can be charged by plugging it to the console. Back to PS4/Orbis, the input will obvious require HDMI since it is HDMI like Wii U. But, PS4 will possibly have bluetooth wireless input like the ones with wireless computer mouses as well as wireless controllers. However, you will still need to plug the console into an electrical outlet for power. It could even have it's own touch screen @ motion control sensors on front as well as the first console to have good virtual reality gaming, unlike the crappy Virtual Boy which gave ya headaches. You maybe able to hook up to 4 different screens & could even support 4K resolution which Sony seems to be pioneering for home theatres. You maybe able to create your own console covers. PS4 could be outmatched by Xbox 720 & that is a high possibility.
Xbox 720
The grandchild console of the very first Xbox(2001-8) will swamp PS4 & Wii U on a large scale in terms of sales though the Playstation 4 might be the least successful in sales. The 720 will most likely support blu-ray(like Sony consoles), have a built in Kinect 2.0 sensor, have 1.6 GHZ, possibility of a touchscreen controller, & like PS4 may even support terrabyte data. The 720 maybe downloadable only but PS4 will not. The 720 is predicted to definitely outsell Playstation 4 & Wii U but the question of Valve's Steambox remains a mystery. While the Xbox 720 may not be able to everything the PS4 can do, both will certainly be able to do almost everything Wii U can do. For a controller, Microsoft should have their own gamepad with a touchscreen which will make it's controller identical or even better than Wii U Gamepad. Microsoft should save Smart Glass for it's next generation system & make a touchscreen controller.
Valve owns Steam which is responsible for PC gaming accounts & downloading for PC games & I must say it has to be the most reliable & the best game download accounting program to date. Now Valve shall release it's PC/Home Console within a year from now. Will it be just another PC or a home console as well. Valve says it's for the living room but it functions a lot like a PC & home console. That's better than a PS4 & Xbox 720. Shall Steambox outsell the Xbox 720? A home console that's also a home computer will be great for doing mods.
unconfirms but potential for entry:
Apple is renouned for it's line of Mac computers. Wonder how well they would do if competing with Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, & Valve? Their failure with the Pippin console in the mid 1990's decided that Apple will never see another console in their line of products. Games have been released for Mac computers & Mac computers have been praised for better technology than Microsoft. Could Apple outmatch Microsoft's Xbox consoles? Today, games for Mac computers are becoming more competitive with Microsoft Windows but not by a whole lot given that many games come later than their Windows counterparts. Apple has released games on their IOS ipads & what would be a great idea is for them to make their own home console & even have a touchscreen like controller like their ipad but with buttons as well like the Wii U Gamepad & make it so controls could also be like the Wii Remote. Apple would also be identical to what valve is doing. It could have a Mac computer hardware & home console capabilities combined the same as what Valve is doing with Steambox. An Apple console would spice the console wars in the 8th generation. If Apple is porting games on their computers, then how about doing what Valve & Microsoft are doing? I figure the console would be called iPlay. What about Apple making the first Tribrid console which could be a PC(Mac), home console, & android combined?
Android is an operating system & competitor to Apple in terms of tablets & smartphones. Other than Ouya, what if there was another android console for home that weighed as much as a Wii U? There have already been games released for android devices & IOS but have not been much in quantity as home consoles. What if Google made an Android home console to be more competitive? The console could be called Android Homeplay. Ouya might be too limited & Google has the opportunity to enhance their gaming market by releasing a home android console that also uses an android based controller but has as many button functionalities as Wii U Gamepad. Some motion controls should be like the Wii Remote.
Alienware Home
Alienware currently is a PC product. However, Dell could really compete with Valve by releasing it's own hybrid console. It could be huge & could also function like a PC. The Steambox & Alienware Home consoles could be the first hybrid consoles to hit the video gaming market the same way Sony's Playstation in 1994-95 was the first CD console not to be an add-on nor a commercial failure. Alienware is a gaming style computer that could really be more of a success if they took their computer technology & made a hybrid out of it.
