People will never realize the government is so tyrannical that armed conflict against it is necessary to destroy it's tyranny unless there were some extremely shocking attack against government facilities greater than or just as great as 9/11 but targets only the belligerents such as law enforcement thugs & bureaucrats.
When injustice becomes law, terrorizing big government becomes a patriotic duty. Are you angry with regulatory & law enforcement agencies that ruined your life or compromised your business? Why wait another 4 years or decades for real change to happen? Gun sales have been skyrocketing, meaning people are unwilling to allow government to ruin their life. Too bad certain people can't purchase guns without going to the streets. I'm thinking Colombia has easier gun access where people need guns a lot to defend themselves against the Colombian Drug Cartels.
Elections are finished & Obama re-elected which although disastrous, people will wake-up & find armed insurrection appealing. How are businesses & industry going to defend themselves against regulation when time is of the essence. Machine guns & heavy turrets of course. No kidding, war like weaponry(except radioactive, chemical, biological, & nuclear warfare) is a necessity to protecting America from it's own government.
Seperatism is a hot topic that needs attention. Dixies in the South should reclaim their territory lost in the American Civil War through militant like means. The League of the South promotes seperatism but should write a declaration stating the annexation of the Southern states was illegal & these states are hereby seperate from the United States. No referendum needed. Other speratist movements in North America include Vermont & the Western North American States/Provinces. U.S. & Canada have multiple nations being The Confederate States of America(Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, West Virginia, New Mexico, & Louisiana)(Dixies), Cascadia(California, Oregon, Washington State, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Hawaii, Alaska, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba)(Cascadians), United States of America(Minnesota, Iowa, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Labrador, Vermont, Maine)(Yankees).
Did you know over 78% of Americans believe government is broken. 21 million Americans believe it cannot be fixed! You must understand the nature of politics & why politics is the problem & reform can almost never happen with it. What about the increasing number of Hispanic voters voting socialist. They're interest is welfare from government. I understand that many are low income but it's dangerous to have a mobocracy since other votes won't count or have effect. If democracy goes unbalanced, hispanic voters will likely overpower others & create a socialist state.
The right to keep & bear arms is not just about hunting or self-defense. It's also about fighting tyrannical government. Government unlawfully gives itself power it does not originally have. So what do we do? Will it be more effective to just wait for elections from which we have little to no control over? Will it be more effective to fight for your property & freedom through militant means, which is a last resort.
With a U.N. arms treaty being pushed, a terror style attack on U.N. facilities is the right & patriotic thing to do. Little to no damage will be done by tradition shooting, bombing, or even semi-truck bombing. It seems the most effective ways to cause mayhem destruction to those tyrannical institutions is through heavy weaponry like remote controlled missiles, planes, tanks, & armed aircraft. By planes, I'm not talking about hijacking commercial airliners full of innocents but empty planes either having them piloted by suicidal freedom fighters or remote controlled.
I know the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing against a federal building killed many innocents yet very few government scum employees but that doesn't mean we can surrender militant means of holding government accountable. Freedom fighters should be careful about what buildings they strike.
It's not really terrorism if you're resisting a tyrannical government. I must warn you that governments will almost never consider themselves tyrannical & will do anything to supress strong resistance. Federal Thugs are already buying 450 million bullets for killing. In their view a freedom fighter that kills only several government thugs is a terrorist but thugs who kill millions get awards. Taxdollars at work eh? Very tyrannical.
Even local police & private citizens have spread tyranny. Many people believe that they have the right to vote for powers to arrest & detain teen liquor drinkers & if old enough punish them as adults. An act of force numerous ignorants don't understand.
I've seen some very unpatriotic comments on an archive newsarticle documenting on the 2010 Suicide Plane Crash in Austin, Texas & elections don't do jack shit. Often elections were suppose to reform government but lead to more damage. The difference between activism & armed insurrection vs. elections are the message gets better sent with your voice through bullets & civil disobedience. Ballots just go the way of the highest bidder & have failed to take into account fairness of policies.
Keep in mind that if consent of the governed is actually going to mean something, it must be guarded at all times & the most important right of all is the right to keep & bear arms. If the New World Order is to be reisisted, people must be willing to shoot NWO thugs including amred troops loyal to NWO. I also think it would be patriotic for disgruntled patriotic troops to shoot & even kill military superiors engaging in hostilities against freedom.
Forgive me for sounding radical but I am most certainly not alone when I make these points. If you knew even a small percentage about the tyranny of our government, you would join an armed revolution.
The threat of tyranny is why any gun control laws that undermine the right to keep & bear arms in anyway must be opposed, even if it means attacking gun grabbers(ex. BATFE). Don't expect federal gun control laws to die without militant means.
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About Me
- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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