15 U.S.S. States & One Canadian Province have seceded as of January 1, 2015. The provisional Confederate States of America is seperated East & West. The only states bordering oceans & seas are Texas, South Carolina, North Carolina & Virginia. Although Ohio borders one of the great lakes, it still does not qualify as having any true seaport value, since any Ohio seaports would be restricted within the lake near Ontario & Michigan.
From January to March, Louisiana, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, North & South Dakota formally secede from the United Soviet States to join the provisional Confederate States of America. April & May see the Pacific states of Nevada, California, Oregon, & Washington State secede & form a pact alongside the Provisional Confederacy. Indiana & Illinois follow suit in the summer, making then the second & third out of five states in Catagory II & Northwest Ordinance to be east of the Mississippi River. Two more USSA states voted from September to late November to secede being Kansas & Nebraska.
31 states now form the provisional Confederacy as of January 1, 2016. In 2015, the USA will lose all pacific ports except for Hawaii & every original Confederacy state & states West of Mississippi with the exception of ,Mississippi, West Virginia, Alabama(Original CSA east), Arkansas(Original CSA west), Minnestoa & Iowa(west). The Northeastern states as well as Wisconsin & Michigan are not mentioned here.
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About Me
- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
Blog Archive
- Where Secession should start: TEXAS
- States likely to follow suit within one year of Te...
- New Confederate States of America:Catagory I States
- Why Secession?
- Civil Liberties in the New Confederate States of A...
- Proposed Constitution of the Second Republic of Texas
- Republic of Alberta, the first likely Confederate ...
- Predicted Seceding States in 2014
- Predicted Seceding States in 2015
- Predicted Seceding States in 2016-17
- First likely Diplomatic Relations with the New Con...
- European Economic Crisis could be Exploited by Cow...
- Potential United States of Europe & Rise of Fourth...
- How the United Kingdom could exit the European Uni...
- Civil Liberties in the new Confederate States of A...
- Potential Superpowers of the 21st Century
- The U.S. & Canadian factions: Dixies & Yankees
- Route 66: Dixiemerica's Famous Highway
- The Problem with Judicial Review
- One Nation, Indivisible in America & Around the World
- How California can be Golden Once Again & Forever
- Free State South California Project
- What will the World Be Like By 2025?
- How the United States of Europe will live
- Currency in the New Confederate States of America
- US Congressmen & Senators Who Will Support Secessi...
- Marco Rubio is actually a Neoconservative Fascist
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