Kindle Fire
If Apple & Google get into the console business, Amazon could have the same potential. However, Amazon is the least likely on this list to come out with their own console. It might follow in Ouya's footsteps & create an android based home console that can do more or as much as the Wii U. I'm not sure Amazon will jump into making a home console since Kindle is mostly for e-books.
The eight generation of gaming will be the most revolutionary generation of gaming since the Fifth Generation saw the rise of CD-ROM based gaming consoles, drifting away from cartridge based consoles. The Eighth Generation will see the rise of Hybrid & Android consoles like the Valve Steambox & the decline of regular consoles like Wii U, Playstation 4 Orbis, & Xbox 720.
Nintendo has been behind it's competitors in terms of hardware & technology & I presume the successor to the Wii U will be android based since Nintendo's top priority is not hardware but software.
The Sixth Generation was the last one to see CD-ROM based consoles(Sega Dreamcast, Microsoft Xbox) while Nintendo has had their own optical disks foriegn to that of most competitors. Nintendo 64 was the last home console to utilize cartridges. The Seventh Generation's Xbox 360 will likely be the last console to utilize DVD's. The Seventh Generation WILL be the last generation to have VHS style inputs.
Wii U is the first HDMI home console to hit markets & all other consoles will follow suit. Xbox 720 will have Blu-Ray discs just like the PS3 had though PS4 will have Blu-Ray DEUCE, which holds 3x more than regular Blu-Ray discs. HVD technology is a possibility in the future & this generation of gaming will see Terabyte(TB) hardware, processing, storage, & memory. Traditional consoles will probably last one or two more generations as Android & Hybrid consoles will soon dominate the console market the same way the CD based consoles dominated the market during the Fifth Generation. Could Xbox 720, Playstation 4, & Wii U be the Nintendo 64s of the Eighth Generation?
Consoles will also be integrated with Smart TV as it will soon replace the old fashioned TV's that use VHS input. Playstation 4 Orbis might have a wireless, bluetooth like HDMI input & could even have multiplayer mode where you can have several TV screens at once. How cool is that? Expensive though & may require more space but it sure is awesome for multiplayer & co-op.
You'll know the difference between VHS & HDMI inputs in terms of more crisp graphics. Compare the Wii U vs. Xbox 360/Playstation 3 versions Call of Duty Black Ops II & if you really are into HDMI, then the Wii U is the best version due to crisp graphics compared to Xbox 360 & PS3 versions which still need more polish on graphics in order to reach HDMI levels.
Discs could be in decline thanks to cloud computing & android gaming. Steam is pioneering download games & even has a system where if your computer is gone, you still have your downloaded games due to an account being there.
Main controllers will also be a big leap with touchscreen gamepads, symetric splitable controllers, & swappable part controllers.
8-9 home console available on market would be a big leap from only 3 from the previous generation.
What will make the 8th generation the most revolutionary is the advanced controllers unseen in previous generations, first hybrid consoles from(Valve, Dell, Apple) as well as Android based consoles & cloud computing.
Game Consoles & the internet have been made since Sega Dreamcast of the 6th generation & updates have been applicable since the Xbox 360 of the 7th generation. The 6th generation starting with Sega Dreamcast & moving onto Sony Playstation 2, Microsoft Xbox, & Nintendo Gamecube saw the birth of online gaming & the 7th generation starting with Microsoft Xbox 360 & moving onto Sony Playstation 3 & Nintendo Wii had the ability to receive updates on both their hardware & software including certain games. This came in handy as Microsoft has most frequently more than Sony & Nintendo updated it's console while also redecorating it's menus which is something unheard of even after menu screens for consoles were even introduced, starting with Philips CD-I & Playstation One.
From Pong of the 1970's to Grand Theft Auto IV of 2008, video games have gone a long way & the 8th generation will bring more advancements to video games more than 7th generation consoles could.
