Social Contract demands consent of the governed done without coercion. Clearly, those under seige fell they must justify being free because of coercion if they try to assert themselves.
Here would be some great initiatives:
"No person shall be penalized for laws failing to meet criterias of justification for protection of natural law & rights of life & property""The state shall prove in a court of law through appropriate means of due process(Criminal or Civil) that such a law is justified according to Strict Scrutiny"
This ensures laws must be in least restrictive virtues such as hardline enforcement & crackdown on common law criminal activities such as using firearms to rob banks or pulling property damaging pranks or using graffiti to tag buildings. Yet plenty of laws fail to address these problems as inner city youth are plagued with corrupt officials, low sense of family & morality, & high crime & drug abuse rates due to Socialist & Authoritarian policies(mostly initiated by the Fasco-Socialist government in Washington DC). Usually laws are made for the protection of people from crime. However, there have been laws passed to benefit a small elite such as big pharma & banking cartels. The Federal Reserve was proposed by bankers. Congress is controls by secret elites & lobbyists & current laws fail to address this & even encourage corruption & favor politicians. Authority is even delegrated illegally to others & public officials have even given themselves powers that no human can ever possess.
"Nature is superior to all other laws & shall be considered first before any law shall be considered law."
This means natural rights are superior to all other laws, even consitutional. Laws cannot be made to pervert the natural definitions meaning the definition of child must be by nature, not chronological age. This means that any attempt to legalize abortion or homosexuality are illegal. However, both men & women have civil rights equal to each other including marriage between a man & woman.
"No body shall have exclusive powers on force"
Consent of the governed can only be protected if people have their own defenses unhindered. This includes the right to keep & bear arms which people keep in case of violent attack against them by anyone. Only exceptions here are in legitimate civic facilities used for purposes of law, enforcement, & legislation. Examples would include prisons, military bases, courthouses, & police stations since it only makes sense that their fortresses are protected. However, banning the carry of firearms on military bases by non-military personel visiting on authorization by officials is appropriate.
"The right of civilizations to decide their boundaries shall not be infringed"
Forced occupations of sovereign territories shall hereby be illegal. This means the Confederate States of America is a leigitmate nation & any state/territory is hereby automatically sovereign & any laws placed by the USA in these state/territories are null & void. This means that Texas & other Confederate States & territories are not truly part of the United States since they were annexed through force, which is illegal under the US Constitution. Nowhere does the US Constitution authorize wars of aggression nor allow the occupation of other sovereign boundaries. This means the invasions of Iraq & Afghanistan are unconstitutional since they were about oil & imperialism. WMD were not found & even after 2004, the US was STILL involved in the Middle East. States DO have the absolute right to secede so long as it serves in the best interests of the people. Not only does it include states but it also includes counties & towns as well though it's less likely that cities will secede on their own than states. An example of a contender for seperation from a state includes counties in Southern California from it's Northern adversary.
"The form of government shall be a republic without exception"
The founders created a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Although representatives are elected democratically & though in some states people may use petittions from registered voters to change laws, it does not call for a democracy. It calls for a republic. The DC establishment is anything but a republic & many states do not have republican forms of government. California has a mass of ignorant voters & unions who influence public policy while others have no voice. This is an unacceptable threat of force considering the will of the majority was considered over the will of the people. It has to serve the main interests of the people as a whole, not just the majority who voted in elections. That's why democracy was loathed by the founders. We cannot have a constitutional republic without boundries imposed on government operations & a civic based meritocracy.
"Representatives in the house of representatives shall be based on equal ratio population with senators being one-two per state/county. Election of representatives shall be elected by majority(>50%) with senators being voted by either state/county legislature, popular vote(>50%), or electoral college. Districts shall not be based on race, political orientation, creed, age, and/or gender"
Today's system of representation is unfair with the average congressmen having approx. 750,000 constituents. Some districts have less fair representation than others. A cap on the number of representation is irresponsible & unconstitutional. A constitutional amendment would easily solve population issues for representation by increasing the ration to reflect the population increase. Example would be raising the 1:30,000 to 1:150,000. California for example has a disgusting system of representation. Senators there are also based on population. Until representation is fair, there is good reason for armed insurrection in California.
"All law except for common law crimes & budget issues shall have a sunset clause of 15 years. Common law crimes shall be made permanent."
Laws are passed too easily & that's why a sunset clause is needed. Legislators often fail to read the bills they vote on.
"2% of the voters signatures are required for initiative to change statures while 5% are required to amend constitution."
