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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Monday, April 2, 2012

Where Secession should start: TEXAS

Ever heard of the Republic of Texas? On March 1, 1836, Texas declared it's independence from Mexico. Texas patriots fought valiantly against the Mexican government for nine years. In 1845, Texas joined the United States of America. In 1861, Texas seceded from the US to join the Confederate States of America, only to find itself conquered in 1865 & had to rejoin the US to gain any self-government.

The days of the Second Republic of Texas will be in the air as this valiant Lone Star state should rise against DC authority & declare themselves independent from all of DC's tyranny. The states are not subordinates of Washington D.C. & neither are the people subordinates of any government.

The US regime recognized no limits to it's power & refuses to be held accountable to the states & people of the states. The United States & the United Kingdom both have lawless tyrannical governments that violate the sovereignty of the people. The British go by the term "subject" but the UK has a constitutional monarchy where the monarch(Queen Elizabeth II) is merely a ceremonial figure head who has more limits to her authority than the prime minister. Of course, the Queen does appoint governor-generals to any nation part of the Commonwealth of Nations & UK prime minister.

What the Second Republic of Texas should be is a federal republic where the counties are sovereign as well as the people of those counties. The state government(Texas) would have several delegated & defined powers given to it by the people of the counties. The new Texas constitution would guarentee more liberties than any other state constitution, but this does not imply that rights come from the state. Stating specifically limitations on government in terms of natural rights means that they will not be open to interpretation & people will not have to rely on the courts for quicker redress. The courts role would be to apply the law by determining if the highest law of the land & any laws consistant with it have been violated or not.

Representation would be based on population & all representative districts will be confined inside one district. The Senate will have two senators per county elected according to law made by county council. However, there are 254 counties & It would be easier to divide Texas into districts for how representation will be sorted. There were 23 counties when the First Repulic of Texas was formed in 1836. All counties are guarenteed one representative.

The executive branch will consist of a single chief executive, or president. The chief executives of county governments will be known as the sheriff. County legislatures will be known as county councils.

Ratios for representation shall be based on catagories set in the new Texas Constitution & counties can choose to form junctions with other counties in the same catagory.

Amending the new constitution will be accomplished by constitutional convention called for by the people or councils of seven counties & no county shall be deprived of equal representation in the senate.

It shall require seven counties to ratify the new constitution & form the Second Republic of Texas.

We're not gonna achieve this dream unless we have something called initiative. 2% of the electorate's signatures in Texas shall be required to place the initiative on the ballot, which shall be in the form of paper. The time it shall take from the day of ballot access to the voting day of initiative shall be set at a reasonable time such as 120 days to one year after the ballot access day on average determined by both the initiative advocate & secretary of state. If the initiative passes, it becomes law. If not, the process must be repeated from scratch.

No county that votes no on the new republic shall not be included until the vote becomes yes in favor, which shall be decided by popular vote. There shall also be no time limit on when signatures must be collected & presented to the secretary of state.

Texans won't get much reform from politicians in Austin. It is the natural right to citizens to alter or abolish their government & creating the newly independent Republic of Texas(seceding from the United States).

Texas would be a great state to first secede from the United States. Don't mess with Texas!

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