I'd like to see Playstation 4 Orbis, Xbox 720, & Steambox join the market by Christmas 2013 as well as have Apple, Google, Dell, & Amazon make either hybrid and/or android based consoles by 2015.
Games That Should Be For Wii U
Ever wonder what awesome potentia lies with the following games in terms of using the Wii U Gamepad? The Godfather The Game was initialy released for PC, Playstation 2, & Xbox before seeing an Xbox 360, Playstation 3, & even Wii version. The Wii version was called Blackhand Edition & was rated the best for more active gameplay in terms of using the Wii Remote & Nunchuk motion sensing. There are some following titles that would be best seen for Wii U
Don't get me wrong it's still awesome as it is for the consoles it's on now. However, the Wii U Gamepad could be used for menu options, maps, & switching between powers & weapons. For current versions(PS3, Xbox 360, & PC) you must press a button for a certain menu to appear in which you can switch between powers/weapons. With gamepad gameplay, you could simply click the power, weapon, feature you want as well as looking up objectives without having to switch between the game & menus. It's unlikely Dishonored will see a Wii U port but it's sequal should hopefully have the same opportunity I just mentioned here when it hopefully comes out for Wii U, Xbox 720, Playstation 4, & Steambox.
Watch Dogs
I havean't heard any release date for a Wii U version of Watch Dogs. It's already confirmed for Playstation 3, Xbox 360, & Microsoft Windows. However, Wii U Gamepad could really be used for full potential with many gameplay aspects this game has. Using the gamepad could increase gameplay & give players an exiting opportunity to use features on the gamepad. This is a stealth game, right? So stealth games would be a perfect mate for the Wii U Gamepad due to it's features. Hacking is one component of touchscreen gamepad goodness. Sadly, no word yet on Wii U version. This game also has 8th generation graphics & can thus be easily developed for Wii U. Ubisoft is a major fan of Wii U & it will make no sense if they do not develope a Wii U version of this game sometime soon, unless Nintendo rejects Ubisofts request. It's likely Nintendo will allow Watch Dogs for Wii U since it has approved M rated games for Wii U. However, there's the possibility of a special edition for Watch Dogs which could be for the Wii U much like Bully: Scholarship Edition for Xbox 360 & The Godfather Blackhand Edition for Wii. Both these games were released for PS2, Xbox, & PC before seeing next generation releases. GPS is also a feature gamepad could do.
Bioshock Infinite
Wish you could see Bioshock Infinite in HDMI? Wii U is the only console with the technology for now. Rise of the Guardians came out even better on Wii U thanks to the gamepad map which truly came in handy. Bioshock Infinite could also use that as well. Swapping between weapons/vigors requires opening a menu. How awesome would it be to use the PS Move controller + Navigation controller for PS3? How about using the Wii Remote + Nunchuk the same way it could be used for Goldeneye 007(Wii)? The PS3 & Wii U versions could possibly be the best ones yet. Maybe even a PS4 version if Ken Levine feels like it. But it requires Take-Two interactive's permission though. Hopefully they'll comply if they can.
Grand Theft Auto V
Speculation has it that Rockstar considers a bid for PC & Wii U version of GTA V. GTA V will be released between March 15-June 30 for Playstation 3 & Xbox 360. A Wii U version as well as versions for Xbox 720, Playstation 4, & Steam Box would be awesome will hopefully come, possibly by next year in hopes competitors to Nintendo will release 8th generation consoles. Forget PC's when you've got a Hybrid superconsole like Valve Steambox. Steambox will be as functional as a PC but as practical & convienent as a home console. Graphics here are HDMI approved & it would be nice to see some features like dashboard while driving, gps maps while in game, selection of weapons for easy swapping by simple touch, & even using it as the main screen if you fell like. However, I prefer looking at the TV screen more & using gamepad for features. It would be stellar to use the gamepad for a dashboard while you're driving, something undone before. Touchscreen gamepads enhance gameplay. If Xbox 720 has the same kind of main controller as Wii U, it could surely do what Wii U does. PS4 & Steambox could have touchscreen controllers as secondary controllers. GTA V has a huge difference in graphics from GTA IV & I expect there to be 8th generation console versions of this game. Look at other games that had both 6th & 7th generation versions such as Need For Speed Most Wanted 2005, Bully, The Godfather The Game, & Tomb Raider 2006 for examples though some have had 7th gen versions released later than 6th gen. Grand Theft Auto 5 will get higher ratings for 8th generation consoles than 7th & I predict there will be more downloadable content for possible Xbox 720, PS4, & Steambox versions than others. Downloadable content could include new missions, stuff, & even San Fierro & Las Venturas plus their surrounding areas.
