What would the United States of Europe be like if it ever were to be formed? Why would it be formed? Who would run the USE?
The USE would be formed as a successor from the European Union. The economic crisis in Europe could become so strong that if the fascists have it their way, the European Union will turn into the United States of Europe, creating a more centralized federal government with broad economic powers to "manage" the economy. The capital of the USE would be Brussels, Belgium.
The United States of Europe will be a superpower both economically & internationally, with possibly, if not definitely the largest economy in the world. The United States of Europe would become the fascist Soviet Union.
Guess who would be callin most of the shots? France, Germany & Belgium. While it's likely that some of Europe's Northern Countries such as The Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, & Slovakia will be treated more fairly, some of Europe's Southern Countries such as Portugal, Spain, Italy, & Greece will likely be treated as children, voiding much of their sovereignty.
You know where reich comes from? Germany! First there was Prussia, Second was the Modern German Empire, the Third one was Nazi Germany. The Fourth Reich would be the United States of Europe.
I'm against having a United States of Europe & believe it's a bad idea.
The European Union was founded in 1957 as a successor to Coal & Steel Community + European Economic Community which were founded in 1950 & '52 by French Prime Minister Robert Schuman.
If a United States of Europe were to Occur, likely states would be most of the EU member states. One country unlikely to join the United States of Europe would be the United Kingdom, whose citizens oppose being apart of (European Union).
I believe that the people have the right through either referendum, initiative, or plebiscite to decide whether or not to join any confederation, federation, or union of any kind or to reject such proposals.
If the Eurozone members are stupid enough, the pro-EU elitist fascists can easily manipulate European countries such as Portugal, Spain, Italy, & Greece to join the superior states of France, Germany & Belgium in the United States of Europe. The Eurozone members will have to make some tough decisions while members independent of the Euro such as the United Kingdom will not have to face such challenges.
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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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