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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

How the United Kingdom could exit the European Union without Parliment

Has anyone heard of Citizens Veto? The idea behind citizens veto is to obtain signatures from 2% of the eligable voters & if that objective is met, then the petitioners & the department of State shall negotiate a voting day for the initiative where both the petitioner & state department agree, & finally it would be sent to the voters who will vote on the designated voting day on that particular issue. If the initiative passes, then it shall become law. If not, the entire process must be restarted or abandoned.

The British people don't have the power of initiative. Another word for initiative could be called citizens veto, where Parliments decisions are subject to popular review by initiative. That way, this makes the political process more democratic & protects the interests of the people, especially when politicians keep making promises but fail on delivering them.

Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron promised during the 2010 Parlimentary Elections to push for a referendum on whether or not to secede from the European Union. Unfortunately, Cameron is trying to PREVENT that very referendum from reaching the ballot.

This is not acting in the very interests of the people. Well sure we could just vote the bums out of office but what good does that do? The 1994 Republican Revolution was a giant fiasco due to the Republican Congress big spending & big government adventures. Brits certainly didn't get the results they asked for in the 2010 Parlimentary elections because politicians have little to no incentive to keep their promises.

The British consitution is partially unwritten & is like the human body. If the British Constitution is like the human body, then what about the power of initiative & citizens veto? Surely by natural law that people have the right to alter or abolish government. If people have to rely solely on their government for government reform, then the right to alter or abolish government is only a privilage. Without the power of direct democractic initiative, government is not directly liable for any decisions it makes. Well sure we can vote for our representatives but that only replaces the bums but does not directly address the problem. What happens when these new bums come into office? Will they keep their promises or scam the will of the people?

Switzerland has direct democracy where their government is subjected to having popular review. In Lichtenstein, the people through popular vote must approve of any laws before they can become law.

If the United Kingdom is to dramatically increase it's chances of seceding from the European Union, It Must:
  • Adopt an initiative process where with signatures from 2% of eligable voters, the initiative can be present on the ballot
  • Make a uniform pattern for parlimentary elections such as 2-4 years at the people's will through popular vote & set the time from approval of initiative or referendum to voting day between 30-120 days to one to two years depending on issue & size of # of voters
  • recall process of elected & major appointed officials with direct powers in policy making
  • Any major appointed officials should be subject to approval & retention by popular vote
  • Any laws parliment passes should be subject to approval by popular vote.
  • As head of state, the monarch should be held accountable to the people & even be subject to recall by popular vote
Another Idea would be for the United Kingdom to establish a Federal Constitutional Monarchy/Parlimentary Democracy where England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland would be the Commonwealth States of the UK.

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