These are four games I can think of that should have a Wii U version. Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012 will see a Wii U version this March & could be rated the best version above PS3. The Wii U's popularity could increase above PS4 due to it's touchscreen gameplay but could find itself outmatched by Xbox 720 due to latter's advanced technology & hardware. Plus, what if Steambox exceeds Wii U?
Don't get me wrong it's still awesome as it is for the consoles it's on now. However, the Wii U Gamepad could be used for menu options, maps, & switching between powers & weapons. For current versions(PS3, Xbox 360, & PC) you must press a button for a certain menu to appear in which you can switch between powers/weapons. With gamepad gameplay, you could simply click the power, weapon, feature you want as well as looking up objectives without having to switch between the game & menus. It's unlikely Dishonored will see a Wii U port but it's sequal should hopefully have the same opportunity I just mentioned here when it hopefully comes out for Wii U, Xbox 720, Playstation 4, & Steambox.
Watch Dogs
I havean't heard any release date for a Wii U version of Watch Dogs. It's already confirmed for Playstation 3, Xbox 360, & Microsoft Windows. However, Wii U Gamepad could really be used for full potential with many gameplay aspects this game has. Using the gamepad could increase gameplay & give players an exiting opportunity to use features on the gamepad. This is a stealth game, right? So stealth games would be a perfect mate for the Wii U Gamepad due to it's features. Hacking is one component of touchscreen gamepad goodness. Sadly, no word yet on Wii U version. This game also has 8th generation graphics & can thus be easily developed for Wii U. Ubisoft is a major fan of Wii U & it will make no sense if they do not develope a Wii U version of this game sometime soon, unless Nintendo rejects Ubisofts request. It's likely Nintendo will allow Watch Dogs for Wii U since it has approved M rated games for Wii U. However, there's the possibility of a special edition for Watch Dogs which could be for the Wii U much like Bully: Scholarship Edition for Xbox 360 & The Godfather Blackhand Edition for Wii. Both these games were released for PS2, Xbox, & PC before seeing next generation releases. GPS is also a feature gamepad could do.
Bioshock Infinite
Wish you could see Bioshock Infinite in HDMI? Wii U is the only console with the technology for now. Rise of the Guardians came out even better on Wii U thanks to the gamepad map which truly came in handy. Bioshock Infinite could also use that as well. Swapping between weapons/vigors requires opening a menu. How awesome would it be to use the PS Move controller + Navigation controller for PS3? How about using the Wii Remote + Nunchuk the same way it could be used for Goldeneye 007(Wii)? The PS3 & Wii U versions could possibly be the best ones yet. Maybe even a PS4 version if Ken Levine feels like it. But it requires Take-Two interactive's permission though. Hopefully they'll comply if they can.
