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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why Secession?

It's very shameful that many Americans look down upon secession as "unconstitutional" & "treasonous". However, the most important natural right of all is the right to alter or abolish government. Treason is defined in Article III of the US Constitution as levying war against the states of the US, and/or giving enemies aid & comfort. Peaceful secession is not an act of war. Using military aggression against seceding states is treasonous & an act of war. When a state officially secedes according to the will of the people, all federal properties such as military bases become property of the seceding state. The US constitution stated that the federal government may buy property & land outside the established federal district with the consent of the states involved.

Slavery is a condition in which the slave can never leave its master. If the states & people could not secede from their own government, then they are nothing more than subordinate slaves to the master government. The people are sovereign & hold political power. People have the right to oppose tyrannical government & the very last resort to doing so is taking up arms against the tyrannical government. An example would be when Communist Romania fell at the hands of the protesters on Christmas of 1989.

The United States government is possibly more powerful than Nazi Germany & the Soviet Union combined, with the former former having military influence in over 130 countries with over 900 military bases. The United Soviet States Military has the potential ability to conquer over 130 countries or two-thirds of the entire world. The People's Republic of China has no interest in conquering the United Soviet States but is strengthening their military to defend themselves from any threats.

Why would anyone upset with the federal government want to stay in the United States? Here are some reasons why any sane American would want to secede:
  • Unstable, corrupt, broken government
  • Unreformable government with broken & partisan electoral process
  • Rogue, elitist & corrupt court system
  • Over $15 trillion debt that is over 100% of GDP
  • Unaccountable officials
  • Police brutality & lack of justice
  • Loss of Civil Liberties such as the NDAA detention provision
  • Lower standards of living & high costs of living
  • High taxes with complicated tax code
  • erosion of sovereignty
  • unsound currency
  • expensive wars
  • socialization of education, healthcare, & environment
  • high tuition costs
  • apartheid style discrimination against young adults
  • inflation
  • welfare/warfare state out of control
  • corperatism & Bailouts
  • TSA molestations
  • Repressive Secret Police Homeland Security
  • Repressive Gun Control
  • Nazification of America Socially, politically, & economically
The United States will soon become one of the worst nations the modern world will ever know. If states don't start seceding & if citizens veto through liberalized initiative isn't protected, then only a handful of countries will be less free than America(North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Syria) The United Soviet States will be in the top ten, marking number 5 for one of the worst countries in the world.

With the Nazification of Americans, it seems like many Americans are unfit to make political decisions.

The new Confederate States will be the exact opposite of North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Syria & United Soviet States of America. The Confederate States of America will guarentee individual liberty, non-partisan politics, accountable government, an end to the welfare/warfare state, stable currency, due process, individual sovereignty, free-enterprise, low taxation, higher standard of living, higher PPP per captia, non-interventionist foreign policy, liberal democratic initiative such as citizen's veto, & a lower cost of living as burdensome regulations are scrapped.

Support secession as our only hope of saving America!

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