In 2006, some asshole judges on Alaska's highest court blocked a proposal for secession of Alaska from the DC empire on the grounds such action would be unconstitutional. This ruling has never been challenged by force. Are all rulings made by high courts always right? The way the founders saw it was no.
The judiciary was never meant to be used for redress. Neither were elections. Why am I saying this & how can we successfully seek redress? When people feel their constitutional rights have been violated, they file for redress from the courts. Unfortunately, this rarely becomes successful. Elections fail to change a damn thing, with Switzerland being one of some exceptions.
Thomas Jefferson is one of my favorite heroes because his words of wisdom involves attacks on gun control & activist judges as well as centralized banking. The last resort unfortunately means using terror like attacks against bureaucracies & law enforcement agencies responsible for such deadly attacks on our freedoms & right to self determination. This is why the right to keep & bear arms should be protected for everybody unless they've been proven through due process untrustworthy of firearm ownership(ex. prison term, dangerous mental illness, habitual violence, display of clearly threatning behavior).
The judiciary was intended to apply laws impartially & independently. The role of the judiciary however is not to assert judicial review in a way that abuses power & increases power of government. Power comes from people governed & by blocking secession proposals the judiciary is subverting the will of the people. TV Evangalist Pat Robertson was right about judges being a threat more serious than bearded terrorists!
When the British came to confiscate firearms, it was clear the Patriots had the right to kill aggressing British troops into submission. Why has gun control been tolerated for decades & what is being done to reverse the effects of the Federal Gun Control Act of 1968? The same who did so 1993 Waco were not helped in anyway & mainstream media captured the minds of people into accepting government is above people. Timothy McVeigh & Terry Nichols were outraged by this & decided something must be done to destroy the tyrannical federal government. Conspiracy here is the Oklahoma City Bombing of April 19, 1995 was intended by the federal government & that McVeigh was possibly deceived into striking the wrong facility given the wrong outcome. If patriots bombed British military facilities in the 1770's, this would be hailed as heroic & symbolic to liberty. The Oklahoma City Bombing was intended to mimick the Patriots of the 1770's but unintentionally resulted in so many innocent lives destroyed with very few consequences for the federal government. A memorial was held to symbolize the reaction of this tragedy as one of healing & courage. I think the Oklahoma City Bombing represents a need to learn of the truth & a call to view our federal government the same way people would view foreign invaders.
To this day, OKC has victimized not only the American people but the freedom loving patriots as well while the Federal Government became more tyrannical. I consider McVeigh & Nichols American heroes for trying to spark a new American Revolution & terrorize a tyrannical government while making the American people wake up to this fact. I admit the federal government is not going to automatically fall with just some beginner guerilla warfare tactics. I also admit peaceful solutions are necessary & should be considered first since violent insurrection is very extreme. However, a country cannot survive without the ability & willingness to engage in armed conflict with aggressive foreign invaders. This is even more true in Afghanistan & Iraq as the US Military wages war crimes against innocent Arabs.
For those of you who may condemn my comments on McVeigh & Nichols being American Heroes let me make this perfectly clear that I am hung verdict on whether McVeigh truly wished harm on innocents or if he was mislead into targeting the wrong target. We know the Oklahoma City Bombing killed many innocents & is one horrific mistake that should not be repeated but the question here is whether McVeigh truly intended to kill innocent people.
Forget about McVeigh for now & I will say what my point is. Point here is allowing any branch of government infallability is dangerous & no legislator, governor, law enforcement officer, or magistrate is above anyone else. The difference here is they have delegated authority & have no special implied powers outside of delegation. Government is created by charter & any artificial ordinance is subordinate to terms & conditions(aka constitution). Who truly enforces the laws? The people who made them of course. We The People is about exercising rights without getting government permission. We are born with inalienable rights which means it cannot be deprived from us without fairness of due process of law.
What if the Confederate States of America prevailed in the aftermath of the American Civil War? North America would be different culturally, socially, & economically as the South would be foreign to the Northeast & West coasts. Would the Western states & provinces of the United States & Canada be their own seperate nation? The U.S. & Canada are not their own nations but multicultural dystopias. U.S. & Canada actually make up over Three nationalities including Yankees of the Northeast, Dixies of the South, Cascadians of the West, Atlantic Arcadians of the Upper Atlantic East Coast, & French Canadians of Quebec. Hawaii in my view is truly a completely foreign country with Yankee influences. Hawaii is not on North America but in Oceania. It's unbelievable how foreign people in these regions are from each other. Had the South not have been forcibly annexed by the U.S., North America would have different cultures & nationailities without multiculturalism. The South would also be more conservative & have a stronger Dixie culture with lack of illegal immigration. If you look at the U.S., it's a multicultural empire & therefore should have no more legitimate authority over any state.
I could only imagine what a United States of Europe would be like. UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, & others would lose their cultural identities for a multicultural Europe. That's not consent of the governed but more like the popular government America's founders despised.
A North American Union only centralizes more power with all U.S., Canadian, & Mexican states/provinces being consolidated into one imperial union of force born from a treaty.
What can we do about this? Right now, any former Confederate State or Territory is not legally or constitutionally part of the United States of America. So any Dixie living in any former Confederate States of America territory is rightfully a citizen of the Confederate States of America. The legitimacy of U.S. sovereignty over Alaska & Hawaii should also be questioned as the U.S. has used force abroad following the Civil War. Any attempts to expell U.S. Authorities from these lands are leigitmate & should be fully supported as if they were the Allied Troops of World War II.
Movements other than neo-Confederate are in Vermont, West Canada(British Columbia, Yukon, NWT, Nunavut, Alberta, Saskatchewan, & Manitoba), Alaska, Hawaii, Quebec, & some Western States.
Had the U.S. not have been successful in these imperial pursuits, North Americans would have more freedom & society would be different.
Rejecting authority is key to regaining independence & taking a paramilitary approach is very important. Let's start by commanding the Texas Legislature to draft a resolution voiding all U.S. authority within the borders of Texas & any federal laws or state laws influenced by federal government. This means any federal gun control laws as well as mandates for example are no longer law in Texas. Texas would also proclaim itself to be a true state of the Confederate States of America.
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About Me
- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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