Grand Theft Auto V
Speculation has it that Rockstar considers a bid for PC & Wii U version of GTA V. GTA V will be released between March 15-June 30 for Playstation 3 & Xbox 360. A Wii U version as well as versions for Xbox 720, Playstation 4, & Steam Box would be awesome will hopefully come, possibly by next year in hopes competitors to Nintendo will release 8th generation consoles. Forget PC's when you've got a Hybrid superconsole like Valve Steambox. Steambox will be as functional as a PC but as practical & convienent as a home console. Graphics here are HDMI approved & it would be nice to see some features like dashboard while driving, gps maps while in game, selection of weapons for easy swapping by simple touch, & even using it as the main screen if you fell like. However, I prefer looking at the TV screen more & using gamepad for features. It would be stellar to use the gamepad for a dashboard while you're driving, something undone before. Touchscreen gamepads enhance gameplay. If Xbox 720 has the same kind of main controller as Wii U, it could surely do what Wii U does. PS4 & Steambox could have touchscreen controllers as secondary controllers. GTA V has a huge difference in graphics from GTA IV & I expect there to be 8th generation console versions of this game. Look at other games that had both 6th & 7th generation versions such as Need For Speed Most Wanted 2005, Bully, The Godfather The Game, & Tomb Raider 2006 for examples though some have had 7th gen versions released later than 6th gen. Grand Theft Auto 5 will get higher ratings for 8th generation consoles than 7th & I predict there will be more downloadable content for possible Xbox 720, PS4, & Steambox versions than others. Downloadable content could include new missions, stuff, & even San Fierro & Las Venturas plus their surrounding areas.
These are four games I can think of that should have a Wii U version. Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012 will see a Wii U version this March & could be rated the best version above PS3. The Wii U's popularity could increase above PS4 due to it's touchscreen gameplay but could find itself outmatched by Xbox 720 due to latter's advanced technology & hardware. Plus, what if Steambox exceeds Wii U?
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
About A Last Resort
This post in no way supports terrorism but calls for awareness about tyrannical government & how it should be fought.
First question is do we have tyrannical government or when do we have tyrannical government?
What makes a government tyrannical? Destruction of liberty is what tyrannical governments crave & officials believe in power. Since liberty is a birthright, having that stolen justifies fighting back.
What about indefinite detention, invasive searches, gun control, censorship, prohibition, corrupt judiciary, lack of property rights, persecution of religion, occupation, & genocide? If any of these exist, people have a natural right to fight back through any means necessary respectful of other people's rights. Examples would include attacks against secret police forces enforcing tyrannical rule as well as bureaucracies enforcing rogue tax policies.
The colonists in America defended their right to keep & bear arms in 1775 while people today refuse to take up arms against the tyrannical BATFE. It would be legitimate to take up arms against this tyrannical organization due to their violent history & their job to disarm people. The right to keep & bear arms is a barrier between the people & tyrannical government. If someone tries to disarm you, it's ok to fight back, even if lethal force is used. The colonists used lethal force against British troops trying to disarm the colonists & so can victims of future disarment. You will always need to arm yourself since it's your defense systems. You never know when you may need your defense.
Colonists also despised taxes but the IRS gets embraced over tax resistors. If only arms were taken up against the tyrannical IRS. Joe Stack bravely flew his plane, striking an IRS building. It's unclear whether there were ACTUAL innocents hurt but the sole dead scum was IRS employee Vernon Hunter. Forgive me for being harsh but I must tell it as it is. Most tax dollars do not benefit public good & taxes on income & property are considered vile to a free society as people's standard of living goes down due to loss of income. If one's property is taxed, we have no property rights but must pay rent to government merely because we occupy a house on their soil. The IRS also likes to force people into self incrimination since you must report ALL of your income, illegal or legal. If more people directly resisted the force the IRS has imposed on people & followed in patriotic Joe Stack's footsteps, then the IRS would be crippled & would send a message.
The patriots feared inflation & central banking yet the Federal Reserve keeps manipulating interest rates which could cause economic bubbles. Hyperinflation is something central banks are capable of causing & if the Fed is not fought directly, it could cause serious economic damage to the economy & many people would become poor overnight. If ownership of gold is banned, then it is perfectly alright to take up arms against any organization or agency engaged in enforcing that tyranny. Nobody should be forced to use a certain fiat currency through force & if that should happen fighting back with arms is an acceptable duty.
