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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Potential Superpowers of the 21st Century

By 2025, the United Soviet States of America will have officially dissolved, with a new union forming called the United Democratic States of America, consisting of the NorthEast United States, East Canada, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Puerto Rico & Guyana.

The new Confederate States will arise as a new economic superpower, being the freest society in the world. The goal overtime would be to pursue free-enterprise laisez-faire austrian economics respecting individual property rights. It will be like the United States of America in the 1950's, with far more freedom than anyone in the '50's could imagine. The Confederate States of America will rise from the ashes of the failed United States of America.

The Federative Republic of Brazil will become a credible ally to the Confederate States of America. Brazil is a beautiful country with beautiful women. Brazil has had several consitutions before it became a republic in 1889.

The United States of Europe will be formed in 2023 forming an economic & foreign alliance. The United States of Europe would become the fascist verson of the former Soviet Union. It's central federal government based in Brussels, Belgium will have much control over financial issues of it's member states, having a centralized currency. The United States of Europe will be a much milder version of the Soviet Union of the Cold War. The members states are likely to be Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Netherlands, Luxembourg, which are all part of the Eurozone suffering a horrible crisis. The United States of Europe would have eight states. If formed, the United States of Europe would have either the largest or second largest economy in the world.

People's Republic of China will rise as both an economic & military superpower. China has traded with dozens of countries around the world & is striving to have the world's largest economy. Within a decade China's currency could replace the USSA Dollar as the world's reserve currency. China could also exceed the United States in Terms of Purchasing Power Parity by 2016. However, the USSA is gonna be a gonner in a decade after the USS states secede. The USSA pacific oceania territories & Hawaii will become Special Administrative Regions of China like Hong Kong & Macau.

India is predicted by some to exceed China as a larger economy by 2015. India has a population of over one billion, second largest in the World & has a large young population, giving it an advantage as well as being the second largest english speaking nation in the world.

The Russian Federation has been suggested by some to rise as a military superpower such as foreign relations with bordering countries & nuclear weapons issues.

Predicted Superpowers in 2025:
  • Confederate States of America
  • Brazil
  • China
  • United States of Europe
  • India
  • Russia

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