This post in no way supports terrorism but calls for awareness about tyrannical government & how it should be fought.
First question is do we have tyrannical government or when do we have tyrannical government?
What makes a government tyrannical? Destruction of liberty is what tyrannical governments crave & officials believe in power. Since liberty is a birthright, having that stolen justifies fighting back.
What about indefinite detention, invasive searches, gun control, censorship, prohibition, corrupt judiciary, lack of property rights, persecution of religion, occupation, & genocide? If any of these exist, people have a natural right to fight back through any means necessary respectful of other people's rights. Examples would include attacks against secret police forces enforcing tyrannical rule as well as bureaucracies enforcing rogue tax policies.
The colonists in America defended their right to keep & bear arms in 1775 while people today refuse to take up arms against the tyrannical BATFE. It would be legitimate to take up arms against this tyrannical organization due to their violent history & their job to disarm people. The right to keep & bear arms is a barrier between the people & tyrannical government. If someone tries to disarm you, it's ok to fight back, even if lethal force is used. The colonists used lethal force against British troops trying to disarm the colonists & so can victims of future disarment. You will always need to arm yourself since it's your defense systems. You never know when you may need your defense.
Colonists also despised taxes but the IRS gets embraced over tax resistors. If only arms were taken up against the tyrannical IRS. Joe Stack bravely flew his plane, striking an IRS building. It's unclear whether there were ACTUAL innocents hurt but the sole dead scum was IRS employee Vernon Hunter. Forgive me for being harsh but I must tell it as it is. Most tax dollars do not benefit public good & taxes on income & property are considered vile to a free society as people's standard of living goes down due to loss of income. If one's property is taxed, we have no property rights but must pay rent to government merely because we occupy a house on their soil. The IRS also likes to force people into self incrimination since you must report ALL of your income, illegal or legal. If more people directly resisted the force the IRS has imposed on people & followed in patriotic Joe Stack's footsteps, then the IRS would be crippled & would send a message.
The patriots feared inflation & central banking yet the Federal Reserve keeps manipulating interest rates which could cause economic bubbles. Hyperinflation is something central banks are capable of causing & if the Fed is not fought directly, it could cause serious economic damage to the economy & many people would become poor overnight. If ownership of gold is banned, then it is perfectly alright to take up arms against any organization or agency engaged in enforcing that tyranny. Nobody should be forced to use a certain fiat currency through force & if that should happen fighting back with arms is an acceptable duty.
Patriots were frightened by invasive searches. Law enforcement agencies believe they can make invasive searches while courts refuse to end these. People can also be charged in many states with resisting an officer even if it's an illegal arrest. The TSA has some molestation issues on it's hand where they can't get enough of it. Body scanners are something that needs to be fought either through armed or other means. A massive police state is a call for armed insurrection, even if people must shoot police officers & armed force members. The patriots shot British troops when the latter tried confiscating their firearms. If people did the same thing, the police state would be terrorized into hiding. FEMA also has plans for mass incarceration which makes them a grave terrorist threat & many don't even know about it. Armed combat against this terrorist threat is justified since terrorism is a serious threat & we have terrorist governments here in our homeland. The police state ensures people fear government & when that happens, there is tyranny & it gives the green light for armed conflict against hostile officers & troops.
Freedom of religion is something people may take for granted but parents have found themselves having to deal with coercive & politically correct school systems forcing cirriculum such as homosexual history in social studies. Preachers have even been arrested for preaching against homosexuality. It may not be in a direct sense but on some trumped up "hate crime" charge. If gun grabbers have it their way, freedom of religion could be a target of tyrannical government as Christians could be one targeted group.
Secession was a keystone of the American Revolution. The Confederate States of America was full of seceded states from 1861 till it's death in 1865. Since then, it has suffered illegal occupation. The US is an imperial force & any state once part of the CSA has a right to assert it's sovereignty. The CSA states include Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, New Mexico, & Arizona are already truly independent states in no need of any debate for secession. This means it's perfectly ok to attack US military bases engaged in occupying these states until the occupation has ended. What if a foreign power like China conquered America? Would we be striving to attack Chinese military bases to stop occupation? The League of the South is one organization that advocates Southern Nationalism but it would be nice to take a paramilitary approach since secession was crushed through military force. It's likely this issue will be solved non-violently as all the League of the South has to do is declare these states independent & manufacture some weapons for defense. The federal government may not take too kindly to self-determination but we shouldn't need permission to exercise unalienable right. If these states were to secede, they would be gun meccas & freedom fighters from around the world would flock to get their arms necessary for victory & independence against tyrannical governments. The freest country in the world must have the absolute right to secession & this includes sovereign citizen movements. Free the Montana Freemen!
Censorship comes up & if censorship gets it's way, the internet could be regulated & the mainstream media will grow even more tyrannical! If this happens, armed resistence will be the only option since non-violent methods will be easily crushed by tyrannical authorities. Getting the word out is very important since the pen can be mightier than the sword at many times. Examples here include recruitment & awareness. Non-violent methods should be heavily encouraged & there are somethings that cannot be solved by violence. We cannot shape opinion through terrorism. Acts of armed conflict draw attention though & people's opinions could change but non-violent sovereign citizen declarations are a better buy than terrorism.
Is there any state monitoring of it's subjects? National ID programs certainly call for arms against it. If a government ID program is implemented, you will either have to submit to having personal information revealed in order to exercise certain freedom needed to get in life such as a job, transportation, passports, buying things that require an ID such as firearms & alcohol. Consent of the governed will truly come under attack. States have nullified National ID programs which have been proven to be a success. If only states would nullify other unconstitutional federal laws like gun control, drug prohibition, & income tax.
Are we in a constitutional republic anymore? No. Elitists are saying America is a democracy. Democracy does not secure freedom since elections have not been contested as resulting in tyranny. Majorities often get their way & in California voters are very ignorant & it seems California's only hope is to have a civil war between lefitst vs. rightist forces unless a plan for partition is approved. Or just for some disadvantaged counties to secede. Having a constitutional republic protects freedom & the rule of law far more than popular democracy could ever accomplish. Democracies could even encourage dictatorships that are elective since rulers assert they have these illegal powers because they were elected democratically. Liberty means being able to assert your individual rights without cooperation from voters, even if it has to do with armed insurrection. Democracy has even been used to justify damnations on our liberty.
What about the economy? Well, irrepable damage is being done where jobs go elsewhere & regulation plus taxes come. This does symbolize an emergency here as job need not to be encouraged to leave & must be encouraged to stay. Leaving America is not going to solve the problem. Instead, people must fight through any means necessary, even if it includes guerilla warfare on bureaucracies implementing regulations. Mandates also pose a threat as the IRS plans to force you to buy healthcare insurence.
We cannot wait for elections to fix anything. If there's a criminal & tyrannical threat, acting fast is a must. I must be clear what justifies taking up arms: including threats to life, liberty & pursuit of happiness & the insurrection must be directed against the threatening institutions such as IRS in face of audits or BATFE in respects to firearms. Non-violence can be effective such as sovereign citizen movements & building up arsenals.
In another blog I will discuss the importance of sovereign citizen movements.
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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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