Patriots were frightened by invasive searches. Law enforcement agencies believe they can make invasive searches while courts refuse to end these. People can also be charged in many states with resisting an officer even if it's an illegal arrest. The TSA has some molestation issues on it's hand where they can't get enough of it. Body scanners are something that needs to be fought either through armed or other means. A massive police state is a call for armed insurrection, even if people must shoot police officers & armed force members. The patriots shot British troops when the latter tried confiscating their firearms. If people did the same thing, the police state would be terrorized into hiding. FEMA also has plans for mass incarceration which makes them a grave terrorist threat & many don't even know about it. Armed combat against this terrorist threat is justified since terrorism is a serious threat & we have terrorist governments here in our homeland. The police state ensures people fear government & when that happens, there is tyranny & it gives the green light for armed conflict against hostile officers & troops.
Freedom of religion is something people may take for granted but parents have found themselves having to deal with coercive & politically correct school systems forcing cirriculum such as homosexual history in social studies. Preachers have even been arrested for preaching against homosexuality. It may not be in a direct sense but on some trumped up "hate crime" charge. If gun grabbers have it their way, freedom of religion could be a target of tyrannical government as Christians could be one targeted group.
Secession was a keystone of the American Revolution. The Confederate States of America was full of seceded states from 1861 till it's death in 1865. Since then, it has suffered illegal occupation. The US is an imperial force & any state once part of the CSA has a right to assert it's sovereignty. The CSA states include Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, New Mexico, & Arizona are already truly independent states in no need of any debate for secession. This means it's perfectly ok to attack US military bases engaged in occupying these states until the occupation has ended. What if a foreign power like China conquered America? Would we be striving to attack Chinese military bases to stop occupation? The League of the South is one organization that advocates Southern Nationalism but it would be nice to take a paramilitary approach since secession was crushed through military force. It's likely this issue will be solved non-violently as all the League of the South has to do is declare these states independent & manufacture some weapons for defense. The federal government may not take too kindly to self-determination but we shouldn't need permission to exercise unalienable right. If these states were to secede, they would be gun meccas & freedom fighters from around the world would flock to get their arms necessary for victory & independence against tyrannical governments. The freest country in the world must have the absolute right to secession & this includes sovereign citizen movements. Free the Montana Freemen!
Censorship comes up & if censorship gets it's way, the internet could be regulated & the mainstream media will grow even more tyrannical! If this happens, armed resistence will be the only option since non-violent methods will be easily crushed by tyrannical authorities. Getting the word out is very important since the pen can be mightier than the sword at many times. Examples here include recruitment & awareness. Non-violent methods should be heavily encouraged & there are somethings that cannot be solved by violence. We cannot shape opinion through terrorism. Acts of armed conflict draw attention though & people's opinions could change but non-violent sovereign citizen declarations are a better buy than terrorism.
Is there any state monitoring of it's subjects? National ID programs certainly call for arms against it. If a government ID program is implemented, you will either have to submit to having personal information revealed in order to exercise certain freedom needed to get in life such as a job, transportation, passports, buying things that require an ID such as firearms & alcohol. Consent of the governed will truly come under attack. States have nullified National ID programs which have been proven to be a success. If only states would nullify other unconstitutional federal laws like gun control, drug prohibition, & income tax.
Are we in a constitutional republic anymore? No. Elitists are saying America is a democracy. Democracy does not secure freedom since elections have not been contested as resulting in tyranny. Majorities often get their way & in California voters are very ignorant & it seems California's only hope is to have a civil war between lefitst vs. rightist forces unless a plan for partition is approved. Or just for some disadvantaged counties to secede. Having a constitutional republic protects freedom & the rule of law far more than popular democracy could ever accomplish. Democracies could even encourage dictatorships that are elective since rulers assert they have these illegal powers because they were elected democratically. Liberty means being able to assert your individual rights without cooperation from voters, even if it has to do with armed insurrection. Democracy has even been used to justify damnations on our liberty.