This is based off Swiss democracy. Laws under this system can override legislatures which is one check against them. For multi level states or federations, it should be done through a certain percentage/number of states/counties before such action is to take place.
"All criminal & civil trials shall be tried by jury without exception & shall be informed of the right to judge the law as well as the facts. All criminal verdicts shall be by unanimous vote wheres only 3/4 vote is required for civil verdicts."
Jury nullification is a check on a despotic judiciary. This makes it very difficult for people to be put at the mercy of the judiciary & the state as a whole. Here defense teams can argue why the jury should acquit based on the fairness being questioned, forcing the state to justify their laws they prosecute. If someone is prosecuted for a violation of firearms regulations or drug laws, they can freely expose these laws for their treachery. Prosecutors would think twice about prosecuting more cases like these.
"No person shall be compelled to education of any cirriculum."
This ensures indoctrination will not make it's way into people's minds. This also prevents the state from making education compulsory. Public schools are shit & the best way to defeat unions is to close & privatize all public schools. Schools that fare well shall remain on the boards & eventually be privatized while failing schools will be closed & possibly privatized for either educational or other reasons. Education is a service, not a job for students. School now adays has become labor for students as they struggle more to reach a certain quota rather than learning at an appropriate individual pace. Ending compulsory education would individualize education & improve it's quality based on austrian market solutions while helping students actually learn what they are interesting in. This way students will be better educated since shit isn't forced upon them through the threat of force.
"Roads used for traffic transportation shall be free to motorists using it peacefully & no approval shall be required for responsible driving & transport."
Hate long lines at DMV's? Abolish drivers licenses. Thousands are arrested for unlicensed driving & traffic courts find themselves swamped with matters like these. It also ensures that the only criteria for routine traffic stops is if the officer or anyone else has probable cause to believe that the motorist's driving poses a clear imminent & unpredictable danger to others on the road.
"The judiciary shall be confined to designated jurisdiction & shall not assert itself as the ultimate arbitrator of all legal & constitutional matters which shall also apply to other branches."
The judiciary has made rulings that contradict the constitution & even statutes. Abortion, ban on school prayer, homosexuality, & even broad eminent domain have been legalized as well as deciding the federal government had more powers than anticipated by the drafters of the constitution. This clause will stop abuse of power by asserting ultimate arbitration lies with the people, but not the majority. As humans, we make mistakes & this clause ensure nobody is treated with infallibility. Let's put an end to judicial activism by reinforcing the state will not arbitrate it's own powers. Jurisdiction is outlined by law & people have a right to enforce restrictions placed on government, including against activist judges.
"Power of government rests with consent of governed. The principles outlined by the American Declaration of Independence signed on July 4, 1776 shall be law."
Government has awarded itself with too much power & often with corrupt elections. This clause ensures if government exercises powers outside it's boundaries, people have the right to enforce restrictions placed on government. The Declaration of independence is the key document to liberation from tyrannical government & never should society abandon the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence. Declaration of Independence of 1776 reinforces the guarenteed absolute right to self determination, even if there must be a world war style war.
"All tax revenues shall be done through indirect means not conditioning right to property & fruits of labor plus be used for disclosed leigitimate & designated government purposes."
This would abolish income & property taxes while introducing a fiar system of taxation based on government necessity, need for funding designated & disclosed services. Despite such massive revenue collection, deficits have become sky high & spending highly irresponsible. This way government cannot irresponsibly spend since it will have to lay out services & then set revenue.
"All immigrants wishing to become full citizens must be in full assimilation with the primary culture of homeland. No welfare services with the exception of public infrastructure shall at any government level be conferred to immigrants."
Illegal immigration has nearly destroyed California & most crime & bankruptcies come from officials assisting illegal immigrants. I'm in favor of a pragmatic & fair immigration policy that preserves homeland culture & assures assimilation of immigrants. I don't wanna be speakin Spanish, French, German, Japanese, or Chinese because of immigrants & neither should Western Civilization be forced into adapting to Third World Culture. After all, America was founded on liberty & our governments wants more democratic support for communism.
"Voting shall be open to those with proof of citizenship in state/nation & those who have adequate civic literacy & become age of majority as designated by clause two. Only full citizens shall hold voting power."
The left wants more immigrants from the Third World for a voting base. This voting base will bring about a constitutional republic's demise & open the gates towards multiculturalism.
Ones in quotations here align ballot initiatives which shall be done in part package & seperate style which shall be in form of yes-no.
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About Me
- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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