With the aftermath of the American Civil War, the states no longer nullified federal tyranny on a regular basis or even an occasional basis. The One Nation, Indivisible theory was never intended by the founders as legitimate.
The British Colonies govered as seperate entities who were alligned with the British Crown. They were never "one nation". Never have the people & states surrendered their sovereignty. Federalism can never be true unless the states & people can assert their sovereignty without reprisal.
Other nations that are federal republics for example are Canada, Australia, India, Germany, Brazil, Russia, & Switzerland. Canada & Switzerland have federal governments that prohibit using aggression against seceding provinces/cantons.
Australia, Brazil, India & Germany however have federal governments which refuse to recognize secession as a right.
Australia was formed as a federation in 1901 as a pact between the Australian Colonies, which were as free as the American Colonies of the 18th century. In 1933, around 68% of voters in Western Australia voted to secede from the Australian Federation, but unfortunetly the British Crown & the Federal Regime refused to recognize the proposed independent Commonwealth of Westralia as legitimate despite the fact that the will of the people was accomplished. Western Australia today still remains an Australian state.
Brazil has a history of oppressive regimes such as the Vargas regime of 1930 to the mid 40's & the military dictatorship of 1964-85. Brazil seceded from Portugal in 1822 & became it's own empire. The empire although a constitutional monarchy, was an authoritarian state in which landowners were the only ones who had political rights. In 1889, the monarchy was overthrown & a republic was proclaimed. In 1891, a new constitution was drafted making Brazil a more centralized federal republic where the states could not secede. This left the states subordinates & the federal government still being the arbitrator of it's own power. In 1930, the Old Republic was overthrown & replaced by the Vargas regime until 1946. Brazil had a new constitution which although strengthened federalism, could not stop the abuses of power committed by the federal government. In 1964, a military coup ousted the second republic & created an authoritarian regime with no limits against it's power. The military regime ended in 1985 & three years later the current constitution of Brazil was adopted.
The German Confederation ended in the late 1860's & in 1871, the German Empire was formed. Otto von Bismarck successfully "unified" Germany & created a centralized government, destroying any real meaning of federalism. The Weimar Republic was formed in 1919 after the German Empire dissolved. The Weimar Republic was a failure due to the Treaty of Versailles & hyperinflation of 1922-23. In 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor & with the Enabling Acts, Hitler became a dictator & abolished federalism, creating an empire. Nazi Germany was destroyed by the Allies in 1945 after World War II & in 1949, The anti-communist allied territory became West Germany, which was a federal Republic & Soviet territory became East Germany, which was a Soviet Satellite State. Germany was unified under West Germany in 1990.
The American Civil War ending with the death of the Confederate States of America sent a message to other developing federations that they can have federal governments which are the sole arbitrator of power. Why did Brazil & Germany have repressive regimes throughout it's history. It's because the states were powerless to nullify federal tyranny which eventually led to Nazi Germany in 1933 having totalitarian power over the people.
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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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- Where Secession should start: TEXAS
- States likely to follow suit within one year of Te...
- New Confederate States of America:Catagory I States
- Why Secession?
- Civil Liberties in the New Confederate States of A...
- Proposed Constitution of the Second Republic of Texas
- Republic of Alberta, the first likely Confederate ...
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- First likely Diplomatic Relations with the New Con...
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- How the United Kingdom could exit the European Uni...
- Civil Liberties in the new Confederate States of A...
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- The U.S. & Canadian factions: Dixies & Yankees
- Route 66: Dixiemerica's Famous Highway
- The Problem with Judicial Review
- One Nation, Indivisible in America & Around the World
- How California can be Golden Once Again & Forever
- Free State South California Project
- What will the World Be Like By 2025?
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