What about the economy? Well, irrepable damage is being done where jobs go elsewhere & regulation plus taxes come. This does symbolize an emergency here as job need not to be encouraged to leave & must be encouraged to stay. Leaving America is not going to solve the problem. Instead, people must fight through any means necessary, even if it includes guerilla warfare on bureaucracies implementing regulations. Mandates also pose a threat as the IRS plans to force you to buy healthcare insurence.
We cannot wait for elections to fix anything. If there's a criminal & tyrannical threat, acting fast is a must. I must be clear what justifies taking up arms: including threats to life, liberty & pursuit of happiness & the insurrection must be directed against the threatening institutions such as IRS in face of audits or BATFE in respects to firearms. Non-violence can be effective such as sovereign citizen movements & building up arsenals.
In another blog I will discuss the importance of sovereign citizen movements.
First question is do we have tyrannical government or when do we have tyrannical government?
What makes a government tyrannical? Destruction of liberty is what tyrannical governments crave & officials believe in power. Since liberty is a birthright, having that stolen justifies fighting back.
What about indefinite detention, invasive searches, gun control, censorship, prohibition, corrupt judiciary, lack of property rights, persecution of religion, occupation, & genocide? If any of these exist, people have a natural right to fight back through any means necessary respectful of other people's rights. Examples would include attacks against secret police forces enforcing tyrannical rule as well as bureaucracies enforcing rogue tax policies.
The colonists in America defended their right to keep & bear arms in 1775 while people today refuse to take up arms against the tyrannical BATFE. It would be legitimate to take up arms against this tyrannical organization due to their violent history & their job to disarm people. The right to keep & bear arms is a barrier between the people & tyrannical government. If someone tries to disarm you, it's ok to fight back, even if lethal force is used. The colonists used lethal force against British troops trying to disarm the colonists & so can victims of future disarment. You will always need to arm yourself since it's your defense systems. You never know when you may need your defense.
Colonists also despised taxes but the IRS gets embraced over tax resistors. If only arms were taken up against the tyrannical IRS. Joe Stack bravely flew his plane, striking an IRS building. It's unclear whether there were ACTUAL innocents hurt but the sole dead scum was IRS employee Vernon Hunter. Forgive me for being harsh but I must tell it as it is. Most tax dollars do not benefit public good & taxes on income & property are considered vile to a free society as people's standard of living goes down due to loss of income. If one's property is taxed, we have no property rights but must pay rent to government merely because we occupy a house on their soil. The IRS also likes to force people into self incrimination since you must report ALL of your income, illegal or legal. If more people directly resisted the force the IRS has imposed on people & followed in patriotic Joe Stack's footsteps, then the IRS would be crippled & would send a message.
The patriots feared inflation & central banking yet the Federal Reserve keeps manipulating interest rates which could cause economic bubbles. Hyperinflation is something central banks are capable of causing & if the Fed is not fought directly, it could cause serious economic damage to the economy & many people would become poor overnight. If ownership of gold is banned, then it is perfectly alright to take up arms against any organization or agency engaged in enforcing that tyranny. Nobody should be forced to use a certain fiat currency through force & if that should happen fighting back with arms is an acceptable duty.
Patriots were frightened by invasive searches. Law enforcement agencies believe they can make invasive searches while courts refuse to end these. People can also be charged in many states with resisting an officer even if it's an illegal arrest. The TSA has some molestation issues on it's hand where they can't get enough of it. Body scanners are something that needs to be fought either through armed or other means. A massive police state is a call for armed insurrection, even if people must shoot police officers & armed force members. The patriots shot British troops when the latter tried confiscating their firearms. If people did the same thing, the police state would be terrorized into hiding. FEMA also has plans for mass incarceration which makes them a grave terrorist threat & many don't even know about it. Armed combat against this terrorist threat is justified since terrorism is a serious threat & we have terrorist governments here in our homeland. The police state ensures people fear government & when that happens, there is tyranny & it gives the green light for armed conflict against hostile officers & troops.
