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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Friday, April 20, 2012

How California can be Golden Once Again & Forever

California was once the Golden Land of Oppertunity for America with beautiful beaches, lovely girls, diverse geography, & seemed like the new promise land. During the 20th century, California's gold started to rust & lose value though it didn't start to become bad until the 1990's.

Let me Start with what periods America was freer than it ever was. From Grover Cleveland's presidency in 1885 to Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal in 1933 with the exception of US period in World War I 1917-18, America was freer than it ever was. Laissez-Faire economics & the right of contract dominated the opinions of most Americans, slavery was abolished, Women would be granted the right to vote, economic regulations non-existent with nearly no federal regulations, the right to keep & bear arms was heavily respected in most of America, drivers licenses weren't required to drive an automobile on roads in most Western & some Southern States until the 1930's to late 40's, & all drugs & alcohol were more legal until the early 20th century in some states & in New York, a child could legally buy heroin & beer before World War I.

California in the late 19th century to early 20th century was a free as it ever was. Although it was a centrist state until the 1970's, Californian's enjoyed a higher degree of freedom than those in the Northeast. However, in 1913 California passed a law requiring people to obtain a driver's license in order to drive on public roads but did not require a test until 1927, when some states already required drivers to pass a test before receiving a driver's license. Every State except Wisconsin that did not have prohibition laws had absolutely NO drinking age before Prohibition of 1920-33. Sadly, a 20 year old & younger persons could not legally purchase & publically drink alcohol since prohibition started. The drinking age is the sadest scar left over from prohibition, a trail of tears as I wish to call it.

California used to respect the right to keep & bear arms up until the 1970's. Background checks were required for gun purchases since 1979 & so called "assault weapons" were banned since 1989. This is ass because police are being belligerent & at war with it's own citizens. Rarely do the courts protect citizens from their own government.

Both the state & local governments are going bankrupt & I see no hope in reforming the already shattered system. Cap & Trade placing socialist controls on the environment under the false guise of "protecting" it, fascist rule by special interests, bad place to do business, regulations & taxes the state cannot even recognize, & an example of what a constitution should NOT be.

The public schools in California suck ass from a straw! A new law requires students to be indoctrinated with Gay & lesbian social studies, a similarity of Cuba's public education which requires children to learn about the "wonders" of socialism.

The Solution
Defy the current undemocratic system & adopt a new constitution & a new government. Make California freer than it ever was in it's entire history. The proposed Texas Constitution of 2000 has not been ratified yet but is a great document of what a constitution should be. California should adopt a constitution exactly like the unratified Texas Constitution of 2000.
What the new consitution should include is:
  • The right to make own decisions & take responsibility for them: This means that you will have complete control over your own life & that of your children so long as the children in your care are not abused or enslaved. No government agent will have the authority to kidnap your children merely because the state is unhappy with the way you raise your children.
  • The Right to Self Defense & to use deadly force against aggressors, including law enforcement: Sadly, the elitists would rather have you be a victim & not have weapons for self-defense than for you to be a survivor regardless of if you had a government permitted weapon or permission from the government to possess or purchase weapons. Defending yourself & responsible use of a weapon where it is not in violation of someone's rights should NEVER be punished.
  • The Fundamental Right to Financial Freedom & Privacy: All direct taxes would be abolished such as the income, sales, & property taxes. Your assets would no longer be subjected to being frozen unless it is necessary to use those assets to pay for restitution & legal fees. All services would be privatized such as law enforcement.
  • The Fundamental Right for Parents & Students to have control over education: Any form of centralized education would be abolished with compulsory education & compulsory certifrication for certain careers being abolished. The free market would take their place. Benjamin Franklin & Thomas Edison recieved little formal education yet became two of the greatest inventors & scientists of all time.
  • The Fundamental Right to OWN your land: This means a person has absolute control of his own land. This means no property taxes & government may not confiscate property for nonpayment of taxes & neither could the latter use asset forfeiture as part of criminal investigation or conviction. Only individuals should be recognized as persons with unalienable rights.
  • The Fundamental Right to Travel without government permission: This means that you will not be required to obtain a passport to leave the state or obtain a driver license, registration & insurence so you can drive on public infrastructure & own a car. Other countries may require you to obtain a passport before entering but having a passport is optional under the new California Consitution.
  • The Fundamental Right to Freedom Of Contract without Government Permission: The meaning of this means that no state ID or social security number will be required for employment. Neither will obtaining a government license for practice of profession or trade be needed. However, it is recommended that certifricate of recommendation be presented to employers or that the potential employee take a test provided by the employer to check competency. Minimum wage laws will be history & only the employer & the employee through dual consent establish employment through contract.
  • The Fundamental Right to Worship: Churches often seek tax exempt status but are not free to worship how they see fit. Otherwise they lose their tax exempt status & are handicapped in terms of providing charity services.
  • The Fundamental Right to be judged by an HONEST jury: This means no more randomly selected jurors. Jury-stacking, which is abuse of jury selection procedures will be abolished. Jurors can be excluded through the majority of the other jurors if the excluded juror is found to be dishonest & incompetent such as having a direct affiliation with the accused or victimized, failing to appear for appointments, and/or has another role in the trial. Judges will no longer have the illigitamate power over what juries can & cannot consider in terms of evidence. Judges will no longer hold the power to decide the trial's outcome behind closed doors away from the knowlege of the jury & judges will not have any authority to override the decisions of the jury. The accused shall enjoy a right to an honest jury of peers that hears ALL of the evidence presented.
Depending on the language of the consitution, it could be either easy or difficult to abuse power. Loosely written documents are easy to be interpreted based on biased legislative like rulings by the courts. Strictly defined documents are less likely to be abused because people understand the language of the document & see no need for much interpretation. The 2012 Republic of California Consitution will be more tightly defined than the misinterpreted US Consitution.

Lord Action remarked that "Power Corrupts & Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely." The source of corruption is power. To curb political corruption, all elections shall be non-partisan, meaning all candidates will be elected without regards to political parties. There shall be no central banks that issue government currency. What instead will be money is Gold & Silver will be used as legal tender for government obligations. The free market shall voluntarily adopt means of exchange. Fractional banking such as minting of precious metals shall be jurisdiction of the state government.

Issues such as minting, defining criminal statutes & defense will be matters of the State government. County & Local Governments will be responsible for everything else but cannot violate the rights of sovereign freeman or other legal persons.

Sovereign immunity shall be abolished as all officials are as equal before the law as the other sovereign freeman.

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