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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Friday, April 6, 2012

Republic of Alberta, the first likely Confederate State from Canada

Alberta is the most poorly treated province in Canada, being hounded by the East(particularly Ontario & Quebec). From the time it became a province in 1905 to 1930, Alberta was merely an economic subordinate of Ottawa. Alberta is known for it's vast oil & gas resources. Alberta has the second highest PPP per capita just behind Luxemberg. This makes Alberta the Qatar of North America.

Alberta is known as a Libertarian-Leaning Conservative province of Canada. Unlike most of Canada, Alberta respects property rights, free enterprise, the right to keep & bear arms, fair representation, civil liberties, rule of law, & seperation of powers.

Austrian economists & Conservative/Libertarians are more identified with Alberta than any other Canadian province & Alberta joins just a handful of U.S. states(Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, New Hampshire, Ohio & Texas) as being truly conservative.

Alberta along with the western provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, & Yukon share an ideological bond with the Southern & Western United States with the exception of Hawaii. Alberta is one of the many states/provinces that are automatically eligable to join the Confederate States of America but are not automatic members.

What Albertan wouldn't want to secede from Socialist Canada?

Alberta was more fairly treated from 1930 to 1968 until Pierre Trudeau became prime minister. This Quebec Socialist ruined Canada with his elitist & Stalinist policies. Trudeauism has become North American Stalinism, where elites were considered more fit to command the economy. Trudeau was also an admirer of Communist dictators such as Mao Zedong of Communist China, Fidel Castro of Cuba, Leonid Brezhnev of Soviet Union, & Poland's Communist dictator Wojceich Jaruzelski who imposed martial law in Poland in the early 1980's.

Trudeau was part of Quebec's elites that supported Marshal Phillippe Petain of Vichy France during World War II. Trudeau I assumed is considered by many Western Canadians with the exception of the Northwest Territories & Nunavut as the worst prime minister Canada was cursed to have. A Stalinist dictator who sided with far-left wing terrorists & brutal communist dictators as well as ruin the economics of Canada & declaring martial law.

Albertans despise scum like Trudeau & Obama. It's unknown whether Alberta will be a seperate country, join into a confederation with the Western Canadian Provinces(Manitoba, Saskatchewan, & British Columbia), or join the New Confederate States of America but either way, it's better than being a subordinate of either Canada or the USSA that's for sure.

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