Freedom of religion is something people may take for granted but parents have found themselves having to deal with coercive & politically correct school systems forcing cirriculum such as homosexual history in social studies. Preachers have even been arrested for preaching against homosexuality. It may not be in a direct sense but on some trumped up "hate crime" charge. If gun grabbers have it their way, freedom of religion could be a target of tyrannical government as Christians could be one targeted group.
Secession was a keystone of the American Revolution. The Confederate States of America was full of seceded states from 1861 till it's death in 1865. Since then, it has suffered illegal occupation. The US is an imperial force & any state once part of the CSA has a right to assert it's sovereignty. The CSA states include Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, New Mexico, & Arizona are already truly independent states in no need of any debate for secession. This means it's perfectly ok to attack US military bases engaged in occupying these states until the occupation has ended. What if a foreign power like China conquered America? Would we be striving to attack Chinese military bases to stop occupation? The League of the South is one organization that advocates Southern Nationalism but it would be nice to take a paramilitary approach since secession was crushed through military force. It's likely this issue will be solved non-violently as all the League of the South has to do is declare these states independent & manufacture some weapons for defense. The federal government may not take too kindly to self-determination but we shouldn't need permission to exercise unalienable right. If these states were to secede, they would be gun meccas & freedom fighters from around the world would flock to get their arms necessary for victory & independence against tyrannical governments. The freest country in the world must have the absolute right to secession & this includes sovereign citizen movements. Free the Montana Freemen!
Censorship comes up & if censorship gets it's way, the internet could be regulated & the mainstream media will grow even more tyrannical! If this happens, armed resistence will be the only option since non-violent methods will be easily crushed by tyrannical authorities. Getting the word out is very important since the pen can be mightier than the sword at many times. Examples here include recruitment & awareness. Non-violent methods should be heavily encouraged & there are somethings that cannot be solved by violence. We cannot shape opinion through terrorism. Acts of armed conflict draw attention though & people's opinions could change but non-violent sovereign citizen declarations are a better buy than terrorism.
Is there any state monitoring of it's subjects? National ID programs certainly call for arms against it. If a government ID program is implemented, you will either have to submit to having personal information revealed in order to exercise certain freedom needed to get in life such as a job, transportation, passports, buying things that require an ID such as firearms & alcohol. Consent of the governed will truly come under attack. States have nullified National ID programs which have been proven to be a success. If only states would nullify other unconstitutional federal laws like gun control, drug prohibition, & income tax.
Are we in a constitutional republic anymore? No. Elitists are saying America is a democracy. Democracy does not secure freedom since elections have not been contested as resulting in tyranny. Majorities often get their way & in California voters are very ignorant & it seems California's only hope is to have a civil war between lefitst vs. rightist forces unless a plan for partition is approved. Or just for some disadvantaged counties to secede. Having a constitutional republic protects freedom & the rule of law far more than popular democracy could ever accomplish. Democracies could even encourage dictatorships that are elective since rulers assert they have these illegal powers because they were elected democratically. Liberty means being able to assert your individual rights without cooperation from voters, even if it has to do with armed insurrection. Democracy has even been used to justify damnations on our liberty.
What about the economy? Well, irrepable damage is being done where jobs go elsewhere & regulation plus taxes come. This does symbolize an emergency here as job need not to be encouraged to leave & must be encouraged to stay. Leaving America is not going to solve the problem. Instead, people must fight through any means necessary, even if it includes guerilla warfare on bureaucracies implementing regulations. Mandates also pose a threat as the IRS plans to force you to buy healthcare insurence.
We cannot wait for elections to fix anything. If there's a criminal & tyrannical threat, acting fast is a must. I must be clear what justifies taking up arms: including threats to life, liberty & pursuit of happiness & the insurrection must be directed against the threatening institutions such as IRS in face of audits or BATFE in respects to firearms. Non-violence can be effective such as sovereign citizen movements & building up arsenals.
In another blog I will discuss the importance of sovereign citizen movements.
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